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Articles from the May 26, 2021 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 23 of 23

  • Colvilles lift COVID-related public safety measures

    press release, Colville Tribes|May 26, 2021

    (Nespelem, WA) — The Colville Tribes announced today that it is immediately lifting all public safety measures previously instituted to protect the community from COVID-19. A Resolution first passed on March 25, 2020, which imposed multiple public safety measures to stop the spread of COVID-19, including the closure of the Colville Reservation and limits on gathering sizes. These safety measures have been extended on multiple occasions as the pandemic continued to remain a threat, but they are all now lifted, effective immediately. The C... Full story

  • A veteran recalls his time in World War 2

    Elmer 0. Rinard|May 26, 2021

    To my kid brother, Raymond George Rinard This is a synopsis of my service time in World War Two. I hitchhiked from Boone to Des Moines, Iowa on October 6th, 1942 to enlist and was sent back home with four papers to be filled out. One was for my mother giving her permission to me to enlist, one with signatures of three businessmen at Boone, one to be signed by the police chief showing I had no arrests, and one by the pastor of our church. I got them signed and hitchhiked to Des Moines again on...

  • Lake Roosevelt Class of 2021 outdoor graduation scheduled for June 12

    Jacob Wagner|May 26, 2021

    Lake Roosevelt High School’s Class of 2021 graduation is slated for June 12 on the football field in Coulee Dam, with more details still being developed. “Seniors voted to have graduation outdoors on the football field and so we are moving forward with developing plans,” Principal Kirk Marshlain wrote in his report to the Grand Coulee Dam School District Board of Directors for their May 24 meeting. “This will allow for graduates to have more guests present for the ceremony. More details to come as we finalize the plans.” During the meeting,...

  • Isle of Flags dedication Monday

    May 26, 2021

    The annual Memorial Day Isle of Flags ceremony will take place at 11 a.m. Monday, May 31 at Spring Canyon Cemetery. The event, which displays over 500 United States flags, will dedicate 17 more this year in honor of Michael R. Bradley, Jerome W. Bussert, Paul G. Dailey, Timothy R. Ehde, Larry Fredin, Benjamin Ross Goetz, Roscoe Goetz, Edward “Peanuts” Haven, Charles Arthur Hayward, Richard “Dick” Jarret, Earl Mustard, Nicholas Newby, Donald V. Richardson, Richard “Dick” Ross, James A. Stansfield, Gerald “Jack” Thune, and Steven Wiyrick. The ce... Full story

  • Laser show and visitor center open this Saturday

    May 26, 2021

    The Grand Coulee Dam Visitor Center and laser light show will begin on Saturday in time for Memorial Day weekend. The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation announced the re-opening for the visitor center and the "One River, Many Voices" laser light show in a statement May 19. "To safely re-open the visitor center and return the laser light show, Reclamation will be following the recommended guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention," the release states. "Fully vaccinated visitors are...

  • Park vandalism an issue in Grand Coulee

    Jacob Wagner|May 26, 2021

    Located along SR-174, Grand Coulee City Park, also known as Shane Proctor Park, has experienced incidents of vandalism this spring and the mayor would like citizens to keep an eye out for that type of destructive behavior and report it. This spring, someone smashed the seats of the teeter-totters in the park, and in a separate incident someone crammed the toilet full of toilet paper, a plastic jug, and other garbage. “It’s just a shame,” Mayor Paul Townsend told The Star on Tuesday. “I don’t even know what’s wrong with people. It makes me si...

  • Car show coming in June

    Jacob Wagner|May 26, 2021

    Vroom vroom! You can see a variety of cars or show off your own at a car show in Grand Coulee on June 19 in a car show being held on Main Street. The Diversity Divine Auto Show, held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., will be held by Coulee Medical Center’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. Sam Hsieh through his organization The Divine Appeal. “The MO at The Divine Appeal has always been breaking boundaries and challenging the status quo,” a description for the show reads online. “One group that carries this loud and proud is no other than our car scene enthusi...

  • Building demolition back on track

    Jacob Wagner|May 26, 2021

    The demolition of a condemned building on Spokane Way that once belonged to a local inventor seems likely to happen this summer after about three years of delays. The Grand Coulee City Council approved a bid for the demolition of the “Vlachos” building at their May 18 meeting, as well as for an asbestos survey to be conducted prior to the demolition. The building, once belonging to inventor and mechanic Constantinos Vlachos, has been boarded up and abandoned for years. In 2018, the Coulee Pioneer Museum recovered some items from the premises, i...

  • Dollar General seeks to reshape small towns

    Brian Depew, Executive Director - Center for Rural Affairs|May 26, 2021

    Dollar General has become a ubiquitous feature of America’s small towns. The discount retailer is opening about 1,000 stores per year, with more than 16,000 spread across the country. Many local economic developers see the discount retailer as a threat to local retail. Other economic developers argue Dollar General creates jobs and helps keep shoppers in town. I get it. In thousands of miles spent traversing the rural Midwest, I have found myself in small towns with no other retail or grocery options. The irony is that this solution makes t...

  • Digging those Norwegian roots

    Roger S. Lucas|May 26, 2021

    My grandmother, Marie Rusten, was born in Norway in 1861. I have spent a lifetime trying to get information about her, while some of it was right at my fingertips all the time. I don’t have much that was my grandmother’s, only two pictures of the family farm, a photo of the church they attended, pictures of her parents, and a little black booklet. I have only fleeting memories of my grandma. She came out West with my parents and lived with us until passing in 1937. I was 7 when she died. She always kept her Norwegian ways, barely learning eno...

  • President Biden's policies directly responsible for border crisis

    Dan Newhouse, Congressman|May 26, 2021

    President Biden has created and perpetuated a crisis at our southern border, and I’ve seen it firsthand. On Friday, I visited the United States-Mexico border to see for myself what was going on. Based on media coverage alone in recent weeks, it may seem like the national security, public health, and humanitarian crisis has died down. Nothing could be further from the truth. As a farmer, it’s hard to imagine not being able to walk through your orchards or fields without carrying a weapon, but in El Paso, that’s the reality. Cartels are the o...

  • Are you thinking about the fair?

    May 26, 2021

    Spring is here and the planning for the 2021 Okanogan County Fair, Sept. 9-12, is in full swing! Are you ready? Have you thought about the projects you will be entering? Now is the time to begin planting if you are interested in entering flowers, vegetable and/or fruits. Remember, the biggest pumpkin takes time to grow! Do you have your livestock project if you are taking one? What is your feed schedule/program to ensure they make weight? What will your educational display teach the spectators at the fair? Our Queen Whitney Wilson has been busy...

  • 4th of July Canoe Border Crossing is coming

    Arnie Marchand|May 26, 2021

    This year will be the 20th Anniversary of the First Nations People crossing the border on Osoyoos Lake, paddling cottonwood dugout canoes from Osoyoos to Oroville. The crossing is to let all our People and the local communities to know and remind them that the border between the two countries has never and will never separate our People. The ceremony is held sacred in our hearts. Many Bands and Tribes are joining the Okanogan People helping us celebrate unity of the People of the First Nations. Herman and Joanne Edward are the ones that have...

  • Flowers for graves at Spring Canyon can be placed beginning May 27

    May 26, 2021

    For those wishing to place flowers on graves at Spring Canyon Cemetery for Memorial Day, please note that the cemetery manager will be mowing before the holiday. Flowers may be placed on graves beginning Thursday, May 27. The cemetery is asking that after the holiday, artificial flowers and containers be removed by Wednesday evening, June 2. Fresh flowers are welcome anytime.... Full story

  • Your local NCW Library branch is open and we can't wait to see you...wearing your mask!

    May 26, 2021

    The latest guidance from the CDC has loosened mask recommendations for fully vaccinated individuals. We are excited by this update and encouraged that vaccination rates are climbing and infection rates are going down, but we are still requiring all visitors to NCW Libraries locations to wear a mask, including those fully vaccinated. Here’s why: Fully Vaccinated rates throughout our service area average 32%. In some counties, the rate of fully vaccinated individuals are in the low 20%. The guidance from the governor and the CDC does not apply t...

  • Masquers Theater is back!

    May 26, 2021

    Director Jesse Huntwork is proud to present our 1st show in over a year! We're reopening our curtains to Noel Coward's comedy "Present Laughter"! This lighthearted comedy is about an aging actor (Greg Becker) who is the star of the London theatrical scene at the height of his fame and adored by many. He is besieged by the demands of his estranged wife (Rosalee Chamberlain), women who want to seduce him, and a crazed playwright. But, when his best friend's wife (Zhane Serrano) forgets her house...

  • GCHS Alumni Association All-class Reunion

    May 26, 2021

    The sixth all-class reunion sponsored by the Grand Coulee High School Alumni Association will take place the second full weekend of August at North Dam Park. Held every fourth year to coincide with the Olympics, the reunion was cancelled last year because of Covid-19, but so were the Summer Olympic Games! The reunion will begin at 6 P M on Friday, August 13, 2021, with a registration and time of visiting at the covered picnic area above the Gehrke Windmills. Some individual classes will hold get-togethers Friday night at the homes of local...

  • Coulee Cops

    May 26, 2021

    Coulee Dam Police 5/10 - A driver was pulled over near River Drive and Roosevelt Way for going 41 miles per hour in a 30 mph zone. The driver said she was late for volleyball practice. She was warned about speeding. 5/14 - A man and woman in the Harvest Foods parking lot who don’t get along with another man there reported that he pulled a gun on them. The man denied doing that. Police said they would review security footage and told the suspect to avoid confrontation with the others in the meantime. 5/15 - Police believe there is probable c...

  • Alumni Association awards 14 scholarships

    May 26, 2021

    Grand Coulee High School Alumni Association awarded six continuing education scholarships and eight awards to graduating high school seniors, including five from Lake Roosevelt. LRHS seniors selected to receive the $500 scholarships are Vanessa Ankney, Myka Boyd, Raven Clark, Lillie LaPlace, and Kaiman Scheib. Seniors from other schools include Tyler Hinthorn who graduated from McMinnville High School, Oregon; Logan Ledgerwood from Pomeroy High School; and Reagan Weitzel from Ellensburg High School. Grandparents who graduated from Grand Coulee...

  • Legals for May 26, 2021

    May 26, 2021

    Notice of Change of Regular Meeting Date for Public Hospital District No. 6, Douglas, Grant, Lincoln, & Okanogan Counties, Wash. Public Hospital District No. 6, Douglas, Grant, Lincoln and Okanogan Counties, Washington; which operates Coulee Medical Center and Coulee City Medical Clinic, will be changing the regular Board meeting date for the month of May. The next Board meeting will be held Tuesday, June 1st at 6:00pm via Zoom. (Publish May 26, 2021) ELECTRIC CITY COUNCIL MEMBER #1 VACANCY Electric City is requesting letters of interest to... Full story

  • Wrestling during COVID

    May 26, 2021

    “At this point, with everything that has happened in the last year, we are so excited to have a season at all,” Head Coach Billy Monroe said about the wrestling season, which normally takes place in winter, starting this week. “Even two months ago it didn’t even seem possible,” he said. “Having the season in the spring isn’t all bad. Just this first week we have been able to take the kids outside for cardio workouts and running.” “My goal is to make this short season as memorable as possible especially for our senior athletes,” he con...

  • School concerts planned for June 3

    May 26, 2021

    LR musicians will put on two concerts in one day June 3. For the general public, the music department will put on a concert on Zoom that anyone can stream online from anywhere they have access. The Zoom link will be live at 6:30 p.m.: But earlier in the day, students will be able to hear the band playing in a “courtyard concert” outside between the two wings of the school where the playground equipment is. That band-only concert will take place at 8:30 a.m. “We have invited the students and teachers to stand...

  • Garden-fresh vegetables help fight cancer and more

    Melinda Myers|May 26, 2021

    Cancer prevention starts on your dinner plate; actually, it starts in the garden. Growing your own nutrient-rich cancer fighting vegetables allows you to grow pesticide-free vegetables, harvest them at their peak, and use them right away, ensuring the highest nutrient value and best flavor. Be sure to include some broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, and turnip greens. These cruciferous vegetables release cancer-fighting substances that help fend off lung, breast, liver,...

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