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Grand Coulee Dam schools are scrambling this week to get almost 40 of their students who live in Nespelem to formally “choice in” to GCDSD — or else risk losing $9,100 per student in so-called “full time equivalent” funding from the state. As of Monday night, Superintendent Rod Broadnax told the school board they had not received paperwork from any of the Nespelem students yet, putting around $350,000 at risk. The state Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction has given GCDSD the ultimatum this year: Get it done or else lose out on th...
An all-community meeting next week will explore the idea of forming an Emergency Medical Services District for the area. Local ambulance service depends on a few paid volunteers who must respond too often. The meeting will take place Nov. 6 at 6 p.m. at the Coulee Dam Town Hall in the ballroom. The topic affects all local municipalities, and will offer information about the medical transportation needs of the community....
A thick fog obscures the towns and lakes below SR-174 in Douglas County Tuesday morning as the mist rises with the sun and the temperature. Check out our local weather forecast on page 3. - Scott Hunter photo...
A popular program that provided after-school and summer educational activities for students may return to Lake Roosevelt Schools next year. School District Superintendent Rod Broadnax told the district board of directors Monday that several people have volunteered to help get the funding back that is lacking this year from the 21st Century grant program that once funded the District’s SHARP Kids program. Broadnax said Gene Sharrett, former NCW Education Services District superintendent, and one other person met with him Friday. “I’m very excit...
The Colville Confederated Tribes signed a formal agreement with the Washington State Department of Commerce last week, committing the state agency to remove administrative barriers, improve communications and ensure data sovereignty in its work with CCT. Tribal Chairman Jarred-Michael Erickson and Commerce Director Mike Fong signed the agreement on Oct. 23 at a ceremony at the Government Center, according to a news release. "The Colville Tribes welcomes a chance to work collaboratively with...
The Grand Coulee Volunteer Fire Department responded to a power pole fire Sunday in East Heights along the highway to Wilbur about 8 a.m. And electric power pole and a transformer were burning. A transformer exploded about 9 a.m., the department reported. Volunteers also attended a search and rescue training on Thursday at the former middle school in Grand Coulee. The department appreciated the ability to use the school for the training. "Great training and sharing of ideas between new and old...
The Economic Alliance of Okanogan County is inviting business owners to a couple educational events in November. “Pricing Power: Maximize Profit” will be offered Nov. 6, 9-11 a.m. at 238 E. Oak in Okanogan to “learn about the factors to consider when setting a price and how to avoid being overwhelmed by all the options.” Business owners, chambers of commerce, and other interested can attend a presentation by the Washington State Main Street Program on Nov. 12 from 1 – 2:30 p.m. at the Community Foundation of NCW, 715A Okoma Drive, in Omak. Par...
I want to share how much I enjoy seeing the progress of the reopening of the Village Cinema. My sister, Cecilia, and I subscribe to The Star and enjoy sharing what is happening. My parents, Rod and Anne Hartman, ran the Coulee Dam Theatre when I was growing up. I have such memories of having my parents own the theatre. Some good, some great, and some embarrassing. We’ll start with the embarrassing. My mom would cruise the aisles with her flashlight, watching for those that were not watching the movie but were choosing to make out with their d...
Northwestern University reports that, during the past 20 years, 3,200 print newspapers have closed. That is a savage blow to our nation. The traffic and the advertising money moved to social media. Traditional newspapers are edited for accuracy and truth. Social media are not edited, and anyone can publish their own agenda on social media. Foreign countries that are enemies of the United States can post on social media using fake identities. Community newspapers provide social stability, what economists call a public “good.” Social media is...
Over the past two years, as a member of the House Select Committee on Strategic Competition between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party, we have uncovered the malign influence the CCP has in American institutions. With these revelations, we have committed to finding real, actionable solutions to prevent the CCP from tightening their grip on our nation’s security and way of life. The Select Committee has exposed numerous CCP schemes aimed at undermining our national security. From increased land purchases near sensitive sites to di...
I have been in the writing business almost 70 years. It started under difficult circumstances and almost ended the same way. I took a couple of journalism classes early on and my prof, Helen Wilson, took a liking to my work. When an opening came up on the staff of the small daily paper in Nampa, Idaho, she arranged for me to go in for an interview. I talked with the editor, Jack Scudder, who sensed my hesitation. He explained that as sports editor I would be following and writing about sports events in the area. After I said I didn’t think I wa...
All-Community Meeting Nov. 6 There will be an all-community meeting on Wednesday, November 6, 2024 at Coulee Dam Town Hall Ballroom to discuss forming an Emergency Medical Services District for the area. The meeting will start at 6:00pm. This topic affects all of our local municipalities and will be very informative about the medical transportation needs of our communities. Grant County Fire Dist. 14 to Meet Grant County Fire District #14 will hold its Budget meeting before the regular monthly meeting Monday, November 11, 2024, at 6:00pm at...
As of Friday, Oct. 25, Okanogan County’s burn restriction was lifted, the county emergency management agency said. Natural vegetation may now be burned within unincorporated areas of Okanogan County, but they “strongly encouraged” people to call Okanogan County Sheriff Dispatch at 509-422-7232, option 4, before burning. The county also said to be sure to check on current burning rules/restrictions with your city, town, and the state Dept. of Natural Resources ( That site lists current fire danger level and outdoor burning restr...
Coulee Dam Police 10/21 - A report was filed for burglary/home invasion on Western Avenue in Electric City but further details were not in the report. 10/23 - A GMC Sierra towing a boat struck a deer near the entrance to SunBanks Lake Resort on SR-155. The driver estimated his speed upon impact to have been about 40 miles per hour. Police took photos of damage to the front of the truck and noted coolant leaking from the radiator area. The deer was shot by police as it was clear it wasn’t going to live through the night. - While heading north on...
With their season about to wrap up, the Raiders grabbed a football win on the Lake Roosevelt field for their homecoming game Friday. They beat the Tonasket Tigers 40-35, boosting the Raider win-loss to 1-6. "I'm always proud of our players, but this week our team built on the value of personal sacrifice," said Head Coach Geary Oliver. "Our defensive line was asked to play a technique which would result in no personal accolades. However, it would give us our best chance to win the game. It was a...
Public Notice City of Coulee Dam ORDINANCE ADOPTED BY THE TOWN OF COULEE DAM Ordinance 822 – amending the 2024 budget as adopted in Ordinance No. 815 and amended in Ordinance No 819. Full and complete copy of the above ordinances are available by contacting City Hall during normal business hours. Stefani Bowden, Clerk / Treasurer (Publish October 30, 2024) SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 1099 of the City of Grand Coulee, Washington On October 15, 2024, the City Council of the City of Grand Coulee, Washington, approved Ordinance No. 1099, the main p...