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It may be next fall, or perhaps in February 2025, but local voters will be asked to decide on forming a new taxing district to support local ambulance service. Fire Chief Ryan Fish told the city council Tuesday night that a lot of work needs to be done between now and then, but demand for services is only growing, and at a rate that can’t be supported long-term doing business the way it has been done for decades. In 2015, Grand Coulee’s ambulance service went on 391 calls. In 2023, the number was 628, including only 240 within the city, accordi...
Things have changed over the last four decades in law enforcement. John Tufts has witnessed the changes. The police chief in Grand Coulee is retiring in March, and agreed to chat about what he's learned along the way. There's less respect for people in general now, a change that started about the time cell phones became popular 25 years or so ago. Tufts isn't talking about respect for police, just for people in general, and it's linked to a lack of communication, linked to age, which has an...
Grant County's Interagency Narcotics Enforcement Team, aka INET, on Feb. 13 arrested two people during a drug trafficking investigation in the Grand Coulee area, the Grant County Sheriff's Office stated in a release last week. Grand Coulee Police, assisted by Coulee Dam Police, pulled over a car containing 42-year-old Tony Gonzalez of Electric City and 36-year-old Latecia Perez of Moses Lake near Grand Coulee Avenue and SR-174. With a search warrant, INET investigators said they found Perez had...
Beware of people who are oblivious to the obvious. People who lose an election, and believe they won. Not based on evidence. But based on what they “feel.” I am a conservative. Many Republicans today delude themselves by calling me a RINO (Republican In Name Only). True conservatives believe in the Constitution, Democracy, and the rule of law. Donald Trump only believes in himself. Every other value, or person, is expendable. Don’t believe me? Pay attention when he speaks. Then watch what he does. Do you really believe if you are loyal to him,...
The United States produces the cleanest and safest energy in the world from traditional resources like oil and natural gas as well as from emerging resources and innovative technologies. This is something we should be celebrating, but instead, President Biden has waged an unprecedented war on American energy producers since taking office, which has caused our energy prices to skyrocket in order to appease the extreme climate lobby. On January 26, 2024, President Biden announced he will pause all pending approvals of liquified natural gas (LNG)...
Winters in Palouse were much worse when I was growing up than what they are experiencing now. I can remember when we got our first refrigerator. That was in 1938. My mother was still using it in 1971. There was an emblem on the front telling it was a Philco Advanced Design refrigerator. It was still being used when my mother died. I doubt that many refrigerators last that long. It was a big deal for me. It meant that I didn’t have to go to the icehouse for a block of ice a couple times a week. It wasn’t unusual for snow drifts in the middle of...
In 2017, I wrote a column titled: “America needs more welders and fewer philosophers.” It was a slogan Florida Sen. Marco Rubio used in his 2016 presidential campaign to call attention to the need for more skilled workers. Rubio hit the nail on the head without disrespecting philosophers. The American Welding Society (AWS) estimated our country now requires 400,000 new welders. This scarcity is primarily due to the substantial number of skilled workers retiring and fewer young men and women entering technical training programs. The enc...
Grand Coulee Police 2/12 - A loose dog was reported on Grand Coulee Avenue. The dog had been rounded up by the family that owns it prior to an officer arriving. The officer has to see the dog loose in order to issue an infraction. The dog is frequently in the police reports for running loose. 2/13 - Police performed a welfare check on a woman at the request of someone concerned about her. The woman wasn’t at the house she was supposed to be, but police were able to talk to her through a Ring doorbell app. She was traveling to Grand Coulee a...
Raider wrestlers placed at the Tacoma Dome in the WIAA Mat Classic XXXV state tournament Saturday. Arianna Waters, a senior, took second place in the girls' 135 bracket after an 8-0 loss to Spencer, from Fife. Senior Francis Louie took fourth place in the 150-pound bracket. And Jacoby Jackson, an eighth-grader, wrestled his way to sixth place in the 120 bracket....
The Lady Raiders came to the end of their basketball postseason Saturday when the Davenport Lady Gorillas overtook them in the third quarter of their District 6/7 Crossover game at West Valley High School in Spokane Valley. Davenport won the loser-out contest, 64-44. The Raider girls (12-12) had come out strong early in the game, leading by nine at one point in the first period, but Davenport (15-9) reduced their deficit to four by halftime, 24-20. The Gorillas tied it at 24 early in the third,...
The Raider boys will head to the first round of the state tournament Saturday after coming from behind to beat Davenport 69-47 in their District 6/7 Crossover game Feb. 16 in Wenatchee. The Raiders (22-1) head back to Wenatchee High School to play Pasco’s Tri-Cities Prep (18-3) Feb. 24 at 2 p.m. Winning that game would jump Lake Roosevelt into the quarterfinals Feb. 29 at 3:45 p.m. at a venue to be determined. A loss would have them playing in the “Round of 12” Feb. 28 at 7:15 p.m., also at a place TBD. One team the Raiders and the Tri-C...
The following is the honor roll for the Lake Roosevelt Jr./Sr. High. High Honors * depicts 4.0 Seniors: Carly Neddo*, Raeley Portch*, Aspen Smith*, Damon Landeros, Sawyer Steffens, Chase Marchand, Cylia St.Pierre, Alise Hoffman, Jericho Desautel-Ootsey, Janessa Desautel, Nevach English, Jaydyn Palmer, Trevan, Barnaby-Lesser, Allison Rice, Brandon Pino, Talliyah Timentwa, Francis Louie, Kaliah Tonasket Juniors: Riley Ayling*, Terek Bush*, Zane Chaffee*, John Cooley*, Wyatt Egbert*, Aviona Gomez, Lola Yazzie, Alex Button, Amy Dorman, Lucas...
Jane Campbell and Tony St. Pierre of Coulee Dam, Washington, are proud to announce the birth of their son King Hixsyn St. Pierre born Wednesday, January 3, 2024, at Coulee Medical Center in Grand Coulee, Washington. He weighed 4 lbs., 9 oz., and was 21 inches in length. Maternal grandparents are Lucinda Campbell and Vance Campbell. paternal grandparents are Paynee St. Pierre and Tony Marchand Sr. Great-grandparents are Cindy St. Pierre, Lucy Abrahamson and Emil Abrahamson.... Full story
Eagles Auxiliary Notice The third and final by-laws will be read at the meeting on March 4th at 6pm. Area AA Meetings In Electric City, the New Hope group holds its meetings Monday through Friday evenings at 6pm at the Vets Center. There is also a noon meeting every Wednesday. These meetings are open and non-smoking. For more information, contact Paul 631-4551 or Phyllis 631-1187.I In Nespelem, the group Bound and Determined holds its meetings Monday evening at 7 p.m. at the Catholic Church. Contact Myrna at 634-4921 for more information. Food...
Every Wednesday we will be tying quilts at Zion Lutheran Church for the months of January and February. The group will start at 9am. Bring a sack lunch if you want to. One half of quilts will go to the Support Center and the other half to World Relief. We do keep 2 to 4 quilts at the church which were given to the family’s that just lost their home. Questions 509-633-0648....
The Grand Coulee Community Church is again serving soup and bread as is their tradition for the Lenten Season. The Soup Suppers began on Ash Wednesday, February 14th at 6:00 PM and will continue each Wednesday for 6 weeks until March 20. Lent is the 40 day period of reflection and renewal leading up to Easter, which is on Sunday, March 31st this year. Homemade soup and breads will be served, followed by a Bible study. The church is inviting anyone in the community who is interested. Come join us for good food and fellowship....
Join the celebration and learn together! Check out our blog posts, social media content, and book displays highlighting Black authors, illustrators, and creators. New Young Adult Books Coming Soon! Early 2024 will have much to offer YA readers! From sweet rom-coms to fantasy series to thrillers, there are plenty of new young adult books on the horizon. Our Collection's Department has curated a list of YA books recently released or currently on order. You can reserve them with your library card now! Where to find & print tax forms Federal income...
Town of Coulee Dam Public Notice ORDINANCES ADOPTED BY THE TOWN OF COULEE DAM Ordinance 816 – An ordinance adopting a Complete Streets Grant Program pertaining to streets, sidewalks, and public places within the Town of Coulee Dam. Ordinance 817 – An ordinance amending the Coulee Dam Comprehensive Plan Zoning Map Stefani Bowden, Clerk / Treasurer (Publish Feb. 21, 2024) GCD School District 301J ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received in person by the Superintendent of Grand Coulee Dam School District at: District Office 110 Ste... Full story