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Articles from the July 17, 2024 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 13 of 13

  • Firefighters keep Sunbanks blaze at bay

    Scott Hunter|Jul 17, 2024

    A fire that originated at a local resort spread rapidly over a hill separating the resort from the rest of Electric City, but ultimately required all local fire crews, federal wildland firefighters, and air support to suppress Tuesday. Fire calls went out between 2 and 3 p.m., drawing in local firefighters from all stations, and prompting fire chiefs to call for air support. The blaze, which got away from a Sunbanks Lake Resort fire, the origin of which was not clear at the time of this writing,...

  • Police mutual aid pact strained with department relations

    Renata Rollins|Jul 17, 2024

    If a Grand Coulee officer calls to request backup at the scene of a crime, they can’t count on Coulee Dam PD to respond, according to an email obtained by The Star. In the email from Grand Coulee Interim Police Chief Levi Johnson to Coulee Dam Police Chief Paul Bowden on July 8, Johnson wrote, “It was brought to my attention, you told your officers they are not to assist Grand Coulee Units. I heard this from a couple of our officers. If this is true, I would like to hear it from you.” The next day Bowden confirmed in his reply: “That is corr...

  • More parking and crosswalk proposed for city park

    Renata Rollins|Jul 17, 2024

    An improved park in Grand Coulee may need a couple more improvements because of increased usage, a city council member proposes. The chair of the city council’s safety committee wants the city to take another look at installing a few more parking spaces next to Grand Coulee City Park, perhaps in the adjacent alley running parallel to Grand Coulee Ave. and Roosevelt Drive. At the council’s June 25 meeting Councilmember Tom Poplawski also proposed petitioning the state Department of Transportation to install a crosswalk with button-activated fla...

  • Toxic algae blooms detected in Rufus Woods

    Renata Rollins|Jul 17, 2024

    Elevated levels of neurotoxin were detected in the middle section of Rufus Woods, according to a monitoring website that tracks toxic algae blooms. A sample pulled June 25 from the "Mid Lake" region of the reservoir showed 13.760 micrograms of anatoxin-a per liter of water–well over the state Department of Health's guidelines for anatoxin-a in "recreational water bodies," which is 1 microgram per liter of water. Anatoxin-a is a naturally-occurring substance produced by cyanobacteria, s...

  • It's all more tenuous than you think

    Scott Hunter|Jul 17, 2024

    We like to go about our business believing that things are working as they should — and they seem to, mostly. Until they don’t. That can be when we have to realize some foundation of stability in our experience just wasn’t so stable after all. Take our local police forces and the way our firefighting infrastructure is set up. Yesterday’s wildfire at Sunbanks in Electric City (actually outside town at the moment) was prolonged due to — well, that’s uncertain at this point. But a nearby firefighting helicopter sat on the ground at Grand Coule...

  • Keenes deserve big thanks from community

    Jul 17, 2024

    The purchase of Banks Lake Golf Course by the Colville Tribes ends seven years of service to the course by Jim and Rose Keene. They took over management of the course under difficult conditions and put in countless hours of work to keep the course up and running. They have worked together with a mostly volunteer crew overseeing the everyday operations of the facility. Running a course is no easy task. It is a seven-day-a-week commitment for most of the year with some activity even when the course is closed. They deserve a very large “Thank Y...

  • Uncovering the CCP's role in the fentanyl crisis

    Dan Newhouse Congressman 4th District|Jul 17, 2024

    During my time in Congress representing Washington’s 4th Congressional District, addressing the fentanyl crisis has been one of my top priorities. I have introduced legislation such as the Stop Overdose in Schools Act, fought the policies of unelected federal bureaucrats including Department of Homeland Security Director Alejandro Mayorkas, and even established a Central Washington Fentanyl Task Force to find new solutions with members of our community. But most recently, I was appointed to lead the House Select Committee on the Chinese C...

  • Afraid to fly

    Roger Lucas|Jul 17, 2024

    There are a number of reasons why I am now afraid to fly. My first flight was with an Alaskan “bush” pilot who emphasized “local” conditions. He said conditions can change quickly and you have to be ready for change. He pointed this out as we approached the small airfield in Orofino, Idaho. The airfield is surrounded by high hills. He said many pilots go over the hills and try a direct line to the airfield. He said that you should come over the hills and circle the space before you line up to the single runway. So we did. He said that it puts...

  • Health district: Protect yourself from COVID-19 this summer

    Jul 17, 2024

    Grant County Health District (GCHD) observed an increase in COVID-19 infections on a local, state, and national level last month, the agency stated in a release Tuesday. • In Washington, there was a 14% increase in COVID-associated emergency department visits towards the end of June. Nationwide that increase was over 23%. • In Grant County, COVID-19-associated hospitalizations were back to over 2% for the first time since the end of the respiratory virus season in mid-April. • In Grant County, levels of COVID-19 detected in wastewater incre...

  • Terry Allling

    Jul 17, 2024

    A memorial service will be held for Terry Alling at Spring Canyon Cemetery @ 11:00am on Saturday July 20th with a celebration of life to follow at the Grand Coulee senior center....

  • Coulee Cops

    Jul 17, 2024

    Coulee Dam Police 7/7- Police told people playing loud music near a Banks Lake boat launch along SR-155 near milepost nine to turn the music down as they were disturbing others. - An officer assisted emergency medical services in getting someone on Kelso Avenue suffering from an overdose into an ambulance. 7/9 - Police were told that a Kelso Avenue residence was using water from hoses attached to faucets near storage units on Coulee Boulevard. Police contacted the owner of the storage units who spoke to the people using the water and told them...

  • Legals

    Jul 17, 2024

    Notice of Election Okanogan County, State of Washington Primary Election Tuesday, August 6, 2024 A Primary election will be held in the below mentioned districts for the purpose of submitting to the voters for their approval or rejection the following. U.S. Senate, Congressional District 4 U.S. Representative, Governor, Lt. Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, State Auditor, Attorney General, Commissioner of Public Lands, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Legislative District 7, State Representative Pos. 1, Legislative District...

  • Keller Ferry to remain out of service for scheduled repairs until Saturday afternoon

    press release, WSDOT|Jul 17, 2024

    ­­­­­­KELLER – Those who use the Keller Ferry, M/V Sanpoil, across the Columbia River on State Route 21 will need to find alternate routes due to planned closure of the ferry. Planned Keller Ferry closure The closures will begin at 6 a.m. on Tuesday, July 16, and last until the afternoon of Saturday, July 20, in order to make repairs to a support beam on the vessels hull. The damage to the hull was located by marine inspectors with the United States Coast Guard who conducted a required five-year hull exam dive operation last month. Travele...

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