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A house in Belvedere burned down Saturday in a relatively short time. "It went up quick," said Morgan Tillman, a volunteer firefighter with Okanogan County Fire District 2 at Elmer City. Tilman, who said she arrived on "the late crew" that stayed until it was over but was not there at the beginning, said she understood a person inside the house had been taken out, but she had no details. District 2 Chief Dave Finch said he couldn't even be sure of that, and the cause of the fire is still under...
The Coulee Area Park and Recreation District voted to approve the terms of a “letter of intent” last week from Oasis Lawn Care Company to perform maintenance on the grounds of North Dam Park. Oasis offered its services for $25,000 for the coming season, defining them in the letter, rather than bidding strictly on specifications sought in the district’s request for proposals. “This is simply because your expectations far exceed your budget,” the Oasis letter reads. “Work outside our Letter of Intent will be billed as a separate line item or not...
Manager Carol Nordine stands next to some empty shelves at the Care and Share Food Bank, Wednesday, which she said will be planning a food drive soon. Manager. As soon as the local pantry gets stocked, the shelves get depleted by people who need it, she said as volunteers were unloading a truck full of food. More details will be coming on a food drive before Easter. — Scott Hunter photo...
The ice on Banks Lake could "could rapidly change without warning" as the Bureau of Reclamation began pumping water into the lake on Friday, Feb. 17. A similar warning applies for those fishing at Potholes Reservoir. The most popular spot for ice fishing in the local area may well be the area near North Dam where the feeder canal brings in water from deep in Lake Roosevelt. "Recreationalists on Banks Lake and Potholes Reservoir should be aware that operational activities can lead to a rapid chan...
School districts should be required to test all students to see if they qualify for more challenging classes. That is the message behind Substitute Senate Bill 5072, proposed by T’wina Nobles, D-Fircrest. It requires districts to screen all students during the school day for participation in a “Highly Capable Program (HCP). “With this model, every student in a grade level gets to be considered, and no student is overlooked.” Nobles said. “Districts that have implemented universal screening are seeing the results improve equity for advanced...
Following a pep assembly at Lake Roosevelt Jr/Sr High, a school bus carrying the Raider wrestlers to the state tournament in Tacoma gets an honor escort through the community with police and fire fighters to see them off Thursday, Feb. 16. - Scott Hunter photo...
A longtime tradition sidelined during covid will come back March 18 as people meet and eat pancakes and pie to benefit the firefighting crew in Elmer City. The 59th Pancake Dinner will be held at Coulee Dam’s city hall from 4:30 to 8 p.m. And, yes, the dinner includes pie. Tickets will be $10, or two for $18. A family can get in for $30. The money raised helps outfit the fire station at Elmer City — Okanogan County Fire District 2....
We take a lot of risks in our everyday lives. Some are more worthy than others. From assuming we know how to navigate that ice during a thaw to getting behind the steering wheel, life is full of them, some warranted, some not. Last week, two such risks stood out. On Friday, the Bureau of Reclamation started pumping water from Lake Roosevelt up to Banks Lake, an annual beginning that primes the Columbia Basin Project’s food-raising abilities. It also warms Banks Lake’s water slightly when winter has been cold enough to freeze it. The risky busin...
There is nothing like learning about betting on the ponies at the top. I was introduced to betting on race horses at Santa Anita Park, one of the premium race parks in America. I was in Los Angeles covering the Rose Bowl for my paper, the Idaho Statesman in Boise. The paper had a liberal policy for sending reporters out to cover major stories. It was the game between UW and Wisconsin, which the Huskies won, 44-8. My boss JimBrown had a habit of going to LA for a month or two each year. I later learned to bet on the horses at Santa Anita race...
Thursday Mixups TEAM W L Living' on a Spare 62 30 Hemmer Ranch 48.5 43.5 San Poil Valley 46.5 45.5 Old Bag & Balls 40.5 51.5 Team #2 39 53 The Incredibowls! 34.5 57.5 High Game: Logan Stensgar 205; Mae Stensgar 173 High Series; Logan Stensgar 559; Mae Stensgar 445 Splits: John Stensgar 4-10; Mike Beaty 4-6-10; Gwen Hilson 2-7; Cory Bennett 3-10(x2), 3-6-10; 4-5 FRIDAY DAM KEGLERS TEAM W L #6 71 50 #3 60 52.5 #5 60.5 58 #1 60.5 64 #2 53.5 63.5 #4 22.5 86 High Game: John Stensgar 287!; Mae Stensgar 180 High Series: John Stensgar 613; Jessica... Full story
While the coronavirus clobbered many businesses, pharmacies were not among them. In fact, since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a pandemic, local pharmacists have become vital cogs in dispensing crucial medical advice. Pharmacies adapted their businesses quickly after the pandemic outbreak three years ago. According to the December issue of Pharmacy Times, drug stores increased their accessibility to curbside service, traditional drive-through windows, and home deliveries....
At a family reunion, I went outside to play catch with a cousin. “I’d rate your baseball skills below average,” he said. “Does that surprise you?” That didn’t shock me one bit. I score below average in most sports, with the exception of “spitting for distance.” Coaches generally took one glace at me, then decided I was not a leader. My natural facial expression is “confused.” And when I concentrate, I look positively disoriented. In school, I attempted all the standard games. But I was too skinny for football, and in basketball my verti...
Every month we hear of a new “record-breaking” disaster under the Biden Administration. Whether it be record-breaking inflation, gas and grocery prices, crime rates, illegal border crossings, fentanyl deaths — the list goes on and on. This will continue to grow so long as the Biden Administration continues to turn a blind eye to the pressing issues that are hurting all Americans. These “record-breaking” figures are seriously hurting Central Washingtonians. It’s past time to take action to put our country back on the right path — and I am work...
Melissa and Sorrell Katich of Keller, Washington, are proud to announce the birth of their son Karter Markus Katich, born Monday, January 23, 2023, at Coulee Medical Center in Grand Coulee, Washington. He weighed 9 lbs., 15 oz., and was 21 inches in length at birth. Siblings include Eli, Conner, Buck and Saige Katich. Maternal grandparents are Tom and Kellie Groth. Paternal grandparents are Steve and Karlene Katich.... Full story
The scouts of Troops 24 and 52 have been busy planning events for the late winter and early spring. A successful spaghetti dinner and silent auction was held February 13 at the Coulee Dam Community Church. Local business donated items for the silent auction and Troop 52 imad a patriotic themed quilt for the auction while Troop 24 made centerpieces for the dinner tables. This month the scouts particpated in Polar Bear held at Summit Lake with several other troops from the area. Winter rescue training was one of the events that will be taught by...
Do you want to start a new book club, or need reading ideas for your existing club? NCW Libraries has recently added new titles to its collection of Book Club Kits. The library district maintains a collection of nearly 300 kits, each containing 12 copies of the same book as well as discussion questions. Each kit can be checked out for up to six weeks. The Book Club Kits collection contains titles in a wide range of genres for adults, young adults and children. Newly added titles include The Sentence by Louise Erdrich, The Vanishing Half by...
Okanogan County School Retirees to Meet Okanogan County School Retirees’ Association meets 10 AM, Friday, February 24 at Community Presbyterian Church of Omak, 9 Birch St. S, Omak. Refreshments provided. Program: TBA Care and Share Food Bank Open Care & Share Food Bank regular hours are Fridays 1-3 p.m. Join our Facebook Group. Questions call Pastor Shawn at 633-2566. AA Meetings in the Local Area AA meetings are held Monday through Saturday at the Vets Center in Electric City. Call Paul at 633-3377 days or 633-3345 evenings. New Hope Group m... Full story
The Council of the City of Grand Coulee, Washington has moved the regular council meeting that was scheduled for February 21, 2023 to February 28, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at 306 Midway Ave., Grand Coulee, WA, as well as via ZOOM. ZOOM information for the council meetings will be available by contacting Grand Coulee City Hall at (509) 633-1150 or via email at The city hall is accessible to persons with disabilities. (Publish February 22, 2023)... Full story
Grand Coulee Police 2/10 - After speaking with a couple residents in the neighborhood of Wenatchee Avenue, police weren’t able to find out anything more about a disturbance involving people arguing and then a tan sedan and white pickup leaving the area. 2/11 - An Elmer City man faces a domestic violence charge and malicious mischief charge after breaking a window at a Continental Heights residence following an argument with a woman. The man left the Continental Heights area on foot and was said to have then gotten a ride, according to the w...
The Raiders won their do-or-die crossover game Saturday in Wenatchee and will head back there to the first round of the state 2B tournament this coming weekend. Now with a 20-3 win-loss record, the Raiders' 57-41 victory over Reardan's Spirit Eagles (11-15) puts the Raiders into game three of that first round, facing the Tigers of Napavine (21-4). The game starts at 4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 25 at Wenatchee High School. Ivan Alejandre led the Raiders in scoring with 28, including five...
The Lady Raiders' basketball postseason ended in Wenatchee Saturday as a nearly last-second shot bounced off the rim from almost half court. The "crossover" game in Wenatchee was a loser-out event between teams in the WIAA's Districts 6 and 7 to determine those who would go on to the first round of the state tournament. Lake Roosevelt took on the Davenport Lady Gorillas, whose 6-3 post proved a decisive factor with an accurate lob in the final seconds for their 45-43 win. The Lady Raiders' poor...
The Lake Roosevelt Raider boys' wrestling team finished in 11th place out of 45 teams at the state tournament in the Tacoma Dome Saturday, taking a third place and two sixths, and an LR girl also took a sixth. Rodger Cate took third at his 106-weight category, pinning Darrington's Creed Wright. He 15-pointed Warden's Castro and pinned Reardan's Matusik. Kalama's Suzara got an 11-7 decision over him. At 145, Christian Carson took sixth place. He won by a 12-7 decision over Chewelah's Dakota...