Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 25
The Banks Lake Golf Course is in the process of being sold by the port district to Rattlesnake Ridge. At Grant County Port District 7's June 27 meeting, commissioners passed a resolution authorizing commissioners to go through with the sale, then signed a purchase and sale agreement on the terms of selling the golf course and some surrounding land for $1.8 million. Scott Garrits, president, and Dennis Lohrman, secretary/treasurer of Rattlesnake Ridge were present at the meeting. Garrits is also...
The Grand Coulee Volunteer Fire Department this week stressed the importance of fire safety on the Fourth of July and reiterated that fireworks won’t be allowed at North Dam this year, but a federal agency doesn’t consider the ban temporary. “Fireworks will not be legal to use anywhere in the city limits of Grand Coulee in July 2019 per ordinance 1036,” a press release states. “When the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and Bureau of Land Management declared fireworks banned on their property, including the North Dam Area, because of extreme d...
The Colville Business Council election last week resulted in five incumbents reelected and two unseated. In the Nespelem District, current CBC Chairman Rodney Cawston was reelected to Position 1, winning 397-303 against challenger Charlene Bearcub. Jarred-Michael Erickson defeated incumbent Andy Joseph Jr. 407-297 for Position 2. In the Keller District Position 1 race, incumbent Jack Ferguson defeated challenger Edward Cohen 122-101. In the Omak District, incumbents Norma Sanchez and Karen Condon were reelected, with Sanchez winning 391-137...
School board changes meeting time The Grand Coulee Dam School District voted to hold two regular meetings each month on the second and fourth Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. Previously, one of those meetings was considered a “special” meeting, and meetings were held at 6 p.m. The meetings are held in the library at Lake Roosevelt. Coulee Dam paying for roof repair estimate The city of Coulee Dam will pay $1,500 to Five Star Roofing for an estimate on repairing the roof of their Community Building, a building that currently houses the Melody a...
From small town Washington to Music City, Lila Rose is an outlaw in song only, and performing on the Fourth of July at the Festival of America at the Grand Coulee Dam. Lila Rose Bowden is the daughter of Coulee Dam Police Chief Paul Bowden and Coulee Dam City Clerk Stefani Bowden. She performs under the name Lila Rose. "I'm sure this confuses some people around here that have known me my whole life," she said, "but I like to keep my last name out of my music so that someday when I get married, a...
Locals can expect new options for television, internet, and phone services soon with a new service provider investing in area infrastructure. Spectrum, the brand name that Charter Communications uses to sell cable television, internet, and phone services, is almost done with upgrades to their system here in the Coulee area that will make those offerings possible. Charter/Spectrum expects to set up "pop-up shops" to answer questions and take orders at Coulee Dam City Hall in August, said Senior...
Three weeks into her latest foray and seven years after starting this adventure, the self-proclaimed most-decorated National Park Service junior ranger made it to Coulee Dam on Monday. Aida Frey, 17, has, along with proud and devoted parents, been to more than 300 national parks since she was 9 years old. That's when they met a couple dedicated park rangers who brushed aside quitting time at 5 p.m. to sign her up for the junior ranger program. She completed a workbook about the park at Effigy...
The National Park Service will be offering free astronomy tours both at night and during the day throughout the summer. Nighttime stargazing tours will be held on July 5 from 9 p.m. to midnight in the Crescent Bay Area, July 6, from 9 p.m. to midnight at the Spring Canyon Day Use Area, Aug. 2 from 8:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. at the Crescent Bay Area, and Aug. 3 from 8:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. at Spring Canyon Day Use Area. “Our nation’s national and state parks are some of the few places left where the night sky isn’t obscured by light pollu...
The next time you tee up your ball at Banks Lake Golf Course, take a second and say a word of thanks to the three Port District commissioners who made it possible. The three, Jim Keene, Gary Haag and Leonard Sanders, deserve some kind of award for how they see the Port District’s obligation to serve the public. Commission President Jim Keene said it nicely when he stated: “The golf course is an important part of our community.” The commissioners have run the course for the past several years, the last two profitably. The Port District poure...
The action at Geezer Beach might be viewed as a deliberate provocation. Tyranny should be opposed at any level. The incremental erosion of personal freedom extends to every citizen. The apparent disregard for public opinion by the bureau creates an adversarial climate. Consider the childlike argument put forth in recent press releases. It begs the question, how many adults occupy positions at the bureau? At some level of authority someone should be able to effect a compromise or rescind the decision. At the very least, somebody should attempt...
Sometimes you just must get in the car and go. Well, if I’m honest, we had business to tend to in Vancouver, Washington, but Karrie had not been since she was a kid and I had never been. As we traveled down the road, we soon were seeing country we had never seen, and it was beautiful and breathtaking, especially along the Oregon and Washington border as we traveled along the Columbia River. A thought popped through my head once that this water had once seen the Grand Coulee Dam and was now h...
This Fourth of July, America will celebrate its 243rdbirthday. Our country has come a long way since 1776, and there is still more progress to be made. Our independence and our patriotism are what set the United States apart from the rest of the world, and we have a lot to be thankful for. As we gather with our family and friends to celebrate our freedom, we should also celebrate some of our nation’s finest treasures: our national parks and public lands. Washington state is fortunate to be home to 15 National Park Service (NPS) parks, which g...
Masquers Theater 2019 Summer Youth Theater Program is taking registrations now. The week long program runs July 15-19 with a performance on Saturday, July 20. The Summer Youth Theater Program is for students ages 8-15 and focuses on exposing students to acting, singing, dance, and offers the opportunity for students to experience the joy of creating and sharing theater. Masquers Summer Youth Theater inspires creativity, imagination, artistic risk-taking, and explores unique ways to tell stories through theater. Our volunteer directors and...
Officer Joshua Watkins is sworn in to his duties at the Coulee Dam Police Department June 21by Chief Paul Bowden, after graduating from the state police academy June 19. Watkins is currently engaged in field officer training with Bowden. - Lila Bowden photo...
No Chamber this Week There will be no chamber this week due to the Festival of America celebration in the park below the visitor center. Enjoy a day at the park American Legion to Meet The American Legion Post 157 next meeting will be at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, July 9 at the Lutheran Church, 348 Mead Ave., Grand Coulee. Food Bank Distributing Hours The food bank will be closed July 5 for the holiday. The food bank normal operating hours are every Friday from 2 to 4 p.m. It is located at the Church of Nazarene, Hwy 174, Grand Coulee. Clients are...
Vitalant, along with the Grand Coulee community blood drive volunteers led by coordinator Leha Neilsen, is planning a blood drive for Monday, July 15. Donation hours will be from 12:45 to 3 p.m. at the outside bus by Coulee Medical Center. Vitalant is the sole blood provider to more than 35 hospitals across the Inland Northwest and needs at least 200 donors each day to meet the needs of those patients. A single donation can transform the lives of up to three people. For more information contact Stefanie Dunn, territory manager at...
Learn how to compost your yard and garden waste at a free class on Thursday, July 11 at 6:30 p.m. in the Grant County Public Works public meeting room located at 124 Enterprise St. SE, Ephrata. The class will last approximately 60 minutes. After attending the class, one participant from each household will receive a free, portable compost bin. Participants do not need to pre-register to attend. Composting is a beneficial way of turning yard and garden waste into a resource that helps plants grow healthier and faster by keeping the soil loose...
Please join us as we celebrate the life of Marvin Lewis Farver on Saturday, July 13, at 2:00 p.m. at Banks Lake Bible Church, 25 School Ave, Electric City. Marvin went home to his Savior on Friday, March 29, 2019. Following the service, a light lunch will be served in the fellowship hall. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Care Net of Grand Coulee.... Full story
Please join us as we celebrate the life of Mike Neumann, Saturday July 13, 2 p.m. at the home of Mark and Jennifer Payne, 1 Electric Ave, Electric City. The family looks forward to seeing you and sharing fun memories of Mike.... Full story
Wed., July 3 4-5 p.m. Crafts and Stories Thurs., July 4 Closed for 4th of July Fri., July 5 11:30 a.m., Story Time Mon, July 8 11 a.m., Knights of Varitas Wed., July 10 4-5 pm. STEM with Dennis Carlson Thurs., July 11 5-7 p.m., Theater Thursday Fri., July 12 11:30 a.m., Story Time...
Them Dam Writers, a local group that has existed in one form or another for decades, has been putting their stories on the internet, helping preserve both-well known and lesser-known local history, and sharing photos both old and new. The group was started in 1985 and helped focus the efforts of locals who had been helping record local history for decades before that, eventually publishing a book titled "Coulee Collection" in 1998. Most recently, Jay Kemble has helped revive the group, bring it...
The following is the honor roll for second semester for Lake Roosevelt Jr./Sr. High School HIGH HONORS 3.5 - 4.0 SENIORS Lilyana Clark, Savanah Hobrecht, Robin Matt, Hannah Wapato, Addison Hansen, Shayla Schilling, Kaleb Horn, Anthony Nichols, Cassidy Reyes, Kelsie Olbricht, Stephen Flowers, Derek Whiteman, Lauryn Alling, Olivia Ludwig, Alexus Hoffman, Haley Neddo JUNIORS Mega Abel, Wensdae Antoine, Ellie Hansen, Briann Whybark, Lorrinda Richardson, Madisyn Toulou, Nicholas Engeseth, Keziah Stice, Ida Sue Dick, Kyle Edmo, Jonathan Cante...
Grand Coulee Dam School District #301 Notice of Public Hearing on the 2019-20 Budget NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Proposed Budget of the Grand Coulee Dam School District #301 will be presented to the Board of Directors for its consideration. A PUBLIC HEARING will be held on July 22, 2019 at 5:30 p.m. in the Lake Roosevelt Junior/Senior High School located at 505 Crest Drive, Coulee Dam, WA 99116. The purpose of the public hearing is to allow any person to be heard in favor of or against the proposed budget as it is submitted, or in favor of... Full story
Grand Coulee Police 6/27 - A burglary alarm at the Banks Lake Pub turned out to be a guy who was there to clean the taps. - Colville Tribal Natural Resources informed police about a vehicle that appeared to have been stripped and dumped on the reservation. Police were unable to contact the registered owners of the vehicle. Natural Resources said they would be towing the vehicle. - A Safeway employee said a bluetooth speaker, an MP3 player, and some CDs were stolen out of his car, which had been locked but with the windows down a bit because of...
OLYMPIA – June 20, 2019 – The Washington State Parks Boating Program, safety advocates and law enforcement agencies are asking boaters to help keep everyone safe on the water by not consuming alcohol or marijuana while when operating a boat or paddlecraft. As boaters prepare for the Fourth of July holiday, law enforcement agencies are preparing for Operation Dry Water — a nationally coordinated effort that focuses on boating-under-the-influence (BUI) awareness and enforcement. Boaters will notice an increase in patrols across Washington from...