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A former mosquito district clerk is being charged with theft in the first degree and misappropriation of funds by the Grant County Prosecutor’s Office. Karyn M. Byam, 40, of Electric City, who was a clerk for Grant County Mosquito District 2, was charged Dec. 17, on the two counts and probably will be arraigned sometime in early January, county Prosecutor Garth Dano said last week. Byam allegedly wrote checks for herself for some $129,834, which were questionable, according to a state audit conducted earlier this year and a months-long investig... Full story
Members of the Coulee Dam Community Church and others gathered for its last service Sunday, offering a worship service that included bittersweet remembrances by those attending and a final fellowship afterward. The church has been a welcoming and open influence in the community that provided a great place for worship, community events, music and much more, members said. "Everyone wanted their wedding to be in this church," said Diane Babler, who married her husband Bob in the stone church at... Full story
A study of consolidating two local cities is off the books. Neither Electric City nor Grand Coulee put funding in their budgets to pay for it, and a second reason is more critical than the cost of the study, according to one councilmember. In order to consolidate the two cities, one of them would have to annex either Delano or the land between North Dam Park and Coulee Playland. There is no land where the two cities have a common boundary. Grand Coulee Councilmember Tom Poplawski pointed this out at that city’s council meeting Dec. 22, and a... Full story
Grand Coulee has a new mayor: Paul Townsend. He replaces Chris Christopherson, who chose not to run for re-election in November. Townsend ran unopposed, and has served as councilman and mayor pro tem. He, along with Councilmember Gary Carriere, who had filed for Townsend's seat, both take on new duties. Councilmembers Tom Poplawski, David Tylor and Erin Nielsen, who had won re-election, were all sworn in Dec. 22, at the regular council meeting. Carriere is a member of the Electric City... Full story
Retail pot license issued The city of Grand Coulee has issued a business license for a marijuana retail outlet. Filing with the city and receiving the license was Jean Comstock, who plans to open her retail store in a location on Burdin Boulevard sometime soon after the first of the year, in the Snyder business park. State to raise lid on pot outlets Following an analysis of the entire marijuana marketplace in the state, the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board heard a recommendation Dec. 16 from staff to increase the number of retail... Full story
Grand Coulee has revised downward the amount of hotel/motel tax funds it is going to give out in 2016, after last summer’s smoky tourist season. The city had received requests from four organizations totaling $34,325, but is only going to fund $22,870. The decision was made Dec. 22 as the city council approved its $3,041,419.22 budget for 2016. Grand Coulee had given out $34,000 in 2015. The Grand Coulee Dam Area Chamber of Commerce had requested $13,325, but will receive $8,900. The Ridge Riders had requested $12,500, but will receive $... Full story
Shane Proctor jumped from eighth to third place in the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas earlier this month. Proctor had won it all in 2011, sewing up the world bull riding championship in the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association. His hometown, Grand Coulee, honored Proctor by erecting a sign at the south end of Midway Avenue calling attention to his note- worthy achievement. On Dec. 13, Proctor, who graduated from Lake Roosevelt High School in 2003, finished competition by riding five of 10 bulls for a payday of $113,385, bringing... Full story
A contract between Grand Coulee and Electric City for police services has been stalled and won’t be resolved until early 2016. Grand Coulee’s city council voted Dec. 22 to extend its current contract, which expires Dec. 31, until new language, inserted since the council committees agreed on the new two-year contract, can be adjusted. The two council committees had a handshake agreement early in December, but after that agreement attorneys had inserted language that the two parties hadn’t yet agreed on. Just a formality, members of the Grand... Full story
Sledders at North Dam Park enjoy the snow and slope around the gazebo area at North Dam Park Monday afternoon. - Scott Hunter photo... Full story
An Elmer City man was arrested and taken to Grant County Jail after he allegedly entered a house in Grand Coulee from which he had been banned. Police said Richard C. Rutledge, 63, of 40 Williams Street, had removed items from a house where he had earlier been banned from entering. In addition to a burglary charge, Rutledge faces charges of possession of a controlled substance, third-degree theft, making false statements to a public servant, and obstructing law enforcement. When police arrived at the Roosevelt Drive location, their report... Full story
The “Lighting of the Library” was a big success again this year, with Santa arriving compliments of the Grand Coulee Volunteer Fire Department and the children all lighting glow sticks to welcome Santa. As the children were greeted by Santa and each given a coloring book, Christmas carols were sung, cookies provided by the library board were consumed, and drawings for door prizes held. Coulee Dam Federal Credit Union donated $50 gift cards won by Jason Olsen and Brian Clark; and $25 gift cards, won by Scotty Flannery, Janet Williams, Sha... Full story
I thought I would start the new year with some predictions for 2016. You know, stuff I think will happen and more than likely will. Confidence is the key here. • So prediction number one is, (drum roll) the Coulee area will purchase more snow removal equipment this year than ever before. Snow blowers, snow shovels and de-icer stock will skyrocket in the local economy, leaving shelves empty and consumers using their old shovels and rock salt to get themselves out of the big freeze. But the bright side is that our old shovels are practically b... Full story
Surprisingly, Congress’ $680 billion holiday-season tax deal will bring some cheer to working families, and not just to big corporations this year. Refundable tax credits putting extra cash in the hands of hard-pressed workers and parents were included in a huge year-end gift-wrapped package of tax breaks — the type of bill that usually only offers big rewards to corporate fat cats. Every two years for the past few decades, Washington has renewed a collection of about 50 temporary tax breaks, called “tax extenders.” Even though some of them ha... Full story
You’ll laugh at this, but hear me out. This is a very tough time to be a politician — whether running for office or trying to lead while holding office. The women and men who’ve undertaken to represent us face circumstances that make campaigning and governing unusually challenging right now. Not that they’ve ever been easy, at least in my lifetime. Our size, diversity, and multi-layered government structure; the number and complexity of the problems our political leaders face daily; and the divided politics of our time, which make settlin... Full story
Airport townsite addition in Coulee Dam, taken from the gravel pit road. – Dec. 19, 1946... Full story
Grand Coulee Police 12/2 - Police are still sorting out problems with a Cadillac that was pulled over because of a license tab problem. The driver also didn’t have insurance on the vehicle. The license tabs on the vehicle, which were expired anyway, didn’t belong to the vehicle. 12/18 - USBR Plant Protection advised police that there was a stalled vehicle at milepost 28 on SR-155. The driver said she had run out of gas and there was someone getting it for her. The officer found she didn’t have proof of vehicle insurance and she was cited for t... Full story
Birdie Hensley has been re-elected president of the Grand Coulee Dam Senior Center. Hensley was elected to her second term as head of the organization in balloting recently. Others elected to serve the senior organization in 2016 are Helen Reddick, vice president; Sue Miller, secretary; and Kay Wallace, treasurer. Felix Marcolin and Liz Palachuk were elected as trustees.... Full story
The Grand Coulee Dam Senior Center will hold a Community New Year’s Eve party at the center Dec. 31, from 7-10 p.m. Center officials stated that the event will be alcohol-free and feature music and dancing from the 1940s and 1950s. Advance tickets are available for $4; tickets at the door will be $5. It’s an opportunity to get dressed up and celebrate the coming of the new year. Specialty non-alcoholic drinks will be served along with hors d’oeuvres. Those attending will be able to get their picture taken with “Elvis.... Full story
Sat., Jan. 2 10 a.m., HS Wrestling, Warden Tournament Tues., Jan. 5 4:30 p.m., LRHS Basketball, here with Tonasket (L) Thurs., Jan. 7 4:30 p.m., LRHS Basketball at Brewster (L)... Full story
Norma and Robert Smith (left) and Jean Sanford get ready Dec. 19 to load bags of gift-wrapped Christmas presents to some 163 children in 62 families throughout the Grand Coulee Dam area for the Trees of Sharing program. Others involved in the Saturday delivery included Greg and Judy Behrens, Don Gallagher, Bob and Barb Kelton, Bob and Sharon Hollingsworth, Arlyce and Simon Goetz, Margie Gallagher, and Walt and Sherry Hunner. - Submitted photo... Full story
Summary of Ordinances Passed of the Town of Elmer City, WA On the 10th day of December 2015, the City Council of Elmer City passed the following ordinances. A summary of the contents of the ordinances, consisting of the titles, provides as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 350 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF ELMER CITY, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING UTILITY TAXES ON WATER SERVICES, SANITARY SEWER SERVICES, TELEPHONE SERVICES AND ELECTRIC SERVICES PROVIDED WITHIN THE MUNICIPAL LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF ELMER CITY; REPEALING SECTIONS 3.04.090 AND 13.08.050 OF THE ELMER... Full story