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Articles from the April 9, 2014 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 34

  • Skills gained with new remodel program

    Roger S. Lucas|Apr 9, 2014

    It could easily have been advertised as a "show" home. Some 19 new and recently "skilled" workers, along with tribal officials, showed up last Thursday to show off a tribal-owned home in east Coulee Dam that was remodeled using trainees - 17 men and two women. Actually, TERO (Tribal Employment Rights Office) showed off two houses - one on Camas Street and the other just a short walk away. The one on Camas qualified as the "before," and the one just across the back lawn on Central Drive was the... Full story

  • 911 service down statewide for hours, now mostly restored

    Scott Hunter|Apr 9, 2014

    The statewide 911 outage has reportedly been mostly corrected. The problem reportedly occurred in Sheridan, Ore. but affected 911 centers across Washington. Officials will be looking into the reason no backup systems kicked in. --- The State E911 Office has reported a major nearly total 911 outage in the State of Washington occurred just after 1 a.m. on April 10. The State E911 Office is actively engaged with CenturyLink on this problem. There is no estimated time frame for restoring 911 services at this time. Grant County citizens can call...

  • Changes could allow daycare, bus garage in city

    Roger S Lucas|Apr 9, 2014

    Changes that could affect the possibility of a daycare center in the central business district and a stand-alone garage to house two senior buses will be conisdered. The city of Grand Coulee will hold a public hearing on a zoning change at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 15, in the council chambers at city hall. A request by two women, Andrea Marconi and Angela Feeley, in March 2013, to place a licensed daycare center in a Main Street location was determined “not allowable” under central business district uses. Mayor Chris Christopherson ref... Full story

  • UW students learn rural medicine in Grand Coulee

    Scott Hunter|Apr 9, 2014

    Grand Coulee is gaining a reputation among University of Washington students interested in rural medicine. Coulee Medical Center is among the smallest of a handful of facilities used by the university in its five-state area for a set of programs designed to introduce medical students to rural medicine. "This is true rural medicine, where the doctors do it all," said Tara Olson last week at a Rotary Club luncheon. The third-year medical student has spent plenty of time at CMC, working her way... Full story

  • Mother pulls students after pellet gun incident

    Roger S Lucas|Apr 9, 2014

    A Nespelem woman has taken her four children out of the school there and enrolled them in the Grand Coulee Dam District because of a pellet gun incident. Charity Carson said Tuesday that her 9-year-old was threatened by a 13-year-old student armed with a pellet gun while riding the school bus home in the afternoon, in mid-March. Nespelem School District Superintendent and Principal John Adkins, when questioned about the matter, said: “It’s a confidential matter investigated by the school district, and I can’t comment on it until I get guida... Full story

  • Network needs changes

    Roger S Lucas|Apr 9, 2014

    The city of Grand Coulee faces major changes to its police department communications network that could cost up to $75,000 within the next 18 months. The new network modification, required by the state, will provide security in the transfer of confidential materials. Juan Romo, of RISC Network Solutions of Moses Lake, made a presentation at the council meeting last week, showing equipment costs and installation of around $62,000 and annual maintenance costs of $15,000 more. The new computer equipment and software would encrypt transmissions so... Full story

  • Past and future considered

    Apr 9, 2014

    A chamber of commerce committee exploring options for two schools to be vacated later this year toured Center Elementary March 28, along with Patrick Downey, center, a Spokane attorney and president of the Continental Land Co. The company owns the property but donated the land for a school in 1929. The property reverts to the company's ownership if it is no longer used for a school. Both Center and the district's middle school will stop serving their current functions when all students move to... Full story

  • Key role at port is empty

    Roger S Lucas|Apr 9, 2014

    Port District 7 is looking for a third commissioner. The district controls both the airport and 18-hole Banks Lake Golf Course and is governed by three commissioners. The district now has two commissioners, chair James Keene and Dennis Lohrman, and is looking for a new commissioner to replace Orville Scharbach, who recently resigned. The applicant must live within the district boundaries and be a registered voter. Anyone interested can contact Keene at 633-3108, or secretary Joanne Davidson, 633-2317, for additional information, or attend the... Full story

  • Newsbriefs

    Apr 9, 2014

    How big can buildings be? The Electric City planning commission will hold a workshop on steel “accessory” buildings at 7 p.m., Tuesday, April 29, at city hall. The public is invited to come to the meeting and share its ideas and concerns about the size of steel buildings in residential areas in the city. Educators to be honored Two Grand Coulee Dam School District educators have been voted by their peers to receive the Grant County Excellence in Education Award in ceremonies at Big Bend Community College, April 22. To receive the awards are... Full story

  • Freedom without justice is not liberty

    Angel H. Clark-Hall|Apr 9, 2014

    As our forefathers came together to build this great nation, the inclusion of equal rights, and the separation of church and state were foundational to our government, as documented in our nation’s archives in numerous letters, including the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation, both written in 1776. The provisions were left out of the Constitution in 1787 for fear they would incite a revolt among the colonies. It was not until 1789 that a gutted Bill of Rights was written, excluding a large fraction of people. These p... Full story

  • Landslides, blizzards and family Spring Break 2014

    Jesse Utz|Apr 9, 2014

    We decided to visit my family in North Dakota over spring break. We had never done this in all these (almost 20) years of being together. Mom and Sis were excited to have us, as was Gage (turning 6 during our visit) and Kash, who was just born in December. We soon found out why we have never visited. A landslide on one of the passes and a blizzard on another left us going about 25-40 MPH for a big chunk of driving, and leaving us 200 miles short of our first night’s destination and searching f... Full story

  • Protecting American workers and their paychecks

    Congressman Doc Hastings|Apr 9, 2014

    Every day, I hear from hardworking people in Central Washington who are struggling to support their families and put food on the table. At a time when three-quarters of Americans are living from paycheck to paycheck, the Obama Administration is imposing a new nationwide mandate that could cause millions of workers to see their hours cut and their take-home pay slashed. The Obamacare law requires employers with 50 or more full-time workers to provide health insurance to all of their full-time employees. Buried deep within the thousands of pages... Full story

  • Sixty-five years ago

    Apr 9, 2014

    Bureau diver D.S. "Spud" O'Donnell; right; and tender; Glen Eggleston; taking soundings in the prepakt concrete placing area around the base of the right powerhouse training wall of GCD. The grout will be pumped through the vertical pipes which are placed on 5-foot centers over the whole area to be grouted. This work is being done by the Pacific Bridge Company; contractors; as part of their contract. March 1949... Full story

  • Easter events being held at Zion Lutheran

    Apr 9, 2014

    Zion Lutheran Church will be having Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services on April 17 and 18, both at 7 p.m. On Sunday, April 20, Easter Sonrise will be held outside at Zion at 7 a.m., with breakfast following and the regular Easter service at 11 a.m.... Full story

  • Easter Parade planned before hunt

    Apr 9, 2014

    The Coulee Medical Center Guild is hosting a Grand Coulee Dam Area Easter Parade on Saturday, Apr. 19, at 10 a.m. (just before the Lion’s Easter Egg Hunt) at the middle school track. All ages are welcome even pets on leashes. There will be prizes for best Easter outfit, Easter bonnet and Easter costume. For more information call 633-0405 or 633-1178.... Full story

  • Nancy Camp

    Apr 9, 2014

    Memorial services for Nancy Camp will be held Friday, Apr. 11, 2014 at 2 p.m. at Strate Funeral Home in Grand Coulee. She is survived by her children: Donnita (Beagle) Benson and Jamie, Jason and Justin Beagle. Nancy passed away March 22, 2014 in Wenatchee.... Full story

  • Thinking about planting a tree?

    Gayle Swagerty|Apr 9, 2014

    April 9 is Arbor Day in Washington state and April 25 is National Arbor Day. So let’s talk about trees. Neighborhood and street trees provide shade for streets and parking areas, add to the value of your property, cool the air, absorb carbon dioxide and add to the diversity of habitat for birds and beneficial insects. Neighborhoods with well-shaded streets can be 6-10 degrees cooler than neighborhoods without trees, and shaded parking lots keep automobiles cooler, reducing emissions from fuel tanks and engines, both of which help reduce the h... Full story

  • Senior Meals

    Apr 9, 2014

    Sr. Meals Wed., Apr. 9 - Dinner Chicken Fettuccini, Noodles, Steamed Garden Vegetables, Garlic Bread, Fruit Salad, Brownie. Thurs., Apr. 10 - Dinner Hamburger Steak, Mashed Potatoes and Onion Gray, Corn, French Bread, Peaches and Cream. Grocery Shopping and Errands. Fri., Apr. 11 - Breakfast Biscuit and Sausage Gravy, Eggs, Mixed Fruit, Orange Juice. Senior Center General Meeting 10 a.m. Mon., Apr. 14 - Breakfast Bacon and Eggs, French Toast, Peaches, Orange Juice. Tues., Apr. 15 - Dinner Chicken Teriyaki with Broccoli and Carrots over a Bed... Full story

  • Meetings and Notices

    Apr 9, 2014

    Chamber to Meet The Grand Coulee Dam Area Chamber of Commerce will meet Thursday, April 10, at Pepper Jack’s Bar & Grille in Grand Coulee. Janice Elvidge from the Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area is talking about the River Mile program. CMC Guild (Auxiliary) to Meet Coulee Medical Guild (Auxiliary) meeting will be held Tuesday April 15, from 11 a.m. ñ 1 p.m. at the Siam Palace. Check us out on!/cmccares or call Dee 633-1178 or Patty 633-0405. PTA to Meet The local PTA will hold its monthly meeting Thursday, April 10 at 7... Full story

  • Bond returns from mission

    Apr 9, 2014

    Charles Bond is returning from his mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Lisbon, Portugal mission on April 15. Charles, the son of Helen and Bob Bond of Coulee Dam, is a graduate from Lake Roosevelt High school. While serving his 2-year mission, Charles represented the LDS Church as a missionary to teach the people of Portugal (mainland and the Azores Islands) in their own language and provide service to them. He will be speaking about his experience in the... Full story

  • Raiders shut down by Colton, beat Tonasket

    John McNeil II|Apr 9, 2014

    Raider baseball split their two non-league games over spring break, losing to the Colton Wildcats and defeating Tonasket at home on the 5th. LR remains at .500 for the season with a 4-4 overall record, 3-0 in Central Washington 2B play. In the game against Colton at Big Bend Community College Friday, Jake Straughan of Colton pitched a no-hitter and struck out 14 Raiders. LR was three up and three down in the first, fourth, and sixth innings. The Raiders almost had a hit in the second inning, but... Full story

  • Tennis continues to grow

    John McNeil II|Apr 9, 2014

    Raider Tennis travelled to White Swan on March 25 to take on the Cougars on a blustery court. LR was missing some key players and others had to step up to fill the void. LR boys won their team match by the score of 3-2. The LR girls were swept by the Cougars 0-5. In singles action, Daniel Campobasso remained undefeated, taking down Ethan Lewis 6-3, 7-6 (7-3). Both of Lake Roosevelt’s boys’ doubles teams (Campobasso, Brandin Smith; Corbin Wilder, Isaiah Baty) won. Tanya Ang and Areielle Whi... Full story

  • Golf opened at Moses Lake

    John McNeil II|Apr 9, 2014

    Austin Rosenbaum led Raider golfers with a 49 and the first-place medal in a match March 24 at Moses Pointe Golf Club in Moses Lake. The nine-hole match against the Moses Lake Christian Lions and Manson Trojans had only individual scoring for the participants. “Austin is rounding into good competitive shape early this season,” Raider Coach Steve Files said. “He is determined to continue improving and challenging himself.” Madisyn Byam led the Raider girls with a score of 73. At Okanogan Valley Golf Course March 27, the LR team lost -247-18... Full story

  • Sports for the week

    Apr 9, 2014

    Thurs., April 10 2:30 p.m., Raider Golf here with Riverside Christian. 4 p.m., Tennis at Wilson Creek. Fri., April 11 4 p.m., Tennis here with Liberty Bell. Sat., April 12 1 p.m., Baseball at Liberty Bell (1). Mon., April 14 4 p.m., Tennis here with Pateros. Tues., April 15 3:30 p.m., Track at NE 1B/2B League, Davenport. 4 p.m., Baseball here with Bridgeport. 4 p.m., Softball here with Pateros. Wed., April 16 2:30 p.m., Golf here with Oroville. 3:30 p.m., Tennis at Davenport. Thurs., April 17 2:30 p.m., Golf at Manson (Lake Chelan). 4 p.m.,... Full story

  • Free movie night for Nespelem School

    Apr 9, 2014

    The Friends of Rachel club and SHARP Kids are sponsoring a Family Movie Night at the Nespelem School gymnasium, Wednesday, April 16 at 6 p.m. The event is open to all families in the community. Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult. Admission to the movie is free. Popcorn and water will be provided.... Full story

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