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Gina J. Aldrich


Gina J. Aldrich passed away on Wednesday, Apr. 30, 2014, after complications following surgery for a rare form of abdominal cancer.

Gina was born in Penticton, B.C., to George and Sophie Marchand on September 23, 1947. She was their first daughter together, but George Marchand's ninth child out of 13. Gina left home after graduating high school and moved to the coast where she married and had a daughter, Ti. The marriage was brief and after the divorce, she traveled to live in Seattle, Oroville, Omak, Tonasket, Los Angeles, Anchorage...well, she was quite nomadic until the birth of her granddaughter, Jessi.

Soon after she was hired on as the third tribal gaming agent ever for the Colville Tribes and stationed at Mill Bay Casino. Over time, she moved up the ranks at the Colville Tribal Casinos until she became the first female Colville Tribal Member to hold the position of Director of Operations. She held that position at all three of the casino sites at different times before settling at Coulee Dam Casino for the past decade.

She is sorely missed by many and will not be forgotten for her generous nature, her willingness to give back to the community and her dedication to her employees, whom she held in high regard as the source of the success of Coulee Dam Casino.

She is survived by Doreen and Sterling Webber, Sue Marchand, Fran Sterling, Leona and Bud Forthun, Arnie Marchand, Joyce Marchand, Verdan and Carole Marchand, Wanda Marchand, Maureen Harden, Ti Marchand, Jessi Bartholomew and several nieces, nephews and cousins.

She was preceded in death by George and Sophie Marchand, Clifford Marchand, Christine Marchand, Jamie Marchand, Ernie Marchand, Glen Marchand and Joyce Ann Marchand.

A celebration of Gina's life was held Saturday, May 3 at the Moose Lodge in Grand Coulee.


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