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Articles from the October 19, 2022 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 30

  • Tribes, EPA announce clean air rule proposals

    Scott Hunter|Oct 19, 2022

    The Colville Tribes and top federal officials of the Environmental Protection Agency met Tuesday to discuss and announce proposed changes to air quality regulations that affect some Indian reservations, including the Colville Reservation. The Federal Air Rules for Reservations (FARR) apply to all residents and businesses on or within 39 reservations in Washington, Oregon and Idaho. The Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation hosted the EPA's deputy administrator, Janet McCabe, and...

  • Final suspect in the shooting on the Colville Reservation has been arrested

    Oct 19, 2022

    The Colville Tribes announced Friday night that the final suspect in this week's shootings on the Colville Reservation is now in the custody of law enforcement. The arrest follows the apprehension of two other suspects earlier today. Curry Pinkham was arrested in Elmer City by Colville Tribal Police, a post on the Colville Tribes Emergency Services Facebook announced at 6:08 p.m. “Details of this tragic event are still being assembled as law enforcement investigates,” Jarred-Michael Erickson, chairman of the Colville Tribes, said in a sta... Full story

  • Two in custody for shooting; police searching for another

    Oct 19, 2022

    Two suspects are in custody and a third is still being sought in last night's shooting and chase, which police have revealed killed two and injured a police officer. Colville Tribal Emergency Services said in a Facebook post at 2:52 p.m. Friday that police are still searching for Curry Pinkham. Anyone with information on where he is asked to call tribal police at 509-634-2472. Residents in the Nespelem and Keller areas are still asked to remain indoors. An earlier update today had named Pinkham... Full story

  • Nespelem on edge as police chase active shooter

    Scott Hunter|Oct 19, 2022

    Police were not giving out any information tonight as officers from various agencies arrived from far away to diverge on Nespelem, where tribal police were searching for an active shooter. Colville Tribal Emergency Services posted a warning on Facebook about 7 p.m., asking Nespelem residents to stay in their homes. The mayor also issued that plea and added that a car chase was happening with someone shooting at police. Many commenters on Facebook made statements on social media giving other... Full story

  • City learns it must upgrade Coulee Playland for ADA compliance

    Jacob Wagner|Oct 19, 2022

    Nothing is easy, not even at a place called Playland. An estimated million dollars of upgrades are needed at Coulee Playland to bring it up to Americans with Disabilities Act standards, the Electric City Council learned last week. The popular campground that includes a tackle and camping gear shop, boat launch, and more has been in the process of being sold to new owners this year. That process has been slowed as the Bureau of Reclamation reviews the new agreement between the city and the potential new owners to make sure it doesn’t contradict...

  • Elmer City appoints new council member

    Jacob Wagner|Oct 19, 2022

    Elmer City appointed a new council member in addition to other business they took care of during their Oct. 13 council meeting. Long named new council member Flora Long expressed her interest in Council Member Position #4 during the meeting, saying that she is "just trying to do my civic duty." She has lived in the community for 40 years, she said, adding that her parents grew up in Elmer City. Long is also the sister of Councilmember Bill Dunlap. The council approved her appointment. She will...

  • Electric City takes formal stance against consolidation 

    Jacob Wagner|Oct 19, 2022

    The Electric City Council took a formal stance last week against the idea of consolidating their city with Grand Coulee. Mayor Diane Kohout told the council that because of a renewed interest in the topic of consolidation, and multiple residents asking about it, she would like the council to say whether they support the idea. Councilmember Cheryl Hoffman, formerly a member of a committee for consolidation, said that although she likes the idea of consolidation in theory, in practice it is not so practical. Councilmember Brian Buche said of all...

  • EMS district discussion continues

    Jacob Wagner|Oct 19, 2022

    The topic of forming a local Emergency Medical Services district continues to be discussed, most recently at Electric City’s Oct. 11 city council meeting. Nic Alexander, who serves as assistant fire chief to Chief Ryan Fish for the Grand Coulee Volunteer Fire Department and the Grand Coulee Ambulance, spoke at the meeting, explaining many of the same details he made to Grand Coulee’s council in August. He said the area needs a full-time, paid ambulance director, plus additional staff. The current EMS boundaries reach from Leahy Junction to abo...

  • Cemetery discussion continues

    Jacob Wagner|Oct 19, 2022

    The Regional Board of Mayors is continuing to look into forming a cemetery district. At their Oct. 5 meeting, the RBOM discussed different factors they’ll need to look into regarding trying to form a cemetery district that would take over management of the Spring Canyon Cemetery, currently managed by the local Lions club. Complications include that the cemetery is located in Lincoln County, but none of the four cities of Electric City, Grand Coulee, Coulee Dam and Elmer City are in that county. Also, the RBOM was formed primarily to take c...

  • A friend's secret

    Scott Hunter editor and publisher|Oct 19, 2022

    Maybe she thought she could trust me, or maybe she just really needed to tell someone right then. We were both about 10, and our conversation then sheds light for me on a minor item in today’s report from the Elmer City Council meeting last week. She’d come over to our house with her parents, who were friends with my parents. Sally and I didn’t know each other well, but got along OK. She was with me when I fell off the cliff, but that will come a little later on in this story. This is about her, and all of us. We lived at the foot of Marshal Gr...

  • Education - an ongoing mission and community partnership

    Joe Tynan|Oct 19, 2022

    I want to thank Scott Hunter for his well-thought-out editorial in last week’s edition of The Star. He’s 100% correct — because the levy is asking the voters to approve a lower rate on their home values, it doesn’t mean that the school has fewer needs. Education is an ongoing mission. Community partnership with the schools is vital if that cause has any chance to succeed. This levy will fill important special and pre-K education needs, as well as driver’s ed. The levy will also allow schools to lower class sizes and fund additional support s...

  • Endorsing Chlarson for superior court judge

    Mitchell J Heaps|Oct 19, 2022

    I have known Melissa Chlarson for over 30 years, and I am proud to support her as our county’s next Superior Court Judge. Melissa and I both grew up in the Columbia Basin and attended Moses Lake High School together. Years later, we graduated from Gonzaga Law School and started our legal careers as young associate attorneys in the same law firm in Moses Lake. I argued countless motions in front of Melissa when she served as the Grant County Superior Court Commissioner. She was always well prepared, respectful, temperate, and conscientious of t...

  • Civility needed before, during, and after election day

    Johnathan Hladik Policy Director, Center for Rural Affairs|Oct 19, 2022

    Discussion and debate has always been a part of rural America. From coffee shops to the local co-op, rural residents aren't afraid to show their loyalty for one candidate or another, share their thoughts on the issues of the day, and voice their distrust of the government. Sometimes opinions can spur disagreement and raise tensions. But, in the end, most of us will agree to disagree, shake hands, and go about our day. Lately, this seems to have changed. The divisive politics of Washington have...

  • Bugs, snakes and gators

    Roger Lucas|Oct 19, 2022

    My daughter Kim lives in Louisiana. She likes it there, just a ew miles from Denham Springs and on the banks of the Amite River. Two main reasons she likes it there are that most of the storms you hear about go around where she lives, and her neighbors are such caring people. The other morning, the humidity there was over 90%. This allows you to breaststroke from the bed to the kitchen in the morning. After a few minutes, she can go out on the deck and have a bug the size of a half dollar land on her arm, and then looking down, you can see a...

  • Myron Paul Malone

    Oct 19, 2022

    (formerly of Bridgeport, Waterville, Electric City, WA) Myron Malone, of Mansfield, Washington, passed away on Thursday, October 13, 2022. He was born on June 15, 1946, in Wenatchee, Washington, to George Malone and Clara Painter Malone Thomas. He graduated from Waterville High School in 1964 and entered the U.S. Navy from 1964-1966. After leaving the U.S. Navy, he moved to Wilbur, Washington, to manage an Agricultural Spray Service. Myron worked for 10 years for the Washington State Patrol and...

  • John Fredrick Weber

    Oct 19, 2022

    John Fredrick Weber, aged 74 years, peacefully went home to be with His Lord and Savior on Monday, September 26, 2022 while vacationing on the Oregon coast with his wife and friends from college days. John was born April 5, 1948 in Wenatchee, Washington, and spent his early years at Libby Creek Ranch, Carlton, Washington. In 1953 he moved with his family to Grand Coulee, Washington where he attended grade school, graduating from Grand Coulee High School in 1966. He was a three-sport letterman...

  • Claude E. Gates

    Oct 19, 2022

    Claude E. Gates, 95, loving husband and father, doting grandfather, proud veteran and avid outdoorsman, passed away the evening of Friday, September 30, 2022 in Grand Coulee, Washington. He was born Saturday, July 10, 1927, in Denver, Colorado to Loren L and Florence R. Gates. Claude served his country with the United States Army Air Corp from October 12, 1945 to December 28, 1947. He was stationed in Japan as part of the post-World War II occupation force as an MP (Military Police). One day whi...

  • White accepts auditor position

    Oct 19, 2022

    Former resident Areielle L. White, recently accepted a position with the State of Washington as a state auditor. The 2016 graduate of Lake Roosevet High School graduated “Cum Laude” from EWU December 10, 2022 with a BA in Business Adminnistration/Professional Accounting and a BA in Finance. White is the daughter of Tracy White and granddaughter of Donna White, both formerly of the Grand Coulee Dam area....

  • Winter gear for kids drive

    Oct 19, 2022

    The Grand Coulee branch of North Cascades Bank is collecting winter gear donations through the month of October for local children in need. Items they are seeking include new or gently used snow pants, gloves, scarves and winter boots. All items will be donated to the Grand Coulee Dam School District K-12 and will be distributed to those students in need during the upcoming cold months. Please help our local youth stay warm and dry during these challenging times....

  • Meetings

    Oct 19, 2022

    AA Meetings in the Local Area Confused in the Coulee AA meetings are held Monday through Friday from 6 to 7 p.m. at the Vets Center in Electric City. Call Paul at 633-3377 days or 633-3345 evenings. New Hope Group meetings are held Wednesdays at 6 p.m. at the Vets Center. These are open and non-smoking. A new Alcoholics Anonymous group is meeting each Saturday at noon at the Grand Coulee Community Church, 405 Center St. Meetings are open. More information call 509.680.9549 In Nespelem, the group Bound and Determined holds its meetings Monday...

  • Wickerhams have a boy

    Oct 19, 2022

    Jessica and Dalton Wickerham of Coulee Dam, Washington, are proud to announce the birth of their son Luca James Thorn Wickerham on Tuesday, September 13, 2022, at Coulee Medical Center in Grand Coulee, Washington. He weighed 7 lbs., 6 oz., and was 19.5 inches in length at birth. Sibling includes Mari Wilke age 5. Maternal grandparents are Tom and Lois Wilke. Paternal grandparents are Alica Hall and Bill Wickerham....

  • Iukes/WakWak have a boy

    Oct 19, 2022

    Ernestine Iukes and Gregory Wak Wak of Nespelem, Washington, are proud to announce the birth of their son Jaxon Steven Wak Wak on Monday, October 3, 2022, at Coulee Medical Center in Grand Coulee, Washington. He weighed 7 lbs., 3 oz., and 20 inches in length at birth. Siblings include Raina 14, Rhilene 11, Dexter 9, Sierra 8, Beau 'Hunter 5 and Melanie 11 months. Maternal grandparents are Steven Iukes Jr. and Lauri McCraigie....

  • It's a girl for the Richardsons

    Oct 19, 2022

    Donlyn and Thadius Richardson of Nespelem, Washington, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter Kaelyn Richardson, born Wednesday, October 5, 2022, at Coulee Medical Center in Grand Coulee, Washington. She weighed 9 lbs., 2.2 oz., and was 20 inches in length at birth. Siblings include Gabriel and Zayden Richardson....

  • Coulee Cops

    Oct 19, 2022

    Grand Coulee Police 10/4 - Police provided helpful advice to a Grand Coulee woman in retrieving her truck from her ex-boyfriend in Omak. - A vehicle reportedly “clipped” a deer at SR-174 and Spokane Way. Police didn’t see any evidence of a collision and were unable to reach the registered owner of the vehicle that reportedly hit the deer, nor of the reporting party. Police were unable to determine if an accident had actually occurred. - About $500 worth of damage was done to a rear fender and taillight of a car parked at Safeway in a hit and r...

  • Legal notices for October 19, 2022

    Oct 19, 2022

    Budget Workshop Special Council Meeting Town of Coulee Dam NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Budget Workshops will be held at the Coulee Dam Town Hall, 300 Lincoln Ave, Coulee Dam Washington, October 26, November 2 and November 16, 2022 at 5:15 p.m. Stefani Bowden Clerk/Treasurer (Publish October 19, 2022) ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS TOWN OF COULEE DAM WEST COULEE DAM LIFT STATION General Notice Town of Coulee Dam (Owner) is requesting Bids for construction of the West Coulee Dam Lift Station Project. Bids for construction of the Project will be received...

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