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In the wake of state inspections and allegations of harassment and retaliation, the mayor of Coulee Dam has ordered immediate changes in the town’s paid volunteer ambulance service, some of which have sparked threats of EMTs purposely not responding, he said. The state Department of Health inspected the ambulance May 8 at the invitation of Mayor Greg Wilder and found a dozen “areas of non-compliance” with state law and standards. Those were detailed in a letter to Fire Chief Robert Jackson dated May 14. Issues cited ranged from candy bars... Full story
A special meeting of the commissioners that govern Coulee Medical Center will occur this afternoon, but will not take any action other than adjournment following a closed session, according to revised agenda the hospital district published Sunday morning. Below is that notice and agenda: PUBLIC NOTICE There will be a special Board Meeting of the Commissioners of Douglas, Grant, Lincoln, & Okanogan Counties Public Hospital District No. 6 on Tuesday, May 27, 2014, 4:00 PM in the Education Conference Room, located at 411 Fortuyn Road, Grand... Full story
An airplane accident has killed a man on Banks Lake near Steamboat Rock. Kenneth A. Berger, 60, of Monroe, Wash. had already put down his Searay amphibious plane at about 5 p.m., witnesses said. They said he apparently was trying to take off again, when the plane flipped over forward into the water, witnesses said. Nearby boaters got to the craft, and two women at the Northrup Point boat launch said they had been approaching to offer CPR but were turned back by men who had recovered the pilot... Full story
The American Legion Post in Electric City will cook breakfast during this holiday for any who would like to help support local veterans while having a nice meal in a community setting. Saturday, the group will serve a breakfast of pancakes, eggs, ham, sausage, coffee and milk from 6:30 to 11 a.m., and Monday from 6:30 to 10 a.m. The breakfast costs $6. The hour shorter period on Monday will allow people to get to the Isle of Flags Memorial at Spring Canyon, which starts at 11... Full story
KELLER FERRY – Due to rising river levels, the Keller Ferry north shore terminal will be moved from the low water ramp to the regular ramp on Thursday, May 22, 2014. The process will begin at about 9 a.m. and can take up to 5 hours to complete. During this work, motorists are advised to use alternate state routes for their travels. The terminal is moved to the low water ramp in the Sanpoil River arm when Lake Roosevelt water levels are 1,238 feet or lower. As water levels rise toward summer elevation (1,290 feet), the terminal is brought b... Full story
The flags are going up Saturday, Veterans, their families, and the general public looks forward each year to the "Isle of Flags" at Spring Canyon Cemetery. This year there will be over 500 flags flying for veterans from the local areas. They go up in a gigantic volunteer work effort beginning at 11 a.m. Saturday. You can go and help. Then the flags come down on Monday beginning at 3 p.m. if it's not raining. This year 13 new flags will be dedicated in honor of the following: Clifford W. Avey,... Full story
The Bureau of Reclamation will begin showing the new laser light show on the face of Grand Coulee Dam, “One River, Many Voices,” this Saturday beginning at 10 p.m. The new show incorporates the story of the area, beginning with how the land was formed, the original inhabitants of the area, why Grand Coulee Dam was developed and the numerous effects and benefits the dam has had on local communities and the nation. The show replaces the original laser show developed in 1989, and which ran for 25 consecutive summers. In 2011 the Bureau con... Full story
The Ridge Riders have pulled out all the stops for this year’s 3rd Annual Cleatis Lacy Memorial Bull Riding event, this Saturday May 24, at the rodeo grounds. Bull riders will be facing the longest eight seconds in sports (riders must stay on the bull eight seconds for a successful ride), and the new attraction, the Wild Horse Race, will provide some extra thrills for rodeo fans. Adults will pay $10, and students over 10 years of age $8. Those under 10 get in free. The Lacy bull riding event honors the late Cleatis Lacy, a longtime rodeo partic... Full story
The Bureau of Reclamation is planning to build a new fire station. It's the "where" that's in question. The Bureau is seeking public comment to identify issues to be addressed in an environmental assessment, due out this fall. The Bureau is looking at two locations for the new fire station: one, on land it owns, near the intersection of SR-155 and "B" Street; the other on land managed by the National Park Service at Crescent Bay, uphill from the boat launch and adjacent to the access road. A... Full story
Star office closed The Star newspaper will be closed Monday, May 26, in observance of Memorial Day. The news and advertising deadline for the May 28 newspaper is Friday, May 23 at 5 p.m. Playhouse still on raffle Raffle tickets for the little playhouse are still on sale at Loepp Furniture for $1 each, The tickets will remain on sale until the Junior Rodeo, July 19-20. The playhouse is built annually by DWK Fowler Construction and donated to the Ridge Riders for the drawing. The drawing will be held during the Junior Rodeo. Bids awarded... Full story
Electric City’s council voted to give the Grand Coulee Dam Area Chamber of Commerce $9,000, instead of the requested $6,000, to help promote the area’s new Laser Light Show on the west side of the mountains. The chamber had outlined a media buy on the Seattle side of the state and had requested that each of the three cities, Grand Coulee, Coulee Dam, and Electric City, that collect hotel/motel tax monies, pony up $6,000 each. At its last meeting, Grand Coulee voted $6,000, and last Tuesday night, May 13, Electric City, after considerable dis... Full story
Coulee Dam’s town council was slow to convince last week that the town should reach down in its hotel/motel money reserves and provide the chamber of commerce and the Coulee Area Park and Recreation District with more funds. Grand Coulee Dam Chamber of Commerce officials, and Rec Commissioner Phil Hansen, appeared before the council May 14, each asking for more money. The chamber was asking for $6,000 as Coulee Dam’s portion of a media campaign cost to try to lure visitors from western Washington to the new Laser Light Show. Hansen was asking f... Full story
Students at Grand Coulee Dam Middle School experiment with electromagnetism during a daylong presentation throughout much of the school by the Pacific Science Center. The event was sponsored by the PTA. Pictured from left to right are, at the front table, Chazz Reyes and Kaleb Horn. In the background are Trevor McCraigie, Dalton Kentner and Lonnie Cawston. - Scott Hunter photo... Full story
Tribal officials are putting together some of the final plans for their July 4-13 powwow activities scheduled for the celebration grounds at the Colville Indian Agency. The celebration will include the traditional horse parade, family fun day, traditional dinner, bingo nights and the powwow. Currently, the committee managing the 10-day celebration continues to raise money to help defray the cost of putting on the event. To make raffle item donations, people are asked to contact Vanessa Cawston at 631-4194, and for powwow information to contact... Full story
The towns of Elmer City and Coulee Dam passed resolutions at their last council meetings to take part in the formation of a regional council of governments in Okanogan County. A similar resolution will be on the agenda at other cities and towns and at the county level to develop an organization that can come together and deal with issues that they hold in common. This organization, if formed, would deal with county-wide transportation issues. Earlier cities, towns, and county government in Okanogan County fell under the North Central Regional... Full story
I would like to address the concerns expressed in three letters in The Star last week regarding the “Wild Horse Race” event to be held over Memorial Weekend. There seems to be some confusion in our community about what a “Wild” Horse Race really is. The horses are not really “wild”; they are raised on a ranch in Nespelem and are in contact with humans on a daily basis. Not only do I know the family very well who raises these horses, I also know the care and compassion they have for them as well. They are fed well on a daily basis, given suppl... Full story
I would like to invite the public to join the Ridge Riders this Saturday at 4 p.m. at the Ridge Rider arena for the Cleatis Lacy Memorial Bull Riding and Wild Horse Races. The Ridge Riders set up this event to honor our good friend and one of the greatest cowboys in the Pacific Northwest. For those of you who did not know Cleatis, he lived and raised his family right here in Grand Coulee and traveled extensively year long following the rodeo circuit. We hope with this event his memory will live on. We added a new attraction this year, the Wild... Full story
In response to three letters published last week so fervently against the “Wild horse race” coming up this weekend, there needs to be some things cleared up. The term “Wild horse race” has misled the three concerned ladies that voiced their strong objection and outrage against this “most inhumane thing.” First of all, these are not “wild horses” as you would see on some National Geographic documentary. Usually these are horses that have demonstrated that they don’t have the temperament to be saddle horses. Most horses that have shown this t... Full story
I’d like to take this time to thank all the staff (surgeon and nurses) that personally took care of me before surgery, during surgery and after. I was and still am overwhelmed by the kindness, the caring and the concern I was given at CMC. I’ve lived in the coulee for 35 years and am proud to call it my home. I applaud every one of the medical people who cared for me during my short stay at CMC. With much, much appreciation, I sincerely thank the surgeon and nurses that stood by my side and made me feel of importance. Thank you! Thank you! Tha... Full story
Here are the facts: 1. On May 12 we were driving up Spring Canyon hill toward Wilbur. 2. A gravel truck with trailer was going down the hill. 3. The truck was overloaded, untarped and going too fast. 4. Gravel was spewing like shrapnel out of the truck. 5. I’m out $100 for a new windshield. 6. My insurance company is out $700 (See #5 above) 7. My dinged up car has less than 10,000 miles on it. 8. Preventative measures should be taken by a company or tax-supported agency. Just sayin’. Larry Zimmerman Electric City... Full story
I’m writing this letter to try to help out what could be a very serious problem on Roosevelt Drive in Grand Coulee. We have a number of children on Roosevelt Drive, along with adults who walk down the center of the street. The children also ride their bikes down the center of the streets on Roosevelt as well as McGovern Street. We are very fortunate that no accidents have happened yet, as a lot of cars do not stop at the stop sign on McGovern Street that enters on to Roosevelt Drive. Last week a car came up Martin Road onto Roosevelt Drive a... Full story
I saw our rez from afar today. Awakening late, coffee, toast, and ‘pondering, praying, meditation and hope...’ what we once were, where we are right now, and what will be. Suddenly, picture perfect clear, it came to me like a dream, a vision, and I thought "this is the way it should be!"... so beautiful, so calm, comforting and serene: CCT, the CCT peoples and most certainly the CCT rez and what is to be! Atop a hillside with tall grasses swaying, blowing in the soft winds at the foot of Mother earth's bountiful hillside, a jogger lazily mak... Full story
There is a kid in town who is racing his way to NASCAR. That kid is Lucas Bird, a home grown product of the Coulee area who has won races in just about every car he has been in. Last year he was racing with the adults and won the championship hands down. Did I mention that this kid is only in the eighth grade at Grand Coulee Dam Middle School? 4.0 student. Class president. Not to mention a leader, not just on the track but in the halls at school. I personally have seen him be the voice of... Full story
Lela (Ross) Monteith, 88, peacefully left her earthly home for her heavenly home on Sunday, May 18, 2014. Lela Joy Ross was born December 6, 1925, in Caldwell, Idaho. She graduated from Parma High School, Idaho in 1944. Lela took her nurses training in Nampa, Idaho, graduated from Northwest Nazarene College and earned her Registered Nursing Degree. Lela married her college sweetheart Wayne Mervin Monteith, on November 8, 1948. She worked at various nursing jobs in Central Washington. In 1988... Full story
Rachel Rounds, 62, was born on June 28th, 1951 to Roman Sr. and Lillian "Nellie" Antioquia in Seattle, Washington. She went to meet her Lord Jesus and reunite with her beloved Michael Thursday morning, May 15, 2014 from Grand Coulee, Washington. She was preceded in death by the passing of both of her parents, her husband Michael Rounds I, and siblings Rio Antioquia, Trinidad Cadiente, George Antioquia and Roman Antioquia Jr. She is survived by siblings Liz Howard (Glenn), Clay Antioquia (Pat),... Full story