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Articles from the April 13, 2022 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 25

  • Proposal: add positions to athletics program at school

    Apr 13, 2022

    by Scott Hunter School leaders seemed open to a proposal Monday to add two positions to the athletics department at Lake Roosevelt Jr/Sr High School proposed by Athletic Director Tim Rasmussen, one needed to take programs to the next step, another needed to catch up to evolving trends. Girls’ wrestling has gained popularity to the extent that the statewide organization that oversees school athletics tournaments put them in their own state tournament this year, Rasmussen told the Grand Coulee Dam School District directors at Monday’s board meeti...

  • Anglers give it their all for Triple Fish

    Scott Hunter|Apr 13, 2022

    The annual Grand Coulee Dam Area Chamber of Commerce Triple Fish Challenge drew 50 anglers in 23 boats who caught a lot of fish over two days in highly variable spring weather. Saturday was windy and rough on Banks Lake, but after a day of sunshine Sunday, smiles were everywhere as they lined up for the final weigh-in at Coulee Playland. On day one, Jim Stanley caught the 3.38-pound smallmouth bass in the adult category. Derek Hilderbrand netted 7.97-pound walleye. No one caught a trout. Among...

  • Two arrested for burglary

    Scott Hunter|Apr 13, 2022

    by Scott Hunter Two people were arrested at the Lakeview Terrace trailer park April 5 and charged with burglary after a property manager reported he’d caught them straipping wiring from an unoccupied unit. The Star reported the development as it was in progress last Tuesday but had few details. Undersheriff Kelly Watkins said Thursday that one occupant of a mobile home had finally come out after initially declaring he would not. After deputies learned of the possibility of a rifle inside, Grant County sent a SWAT team at one point. Watkins s...

  • Public health watching flu activity

    Apr 13, 2022

    GCHD is reporting an influenza outbreak in an assisted living facility, increase of influenza in school-aged children and children under the age of five. The Grant County Health District has issued an advisory to the Grant County healthcare community and media: increased influenza activity in Grant County. Be aware of increasing influenza and influenza-like illness, (ILI) in Grant County and Washington state. GCHD is monitoring an influenza outbreak among residents in an assisted living facility. GCHD has provided outbreak mitigation...

  • Dorothy Lucas

    Apr 13, 2022

    Dorothy Ruth Lucas passed away Tuesday, April 12, 2022, at Sacred Heart Medical Center in Spokane, Washington, after a long battle with dementia. A complete obituary will be in next week's Star....

  • Ray L. Gilman

    Apr 13, 2022

    Ray L. Gilman, 83, of Coulee Dam, Washington, passed away Saturday, March 26, 2022, in Wenatchee, Washington. A memorial/celebration of life will be held on Saturday, June 25, in Coulee Dam. A complete obituary will be printed at a later date.... Full story

  • 2022-23 school calendars approved

    Apr 13, 2022

    Lake Roosevelt Schools’ proposed 2022-23 calendar went through its final reading by the Grand Coulee Dam School District board of directors on April 11 and was approved. The Nespelem School Board approved that district’s calendar for the next school year March 31. The GCDSD calendar shows the first day of the next school year starting for students on Aug. 31, 2022 and the last day as June 16, 2023. When school gets out on Dec. 16, school will be out until Jan. 2, 2023 when school resumes. When school gets out on March 31, 2023. Spring break in...

  • Easter Services

    Apr 13, 2022

    Banks Lake Bible Church 25 School Ave., Electric City Easter breakfast begins at 9 a.m. with the service to begin at 10 a.m. Coulee Dam Community Church 509 Central Drive Easter Service will begin at 10 a.m. Faith Community Church 16 Grand, Electric City Easter Service begins at 10 a.m. (Kids’ church durihg sermon). Grand Coulee Community Church 405 Center St. Good Friday service 7 PM, April 15th at 405 Center Street, Grand Coulee; Sunrise service at Crown Point 7 AM, followed by Easter Morning service at 9 AM at the church. Come and join us i... Full story

  • AA Meetings for GCD and Nespelem Area

    Apr 13, 2022

    Confused in the Coulee AA meetings are held on Mondays and Fridays at 6 p.m. at the Vets Center in Electric City. Call Paul at 633-3377 days or 633-3345 evenings. New Hope Group meetings are held Wednesdays at 6 p.m. at the Vets Center. These are open and non-smoking. A new Alcoholics Anonymous group is meeting each Saturday at noon at the Grand Coulee Community Church, 405 Center St. Meetings are open. More information call 509.680.9549 In Nespelem, the group Bound and Determined holds its meetings Monday evening at 7 p.m. at the Catholic...

  • Blood drive coming April 18

    Apr 13, 2022

    A drive to collect blood will take place April 18 from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. at the American Legion in Electric City. Vitalant says all blood types are needed, but especially type O. They encourage advance appointments. There is no waiting period to give blood after receiving and FDA-approved COVID-19 vaccine, but the vaccine is not required. You can make an appointment online or by calling 877-258-4825 and using sponsor code grandcouleecomm. The site to visit online is, where...

  • An intro to healthy living is first in virtual series

    Apr 13, 2022

    NCW Libraries is proud to partner with Confluence Health to offer a virtual Health Living Series this spring featuring an introduction to healthy living, weight loss, sleep, and cancer prevention and screening. This weekly series will run from April 13-May 25, each Wednesday evening at 7PM. A provider from Confluence will lead the presentation followed by a question and answer session. The series will include: April 13: An Intro to Health Living with Katie Mathews, PAC. April 20: Depression, More Than Just the Blues, with Kasey Grass, Behaviora...

  • GCD Lions Club annual Easter Egg Hunt is back

    Apr 13, 2022

    The Grand Coulee Dam Lions Club will be holding its 83rd Annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 16, beginning at 11 a.m. at the old middle school athletic field in Grand Coulee. This hunt is for ages 0-10.... Full story

  • Easter food distributed Friday

    Apr 13, 2022

    Care & Share Food bank will be handing out special Easter Food on Good Friday, Apr 15, starting early, 12 – 3. Indoor service will resume in May. Regular hours are Friday, 1-3. Please bring Bags and boxes starting in May....

  • Masquers to present "These Shining Lives"

    Apr 13, 2022

    Masquers Theater is proud to present Melanie Marnich’s “These Shining Lives”. This play is based on the true story of four women who worked for the Radium Dial company during the 1920s and 30s. The play follows the ups and downs of these hardworking women in and out of work. Experience the struggles working for this watch making company and the sad side-effects of the toxic chemical radium. Come see and understand how history was made, and watch one of the first stepping stones for “employee rights” be set! We welcome back Mistya Zaleski,...

  • Coulee Cops

    Apr 13, 2022

    Grand Coulee Police 4/5 - After looking for it for a day in his home, an Electric City man decided to report a firearm as either missing or stolen. He told police he’d been shooting at Osborne Bay the day before and wasn’t sure he brought it back inside on returning home. Then he went on a date the night before at a bonfire in Soap Lake and could have left his car unlocked. Or he may have set it down when fixing a flat alongside the road on the way home, then forgot to pick it up. He estimated the loss of the 22-caliber Ruger and four box...

  • FBLA heads to state competition

    Apr 13, 2022

    Several Lake Roosevelt students will head to state competition this month in the Future Business Leaders of America statewide contest in Spokane April 20-23. Sam Amarilla, Kaitylyn Nordine, Noah Hunt and Kailah Leadingham will compete in their respective categories, ranging from business law to broadcast journalism to help desk. The team earned the right to compete at state in Wenatchee in February when they took three first place wins, four seconds, two thirds, a fourth and a sixth. Advisor Susan Duclos received permission to go on the trip...

  • Nespelem Jr. Rodeo coming April 23 & 24

    Apr 13, 2022

    Queen Lelah Mason welcomes you to The Nespelem Junior Rodeo being held at the Nespelem Rodeo Grounds on Saturday and Sunday April 23 and 24, beginning at 10 a.m. both days. There will be 8 all-around saddles, 9 reserve all-around awards, handmade 1st place buckles, and all-around LP buckles. There will be payout to 4th place. This is a CTJRA points rodeo. No entries accepted after April 18. Admission will be $5, with ages 5 and under admitted free. Concessions will be available. For information...

  • Bowling Scores

    Apr 13, 2022

    THURSDAY MIXUPS TEAM W L Team 2 61 51 Oldies but Goodies 58 54 San Poil Valley 56.5 55.5 9 & a Wiggle 48.5 63.5 Season Highs: High Game John Stensgar 266; Mae Stensgar 236. High Series; John Stensgar 717; Samantha Turner 555. Previous - High Game: Tiger Covington 210; Mae Stensgar 190 High Series: Tiger Covington 565;Robin Atlin-Covington 491 Splits: Tiger 4-9; Wes Chase 3-7 Previous: TIGER COVINGTON 260! Robin Atlin-Covington 209 High Series: Tiger Covington 596; Robin Atlin-Covington 533 Previous - John Stensgar 228; Mae Stensgar 236 High...

  • On the dean's list at U of W

    Apr 13, 2022

    Mikayla L. Higgins, of Electric City, was named to the Dean’s List at the University of Washington for Spring 2021 Quarter, UW announced this week. To qualify for the Dean’s List, a student must have completed at least 12 graded credits and have a grade point average of at least 3.50 (out of 4). Students are notified that they have achieved this distinction when they receive their grades for the quarter....

  • Public Notice

    Apr 13, 2022

    Indian Education Title VI Program VIRTUAL MEETING ON FORMULA GRANT The Indian Education Title VI program is now forgoing the formula grant. A public meeting will be held 6 p.m., Wednesday, April 20. All are welcome, please join us. It will be a zoom meeting join at the following link: (Publish April 13, 2022)...

  • What Does It Take to Be Important in America?

    Lee Hamilton|Apr 13, 2022

    aMaybe it’s the perspective a long life brings, but I find myself eyeing with some skepticism the glut of “personal brands” that assault us every day on television, in print, and through social media. Entertainers, celebrities, politicians striving for acclaim, artists and writers who’ve mastered the public-relations game, journalists and media stars who are building their national profiles — all are “important” in terms of the attention they garner. But are they actually important? In some ways, of course, the question is impossible to...

  • Inflation is devastating to our family farms

    Dan Newhouse|Apr 13, 2022

    Farming season is here, and unfortunately, due to supply-chain issues and rising energy costs exacerbated by President Biden’s policies, input costs are at a record-high. This has placed a huge burden on Central Washington farmers and will have a massive impact on this year’s harvest. A poor harvest does not just hurt a farmer’s bottom line, it hurts everyone up and down the supply chain, from the local community to the end consumer who faces higher food prices and even food shortages. Farmers from across Central Washington are concerned becau...

  • Weather and our mood

    Bob Valen|Apr 13, 2022

    Spring has arrived! We all are feeling the relief from the overcast, damp, and cold winter weather; it’s behind us once again. Spring is here and summer is fast approaching. Some of you may recall this movie quote. A contestant is asked to describe her perfect date. “That’s a tough one. I’d have to say April 25. Because it’s not too hot, not too cold. All you need is a light jacket.” Our mood is affected by the weather. In the field of human psychology, some studies address the association...

  • Postcard brings friends together

    Roger Lucas|Apr 13, 2022

    In my column I have often mentioned what good neighbors I have. I particularly mention Dave and Dorothy Stiegelmeyer, who frequently are doing little things to make life easier for me. I received a postcard recently from an old friend asking if he was a good neighbor when living next to us in Nampa, Idaho when we were both attending college. That was in or about 1957. I assured him that he was. Earl Tromburg and his wife Velma lived right next to us in the Vetville apartment complex made up of about a dozen apartments for students attending sch...

  • Enforcement of city laws discussed

    Scott Hunter|Apr 13, 2022

    What do you do in someone just says no? That they are not going to follow the law? That’s a policy issue the Electric City Council discussed Tuesday night after approving new forms the city’s code enforcer will use to inform people when they need to correct a “nuisance” code violation. But the subject of a rooster came up. Someone owns one who lives near Councilmember Brian Buche. The city allows chickens — up to six — but not roosters, which can be persistently noisy. Buche said a neighbor not far from the offending bird in his neighborhoo...

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