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Articles from the September 25, 2024 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 15 of 15

  • Family of five displaced when home burns in Electric City

    Scott Hunter|Sep 25, 2024

    A cooking mishap turned a house to ashes Friday, leaving a family without a home, but well, not including one or more less fortunate pets. Firefighters got the call at 5: 24 that evening, according to a post on the Grand Coulee Volunteer Fire Department's Facebook. When they arrived, "the fire had progressed enough to determine it would be a defensive attack," the post states, so firefighting would emphasize keeping it from spreading to other structures and the dry grass in the adjacent lot. A...

  • Shooting investigation turns up little so far

    Renata Rollins|Sep 25, 2024

    Despite comments on social media that two people were shot in Delano around 10:30 p.m. Sept. 16 — including a woman who said she was a family member of the victim or victims — police responding to multiple 911 calls from neighbors reporting gunshots were not able to identify any victims, nor any physical signs that anyone had been shot. However, Grand Coulee’s outgoing interim police chief told The Star in a text message Sept. 16 that “there is a suspect” and he confirmed there were two victims. He did not name them, but character...

  • CMC revives powwow

    Sep 25, 2024

    With hands on hips some not-so-traditional ACH Warriors try to copy traditional dance moves at the powwow put on by Coulee Medical Center Thursday. The Gathering of Wellness event was attended by six area schools, including Coulee Hartline, Almira, Wilbur, Nespelem and Lake Roosevelt Schools. Behind them in traditional regalia, Shoshannah Palmanteer, CMC's senior director of clinic operations and development, who was asked in 2015 to develop the powwow, dances with them. Last week's event was...

  • New and newer businesses doing well

    Sep 25, 2024

    Two fairly new Grand Coulee businesses have had such success that they've moved to bigger spaces this year - Sweet Pickens and Billups Sub Co. Three friends started a business in Grand Coulee a year ago, and it's growing. Shirley Palanuk, Fawn Brashears and Carlene Worsham make the most of their eye(s) for value among a population full of talented makers. They curate items for sale from 25 vendors. They had to limit suppliers to that number because they were out of room, again. They have a...

  • If I were writing a headline

    Jack Stevenson|Sep 25, 2024

    If I were writing a headline about current events, it would look like this. *Shots fired *Trump unharmed *School children dead *Congress unconcerned America has better things to do than bury dead school children and try 14-year-old kids as adults. As I write this, an 11-year-old girl in my community has been detained for making school shooting threats on social media, and a loaded firearm was discovered in the backpack of a Virginia 6-year-old elementary school child. Psychologists indicate that full human maturity occurs around age 26. It is...

  • Delano crimes are happening in Grand Coulee

    Jamie Holeman|Sep 25, 2024

    In light of recent events in Delano, I think it’s time that the community hear it from an actual resident. I have noticed that everyone enjoys the gossip but when it comes to actual crimes happening, everyone becomes Helen Keller - You don’t see anything, you don’t hear anything and you don’t have anything to say. This includes other Delano residents. Everyone becomes a Facebook sleuth and willingly lends their opinion, but no one actually wants their names on paper. It’s important that the community understand that the crimes that are happe...

  • Action on the Kwai

    Roger S. Lucas|Sep 25, 2024

    The motion picture “The Bridge on the River Kwai” had more of a jungle setting than the real bridge. I made the trip in an elongated canoe to reach a mango plantation owned by the family of a student our family sponsored at the University of Washington. His name was Khien, and he became a real member of our family. He was loved by everyone. Khien already had his bachelor’s and master’s degrees and his law degree. He was at the UW to get his doctorate. He had already written several books. His specialty — Communist China. Khien had a cubbyhole...

  • Dale Rodney Childers

    Sep 25, 2024

    Dale Rodney Childers (Chili) was born on March 21, 1956 in Spokane, Washington at Sacred Heart hospital. He passed away August 9, 2024 Dale is survived by his significant other Marlene Millikan, his daughter Chelsea (Lance), granddaughters Sawyer and Kenzi Baltzell and Croix Kendall (Lance). His son Dakota (Jamie) and grandson Dustin. He is survived by his mother Lora Belle Childers, his sisters Deanna (Terry), Danette and Delora (Bob). Dale graduated from Almira High School in 1974 where he par... Full story

  • Jeffrey Alexander Brent

    Sep 25, 2024

    Jeffrey Alexander Brent, age 78, passed away at his home in Electric City, WA., the evening of September 9, 2024. He had been in ill health for some time. Jeff was born in Ironton, MO., November 4, 1945, to James Alexander Brent and Catherine Chloe (Scott) Brent. At a young age he moved with his mother and two sisters to Northern California. He graduated from Berkely High School in 1963, then went on to San Jose State College, graduating in 1968. He studied journalism but soon decided it wasn't... Full story

  • Nolan Harrell

    Sep 25, 2024

    Retired Vietnam Veteran Nolan Harrell passed away September 3rd, at the age of 81. His partner for many years Angela was by his side to the end. Nolan is survived by his brother Melvin Harrell Sr., sister Vera (Harrell) Benton, sister Alma Harrell, and many nephews and nieces. A funeral service to honor Nolan Harrell life will be held at 1:00pm, on September 23rd at Banbury Crematorium, Southam Rd, Banbury OX16 1 ST UK. Webcast details: cut and paste it into WhatsApp Website:... Full story

  • Virtual author talk with Erika L. Sanchez

    Sep 25, 2024

    Join NCW Libraries for a virtual conversation with bestselling author Erika L. Sánchez on Oct. 10 from 6-7PM. Spanish translation will be available. In a virtual program, Sánchez will talk about her book I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter, soon to be adapted into an Amazon film directed by America Ferrera. The novel was a National Book Award finalist and reached No. 1 on the New York Times bestseller list. Time magazine recognized it as one of the best young adult novels of all time. The p...

  • Coulee Cops

    Sep 25, 2024

    Grand Coulee Police 9/16 - The Grand Coulee and Coulee Dam police departments assisted tribal police at the casino in Coulee Dam where an intoxicated man with blood on his face had been irate towards security. He was found lying on a nearby lawn. He explained that he had recently gotten out of prison but didn’t explain what happened to his face. Being wanted on a tribal arrest warrant, he was put in wrist restraints and tribal police took him away once they arrived on scene. 9/17 - Grand Coulee Dam security personnel told police about a d...

  • Legals

    Sep 25, 2024

    STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT Determination of NonSignificance September 25, 2024 Lead agency: City of Grand Coulee Agency Contact: Lorna Pearce,, 509-633-1150 Description of proposal - The project will involve a video inspection of sewer main, replacement of various existing wastewater treatment facility (WWTF) equipment, new WWTF treatment systems, and replacement of at least 3850 feet of sewer main. Location of proposal - The Grand Coulee WWTF is located on the northeast side of the City along Industrial Road, and is... Full story

  • Hitting the ground running

    Sep 25, 2024

    Participants take off in unison Saturday morning as race director Kelly Buche's air horn signals the start of the 10k race for the annual Run the Dam. Though it was chilly - the night before saw the season's first frost advisory - the grueling climb up "the dam hill" all but guaranteed everyone would break a sweat. Aside from official tours, Run the Dam's 5k, 10k and half marathon events are the only opportunity for the general public to cross the top of the dam, which is closed to general...

  • Raider Sports Roundup

    Sep 25, 2024

    Volleyball The Lady Raiders won their volleyball match against Wilson Creek Monday in three sets, 25-13, 16-1, and 25-4. Amy Dorman's sets keyed up several players for aggressive kills, and senior Riley Ayling knew right where to be on each play. The win at home puts the Lady Raider record at 2-5 for the season. They'll play Liberty Bell at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, on the Mountain Lions' home court, then face Omak, there, on Tuesday. Cross Country Kenzie Portch finished fourth at the Can/Am meet in...