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Articles written by Dan Newhouse

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 186

  • America's Report Card

    Dan Newhouse Congressman 4th District|Aug 21, 2024

    As the summer comes to a close and the new school year is looming, excited children are buying backpacks, going over their class schedules, and anticipating all the new things they are going to learn. But with the year beginning, I would be remiss if I did not discuss the elephant in the room —Washington’s education report card. In yWashington state, children ages K-12 are failing to meet the basic math and reading proficiency requirements, test scores are still far below where they were before the COVID-19 pandemic, enrollment is down 4%, and...

  • Fighting crime and reforming healthcare in tribal communities

    Dan Newhouse Congressman 4th District|Aug 14, 2024

    Throughout the nation and right here in Central Washington, our Native American communities are disproportionately impacted by lower rates of positive healthcare outcomes and violent crime. Throughout my time in Congress, I have built strong relationships with tribal partners and have worked on comprehensive legislation to address some of these challenges. In rural communities, healthcare continues to be a challenge, and given the health disparities that exist in tribal nations, recruitment of quality health personnel should be a priority. The...

  • Firefighters need all the resources we can offer

    Dan Newhouse Congressman 4th District|Aug 7, 2024

    States across the western United States are being ravaged by intense wildfires, especially here in Washington. Every day, our wildland firefighters, pilots, and emergency response teams are on the front lines trying to suppress damaging fires while protecting communities across the state. This year, wildfires have already burned over 230,000 acres in Washington, and as summer temperatures stay hot and winds pick up, they have the potential to destroy even more of our forests, ranches, and communities. Our area has unfortunately suffered extreme...

  • Addressing veterans' healthcare in Central Washington

    Dan Newhouse Congressman 4th District|Jul 24, 2024

    Since the beginning of American history, the responsibility of preserving our freedoms has befallen the brave men and women who dedicate their lives to serving this country. In Washington State, there are over 509,700 veterans, and it is imperative they have the support of a grateful nation and the care promised to them by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). We are forever indebted to our veterans, and part of this debt includes ensuring that their healthcare benefits work for them, and currently, they do not. During my time meeting with...

  • Uncovering the CCP's role in the fentanyl crisis

    Dan Newhouse Congressman 4th District|Jul 17, 2024

    During my time in Congress representing Washington’s 4th Congressional District, addressing the fentanyl crisis has been one of my top priorities. I have introduced legislation such as the Stop Overdose in Schools Act, fought the policies of unelected federal bureaucrats including Department of Homeland Security Director Alejandro Mayorkas, and even established a Central Washington Fentanyl Task Force to find new solutions with members of our community. But most recently, I was appointed to lead the House Select Committee on the Chinese C...

  • Rural Healthcare takes many forms in Central Washington

    Dan Newhouse Congressman 4th District|Jun 26, 2024

    Between late nights attending Appropriations Committee markups, working to prevent the Chinese Communist Party from purchasing American land, and voting to fully fund our veterans’ programs, the past few months in Washington, D.C. have been quite busy. That is why, when the legislative calendar permitted me to get back to Central Washington last week, I was especially looking forward to coming home. While home, I visited with residents, local groups, and businesses and discussed some of the great things going on as well as some of the unique c...

  • Giving our farmers a seat at the table

    Dan Newhouse Congressman 4th District|May 22, 2024

    As many of you know, Central Washington is one of the most productive agricultural regions in the world. From Sunnyside to Okanogan, our hardworking producers provide the food for our nation, and the world. Central Washington is currently the top producer of many agricultural products, including potatoes, tree fruit, berries, wheat, and various types of livestock and poultry. This success resulted in over $7.29 billion in sales in Washington’s 4th Congressional District alone in 2022. This is due to the over 7,890 farms across Central W...

  • From China to Central Washington: tracing the deadly path of the fentanyl epidemic

    Dan Newhouse Congressman 4th District|Apr 24, 2024

    Communities across Central Washington have been devastated by the epidemic of synthetic opioids like fentanyl, which is the leading cause of death for people ages 18-45 in the United States. Dubbed the “silent killer” of American youth, fentanyl’s lethal potency is alarming; a mere two milligrams, equivalent to 10-15 grains of table salt, constitutes a fatal dose. Bad actors in China have been taking advantage of loopholes in our laws in the United States to push these dangerous substances over our borders, and I have been working tirel...

  • Biden Administration violating consumer choice

    Dan Newhouse Congressman 4th District|Apr 10, 2024

    In the United States, one of our most important freedoms is individual choice. However, the Biden Administration has unmistakably signaled its determination to advance its aggressive climate agenda at any cost — even at the expense of consumer choice — whether it pertains to gas stoves, dishwashers, or even gas-powered vehicles. As this administration continues their unconstitutional efforts to phase out gas vehicles in favor of electric vehicles (EVs), it overlooks a critical factor: the United States currently lacks the necessary inf...

  • Challenging the Biden Administration's ill-conceived grizzly bear relocation proposal

    Dan Newhouse Congressman 4th District|Apr 3, 2024

    For decades, the debate over grizzly bear introduction into the North Cascades ecosystem has raged on, and I have been fighting tirelessly to ensure that the voices of Central Washingtonians are heard. Regrettably, last week saw the release of the U.S. National Park Service and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) with proposed action on the question of introducing grizzly bears to the region. This proves that—once again—the Biden Administration is acting without due consideration for the concerns of Ce...

  • Recognizing our nation's future farmers

    Dan Newhouse Congressman 4th District|Feb 28, 2024

    As a third-generation farmer from Sunnyside, I understand the crucial role agriculture plays in our region. From tree fruits and hops to apples, potatoes, and wine grapes, Central Washington farmers produce over 300 different products and contribute over $9 billion in agriculture production to our economy. But without prioritizing our next generation of farmers, this level of impact will soon become impossible to replicate. The average age of farmers in the United States is 57 and a half years old, with only 9% under the age of 35. Children...

  • Unlocking our nation's domestic energy potential

    Dan Newhouse Congressman 4th District|Feb 21, 2024

    The United States produces the cleanest and safest energy in the world from traditional resources like oil and natural gas as well as from emerging resources and innovative technologies. This is something we should be celebrating, but instead, President Biden has waged an unprecedented war on American energy producers since taking office, which has caused our energy prices to skyrocket in order to appease the extreme climate lobby. On January 26, 2024, President Biden announced he will pause all pending approvals of liquified natural gas (LNG)...

  • Protecting our nation's farmland from foreign adversaries

    Dan Newhouse Congressman 4th District|Jan 31, 2024

    As a third-generation farmer, I understand how important agriculture is for families, jobs, and trade in Central Washington. Our district’s farmers and producers grow the highest quality hay, wheat and more than 300 specialty crops, making agriculture a vital part of our economy. But foreign adversaries are purchasing U.S. farmland at an alarming rate, posing a threat to Central Washington’s most crucial industry, and the federal government is struggling to keep up. Last week the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) published a rep...

  • Advocating for common sense on the ballot

    Dan Newhouse, Congressman|Jan 24, 2024

    The new year is here, which means the Washington State 2024 Legislative Session has just begun. On January 8th, our state legislature began consideration of a multitude of new bills, which could impact just about every aspect of our lives. It’s imperative we pay attention, because over the past year, the enactment of various pieces of legislation has underscored a severe disconnect between the people of Washington state and some of our state representatives. Now, our state legislators have an opportunity to right those wrongs and vote in f...

  • Hamas: 'Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it'

    Dan Newhouse|Nov 29, 2023

    Over a month after Hamas’ brutal attack on Israel and her people, both parties have agreed to a deal on hostage and prisoner exchanges, and a ceasefire to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza. While civilians will receive food, water, and emergency care amid the exchange negotiations, Hamas’ radical indoctrination of antisemitism will continue to spread. “The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and kill them. Then the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: O’ Moslem, there is a Jew h...

  • What does the Biden administration not understand about clean energy?

    Dan Newhouse|Nov 15, 2023

    Since day one in the White House, President Biden has touted that his administration would promote “the most ambitious climate change agenda in history” and “expand affordable clean energy to every American.” While this is a talking point we continuously hear from both the President’s campaign and at the White House’s daily press briefings, I fear President Biden has a misunderstanding of how we can actually achieve the clean energy future he talks about. We cannot face our climate challenges today by viewing the issue through a straw hole....

  • We must stand with Israel

    Dan Newhouse, Congressman|Oct 11, 2023

    In the aftermath of the heinous attacks on Israel orchestrated by the Iran-backed terrorist organization, Hamas, it is crucial to acknowledge Israel’s right to defend itself against a repressive regime. Over the past weekend, Israel witnessed unimaginable horrors and faced multiple attempted infiltrations. Soldiers were brutally attacked, entire families were tragically slaughtered in their homes, and parents lost their lives while shielding their infants from these unspeakable atrocities. The scenes were nothing short of abject horror, and a...

  • Fighting back against the Biden administration's attempt to introduce grizzly bears into Central Washington (again)

    Dan Newhouse, Congressman 5th District|Oct 4, 2023

    The debate surrounding grizzly bear introduction into the North Cascades ecosystem is far from new. For decades, Central Washingtonians have been fighting to ensure their voices are heard in opposition to this ill-conceived plan. Regrettably, last week’s announcement from the U.S. National Park Service and U.S Fish & Wildlife Service, which outlines their plan to introduce grizzly bears to the North Cascades, proves—once again—our voices are being ignored. Last week, the Biden Administration began seeking public comment on a proposed ruled...

  • Strengthening tribal law enforcement for safer communities

    Dan Newhouse, Congressman|Jul 12, 2023

    Native communities are disproportionally impacted by the crisis of missing and murdered indigenous women and girls (MMIW). Having engaged with the tribes and law enforcement officers throughout Central Washington; it’s clear they need more resources, assistance, and qualified personnel to safeguard our communities. In response, I introduced the Parity for Tribal Law Enforcement Act to enhance hiring, improve retention, and bolster the effectiveness of tribal law enforcement officers, ultimately leading to safer communities for all. Tribes a...

  • A landmark victory for property rights and rural America

    Dan Newhouse, Congressman 4th District|Jun 14, 2023

    Last month, the U.S. Supreme Court delivered a resounding victory for individual property rights for the people of Central Washington and rural America when they unanimously sided with the Sacketts in the Sackett v. EPA case. The decision brings clarity to landowners who have long been burdened by the draconian Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule, which cast a cloud of uncertainty over their ability to fully utilize their property. Now, it’s time for the Biden Administration to repeal their flawed and unconstitutional WOTUS rule and f...

  • Protecting gas stoves and individual freedom

    Dan Newhouse|Jun 7, 2023

    At home, the kitchen is at the heart of many American households. It’s from where we send our children off to school after cooking breakfast, enjoy delicious meals with family, and come together with friends and neighbors. While the kitchen serves a reliable place to gather, the Biden Administration is setting their sights on removing an unexpected target: gas stoves. In February, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) proposed an “energy efficiency standard” for gas cooking products — a blatant backdoor attempt to ban gas appliances. Accordi...

  • Securing our southern border cannot wait

    Dan Newhouse, Congressman|May 10, 2023

    In just a few days, Title 42, a measure which allows border agents to automatically turn away migrants without documentation at the border, is set to expire. And when it does, border officials anticipate tens of thousands of migrants per day to come rushing across our southern border, further exacerbating our already unprecedented border crisis. This is unacceptable, and we cannot sit idly by. The numbers paint a harrowing picture. Since President Biden took office, there have been over 5 million illegal crossings of our southern border, and...

  • All-of-the-Above Energy is necessary for American energy independence

    Dan Newhouse, Commissioner|May 3, 2023

    Central Washington is home to a diverse and reliable energy portfolio, and with abundant natural resources at our doorstep—from hydropower to wind energy—we are proud to play a leading role in our nation’s energy independence. If we are to ensure the United States remains at the forefront of energy production and innovation, then our federal policy must take a page out of Central Washington’s book and aggressively pursue an “all-of-the-above” energy approach. The idea of “all-of-the-above” energy is simple: we utilize all available sourc...

  • Work requirements for welfare programs: A path to dignity, self-sufficiency, and fiscal responsibility

    Dan Newhouse congressman|Apr 26, 2023

    Right now, there are more job openings in the United States than people looking for work. Allowing anyone to qualify for welfare when they simply don’t want to work isn’t making things any better. Medicaid and food stamps were originally designed as a safety net during a time of need. However, it has expanded much beyond its original intent and is now disincentivizing work for able-bodied adults. Congress must reorient these programs toward what they were originally designed to do—help Americans who are in need to be strong members of the workf...

  • The Biden Administration's assault on America's agricultural producers continues

    Dan Newhouse|Apr 12, 2023

    Last week, President Biden turned his back on agricultural producers, small business owners, and anyone who wants to have authority over their own property by vetoing a bipartisan, bicameral effort to stop the Biden Administration’s proposed “Waters of the United States,” or WOTUS, rule under the guise of protecting clean water. What this administration fails to realize is that the federal government already sets stringent national health-based standards for drinking water and no WOTUS rule would weaken these requirements. Rather, WOTUS only...

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