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Coulee Cops

Grand Coulee


2/10 - After speaking with a couple residents in the neighborhood of Wenatchee Avenue, police weren’t able to find out anything more about a disturbance involving people arguing and then a tan sedan and white pickup leaving the area. 

2/11 - An Elmer City man faces a domestic violence charge and malicious mischief charge after breaking a window at a Continental Heights residence following an argument with a woman. The man left the Continental Heights area on foot and was said to have then gotten a ride, according to the woman. Police were unable to locate the man at the time. 

- Two women reported mail theft for Banks Avenue addresses. They found numerous pieces of mail while walking on Alcan Road, including an opened Amazon package addressed to one of the women. She reported the incident to Amazon as well. 

2/13 - Surveillance footage showed a woman steal roughly $35 worth of beverages, including an eight-pack of Twisted Tea, from Coulee Gas. The woman was identified from the footage, and police confronted her at her Burdin Boulevard residence. She is being cited for the theft, and banned from the gas station. She said she would like to still pay for the items she stole. Police told her that is between her and the business.

- A woman reported that her mother stole a bedroom set, including a dresser and bed frame, from a home she owns on Weil Place. The mother said that she had been given permission to take the items. Police told the owner it was a civil matter.

2/14 - Police responded to Cardinal Road because of a report of an argument. Police spoke to a woman outside of an RV who said she and her ex-boyfriend had been arguing before he left. Police asked what the argument was about, but she told police it wasn’t any of their business.

2/15 - Police responded to a report of a suspicious man possibly trying to get into a Grand Coulee Avenue residence. Police found the man, who was intoxicated. He said that his wife let him out of their vehicle on the side of the road because she was mad at him, and that he was trying to contact his friend who lived in the area. Police gave him a ride to his home in Electric City.

2/16 - Police spoke to a woman on Cardinal Road following a report of shots possibly being fired. The woman was working on a large window on a Winnebago that she said she had knocked out herself after tripping inside while carrying a chest. She said she hadn’t heard any loud noises herself.

2/17 - A woman on Midway Avenue reported a suspicious semi-truck driver near the taco truck attempting to give her his food and drink and staring at her. Police spoke to the man who denied offering any food to anyone. Police checked his license and found nothing wrong. He said he was leaving town. Police told that to the woman, who thanked the officer.

- A woman called police at about 8:30 p.m. to report her husband missing. He had left their O’Sullivan Street home at about 10 a.m. in his vehicle to walk their dog and hadn’t returned. She said no friends had seen him either. His phone went straight to voicemail. A missing person report was filed. (Editor’s note: The man was later found to be OK, having had mechanical problems in an area with no cell service.)

Coulee Dam


2/15 - An Electric Boulevard man found a “blower” in sagebrush near his home on a path he walks each day. 

2/17 - Police collected a prescription bottle found in front of city hall in Coulee Dam. It will be destroyed in 60 days if no one claims it.

2/18 - An officer was going to cite someone for speeding near the post office in Electric City, but the system used to do so wasn’t working and so the person wasn’t ticketed.

- Lincoln County deputies were in pursuit of a vehicle suspected of being driven under the influence of alcohol or drugs on SR-174 just after 11 p.m. The vehicle left the roadway at about mile marker 37. The driver was slumped over in the black sedan. The Coulee Dam officer’s asp was used to break a window to enter the locked vehicle. The man was removed from the vehicle and given aid. The Coulee Dam officer left once medics arrived.

2/19 - Police stopped a car near North Dam that matched a description. A man had been reported as getting an intoxicated woman into his car while at the bar in Electric City. The man said he was just helping his friend. The woman, in the back seat, said she knew where she was, who she was with, and where she was going. Police found nothing suspicious about the situation and let them go on their way.

- A woman on Goodfellow Avenue found drugs in her brother’s room and went to throw them away, prompting him allegedly to chase and shove her to try to keep her from throwing them away. Their mother said they are trying to document everything that has to do with the brother so they can help him get treatment for his drug use. Police spoke to the man and determined he should be charged for domestic assault for shoving his sister. They took him to the hospital at his request. The hospital was unable to release him back to police because he had made suicidal statements and needed a psych evaluation first.


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