News, views and advertising of the Grand Coulee Dam Area

Articles from the May 23, 2012 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 36

  • Laser show starts Saturday

    May 23, 2012

    The Grand Coulee Dam Laser Light Show kicks off for the season on Saturday, officials stated this week. Through July 31, the show will begin at 10 p.m. Starting time will change to 9:30 p.m. on Aug. 1, then changes to 8:30 on Sept. 1, and will run through Sept. 29. A new Laser Light Show is currently being developed and officials hope it will be ready for the 2013 tourist season....

  • Boat burns, sinks on Lake Roosevelt

    Scott Hunter|May 23, 2012

    Three guys boating near Spring Canyon rescued a woman whose boat caught fire in front of them tonight. Kim Simons, of Bremerton, and her husband Jeff had jus t launched their 23-foot Warlock boat from the Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area boat launch at Spring Canyon. Kim took the boat for a quick spin while Jeff parked the trailer and walked back to the dock. He was chatting with someone on the dock, he said, ”and they said, ’Hey, you're boats on fire.’” Jeff and Randy Semanko, brothers who both work for the Bureau of Reclama...

  • Woman accused of assault with knife

    Roger S Lucas|May 23, 2012

    Okanogan County and Brewster law enforcement officers assisted Grand Coulee police in locating an Electric City woman wanted for stabbing her boyfriend with a knife May 18. Arrested on assault in the first degree, domestic violence, and providing false information to a police officer, was Mercedes A. O’Dell, 22, of 138 Miller Ave., in Electric City. Police say she tabbed Jacob M. Jackson, 24, who gave his address as Omak. Officers had originally answered a call that a suicidal person was at the Miller Avenue address. When police arrived the o...

  • Lake Roosevelt team takes two awards at four-state science contest

    Scott Hunter|May 23, 2012

    Five Lake Roosevelt High School students and their mentors took two awards Saturday at the prestigious Washington State University annual high school problem-solving competition “Imagine Tomorrow.” The “Scrap Power” team from LR took the Global Impact award and fourth place in their division. Each student got Microsoft software and $250. The prize to LRHS was $1,000. The team has been working after school throughout most of the school year to tackle a problem half a world away with very local t...

  • Newbriefs

    May 23, 2012

    Man pleads guilty in beating A tribal member pleaded guilty Monday in federal court to brutally beating and kidnapping his wife in January, the Spokesman Review reported. Matthew R. Carden Sr., 40, pleaded guilty to felony assault, kidnapping and a felon in possession of a firearm after the Jan. 9, assault near Nespelem in which he used his boots and fists for about 20 minutes, according to court testimony. His 37-year-old wife suffered two broken bones around her eyes, a broken collar bone and a fractured rib. In a plea agreement, Assistant...

  • 500 flags will fly at cemetery

    Roger Lucas|May 23, 2012

    Thirteen new flags will be dedicated in the “Isle of Flags” ceremony at Spring Canyon Cemetery, Monday, May 28, beginning at 11 a.m. American Legion Post 157 officials stated this week that more than 500 memorial flags will be waving over the Memorial Day weekend and beyond. Flags will go up beginning at 1 p.m. Saturday, and volunteers will remove and store the flags beginning at 6 p.m. next Monday. Those being remembered for their service to their country this year are: • Vernon “Vern” Ross Coppersmith, • David C. Doppler, • Harrold W. Du...

  • Femling honored for blood drive work

    Scott Hunter|May 23, 2012

    A local resident has been honored by the Inland Northwest Blood Center as their blood drive coordinator volunteer of the year. Bonnie Femling was recognized at the INBC’s annual banquet May 9 at the Davenport Hotel in Spokane. Femling has been arranging local blood drives for the INBC for decades. “Bonnie goes above and beyond the normal duties of a chairperson,” reads the information INBC shared about her, “in that she will travel throughout the area letting people know abou the blood program...

  • Power proposal would use hydro to help wind

    Roger Lucas|May 23, 2012

    A proposal to develop further hydroelectric power in the area would store water at a higher elevation, then drop it to generate power in a scheme that would compliment the growth of wind power. The Grand Coulee Project Hydroelectric Authority’s project would generate up to 15 percent of the current capacity of the 6,800 megawatt Grand Coulee Dam. Speaking from his Ephrata office, spokesman Bob Stoaks called the project “theoretical” at this time and added the pre-permit process could take two to three years. It would take another seven or mo...

  • Countdown camera views school slated for demolition

    May 23, 2012

    It was 831 days, 19 hours, 24 minutes and 27 seconds and counting before students occupy the new K-12 school facility in Coulee Dam. That was the time shown on the webcam site at the beginning of this notice. The Grand Coulee Dam School District has installed a webcam showing Wright Elementary School and part of the site of the new building. You can follow the countdown by the second and you’ll be able to watch the demolition of Wright from the comforts of your own home. You can access the view online at Local residents who h...

  • Mayor calls for audit of books

    Roger Lucas|May 23, 2012

    Electric City Mayor Jerry Sands called for an audit of the books again, at the Regional Board of Mayors meeting May 14. He has done so several times several times in the past. The administration of the Delano Regional Transfer Station and the landfill project have now been taken over by Electric City from Grand Coulee. At their meeting, more than $1 million was transferred from Grand Coulee accounts to the new administration. Since Sands has asked for an accounting of the money involved for several months and not been satisfied with responses,...

  • Fix-up effort at home continues

    Roger Lucas|May 23, 2012

    An Electric City resident trying to get her place fixed up so she can get custody of her two grandchildren said this week she would appreciate it if people would contact her before leaving things at her property. Mardee Davis said Monday that people have been leaving things she doesn’t need on her property. “I would appreciate it if people would call me first or stop by the house to see if I need something before they leave it.” Her phone number is 633-9828, and her residence is 103 West Grand...

  • School surplus to be sold

    Roger Lucas|May 23, 2012

    Look for the community’s largest yard sale of the year on June 14 and 15. It’s not a couple of families going together, nor a street of residents putting on the event. It’s going to happen at A.E. Wright Elementary School in Coulee Dam and will feature hundreds of items declared surplus by the school board last Monday night. Just to give you some sense of value, how is this for starters? - Two adjustable hospital beds, $20 each. - Six teacher desks, metal, three-drawer, $25 each. - Numerous counters with sinks, $5 a foot. - Rolling stora...

  • Employee arrested for theft

    Roger Lucas|May 23, 2012

    Police arrested a Safeway deli employee last Friday on charges that she had taken from $3,200 to $3,500 from the cash register in her department over a period of 18 months. Sobhana L. France, 34, was taken to Grant County jail on a second-degree theft charge. The police report stated that France’s cash till showed shortages of $3,869 since August of 2011. Police stated that store security cameras showed several instances when France took cash from the till. Store officials gave police a statement signed by France admitting that she took the m...

  • Vote won’t change what marriage is

    Muriel Tingley|May 23, 2012

    A vote will not change what marriage is. People pretending will not change what marriage is. The only form of marriage that has worked best through the ages has been a marriage between one man and one woman. It was meant to preserve and propagate our world, protect women and prepare children for a stable society. True marriage also validates men as men and values men as necessary to children and women. In the next few weeks the people of the state of Washington will have the chance to petition to vote on this important matter. If you believe...

  • Another option - a reasonable solution

    Greg Wilder|May 23, 2012

    Coulee Dam paid $70,000 to have its engineer prepare a facilities plan for the town’s sewer treatment system. The plan presented TWO viable build options: One was to go ahead and spend over $6.2 million dollars now for a project with all of the whistles and bells you could want. The other was a “phased” project — one that would spend about $2.1 million to build what was “actually” needed and to put off the “options” and gold-plating until later. The Coulee Dam council, apparently against the wishes of the mayor, decided that they wanted the...

  • Is this really the best we can do?

    Lee Hamilton|May 23, 2012

    As you undoubtedly know if you pay attention to national affairs, the United States faces a perfect fiscal storm at the end of this year. A confluence of deadlines and policy triggers unlike anything I can remember in a half-century of public life will produce massive budget cuts and serious tax increases. At least, it will if Congress and the White House don’t act. So it must be all hands on deck in Washington, right? You know where I’m going with this. The House has worked for roughly a third of 2012 so far, and will be out of Washington cam...

  • Coyotes, Colorama, and Cletis

    Jess Utz|May 23, 2012

    I learned a valuable lesson a couple weeks ago. It all started when one of our cats, Nala, was killed by coyotes in the middle of the night. It was hard for all of us who had ever petted her soft fur. Now, some of you guys out there are thinking about taking some man points away from me, but just wait. I racked my brains for ways to “pay back” these no good, sneaky, K9s. But, after many hours of scheming, I concluded there was nothing I could legally do to these vicious wild dogs that lived in...

  • Coulee Recollections

    May 23, 2012

    Ten Years Ago Firefighters saved a dog from flames and smoke Monday night after Electric City residents spotted their neighbor’s home on fire. Jason Olsen’s rented single-wide home at 217 Lincoln Street was burning about 6:45. The fire appeared to have started in a computer room. A man who spent more than half his life in the area will soon celebrate a special birthday. W.O. Kurth, a former Grand Coulee Dam area resident who worked at the Grand Coulee post office for 32 years, turns 100 years old on May 28. Students of the month 5th Grade, Kas...

  • It’s a girl for Palmer/Wahpat

    May 23, 2012

    Leslie Palmer and Robert Wahpat III of Nespelem are proud to announce the birth of their daughter Harper Shirley Michell Wahpat on Saturday, May 5, 2012, at Coulee Medical Center in Grand Coulee. She weighed 8 lbs., .2 oz., and was 21 inches in length at birth. Sibling is Jaydyn Nanamkin, age 6. Maternal grandparents are Dorothy and Steve Palmer of Nespelem. Paternal grandfather is Robert Wahpat Jr. of Yakima. Great-grandparents are Leona Hicks of Fallon, Nev., (mom’s side); dad’s side – Robert Wahpat of Yakima and Pauline Pakootas of Nespe...

  • It’s a boy for Tohee/Carlson

    May 23, 2012

    Kaila Tohee and Raymond Carlson are proud to announce the birth of their son Lukas Quintin Carlson on Saturday, May 5, 2012, at Coulee Medical Center in Grand Coulee. He weighed 8 lbs., 2 oz., and was 21-1/2 inches in length at birth. Sibling includes Passion Evanita Carlson, age 2. Maternal grandparents are William and LaRee Dick of Nespelem; paternal grandparents are Quintin and Evalina Carlson of Browning, Mont. Great-grandparents are Ada and Juan Denny of Spokane....

  • Meetings and Notices

    May 23, 2012

    Chamber to Meet The Chamber of Commerce will meet at noon on Thursday, May 24, at the Siam Palace in Grand Coulee. Saturday Market Meeting A meeting for this year’s Saturday Market will be held May 31, at 6 p.m., at Brandy’s Antiques, 325 Midway Ave., Grand Coulee. Last years vendors and anyone interested in participating this year are encouraged to attend. The market will start June 16 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., every Saturday until mid-September. Please contact Leroy at 631-2032 or Jean 631-0301 for further information. The application for Sat...

  • Sieg/Jorgensen to wed aJune 9

    May 23, 2012

    Mr. William Sieg (Chief) of Everett, Wash., and Ms. Teresa Sieg of Coulee City, are proud to announce the engagement of their daughter Keelysandra Marie Sieg to Beau Daniel Jorgensen, son of Keith Jorgensen of Coulee City and Lori Jorgensen (Micheletti) of Electric City. Keely graduated from ACH in 2006 and moved to Everett, to pursue a degree in Human Resource Management at Cascadia Community College and Western Washington University. She graduated from Western Washington University in June...

  • Richard “Rick” Alan Blackhall

    May 23, 2012

    Richard Alan Blackhall, 67, of Tonasket, Wash., died Wednesday, May 16, 2012, at Spokane due to injuries he sustained March 30, 2012. Rick was born November 5, 1944, the eldest of four children born to Alan and Mary (Webb) Blackhall. He attended schools in Twisp and Pateros, graduating in 1963 and graduated from auto body repair in Tigard, Ore. He then entered into the U.S. Army in 1965, serving in Vietnam for one year. Following his discharge in 1967, he remained in the USAR. Rick worked in the...

  • Jeff E. Scott

    May 23, 2012

    Jeff E. Scott, 62, born on July 4, 1949, Ottawa, Ill., passed away on April 21, 2012. Jeff graduated from Grand Coulee High School in 1967, then from EWU in 1972 with a teaching degree. Jeff drove bus for Spokane Transit Authority from 1973-2005. He was preceded in death by his father Ed Scott and brother Allen Scott. He is survived by his wife Nancy of 36 years, daughter Jessie, mother Jean(Hilson) Scott of Electric City, numerous friends and loved ones. Jeff loved to BBQ, laugh and spend time with his family and friends. Jeff will be forever...

  • Hal Ray Whitaker

    May 23, 2012

    Hal Ray Whitaker, 85, a resident of Grand Coulee, Washington, died Sunday, May 20, 2012, in Spokane, after a short illness. Hal was born January 20, 1927, in Palestine, Texas, to Hal J. Whitaker and Paula Heart-Whitaker with the help of a midwife at the sawmill where his father worked. Known to residents of the Grand Coulee area as their long-time Farmers Insurance Agent, Hal had also served as an instructor of vocational agriculture. A genius with numbers, Hal was unbeatable at dominos, being...

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