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Legal Notices






Sealed Proposals will be received by the undersigned at the City of Grand Coulee, 306 Midway Avenue, Grand Coulee, Washington 99133, up to 11:00 a.m .; local time on Tuesday, March 12, 2024, for furnishing the necessary labor, materials, equipment, tools, and guarantees thereof to construct James Saunders Street and Fortuyn Road Improvements.

This Contract provides for the reconstruction of approximately 1,000 LF of Fortuyn Road and James Saunders Street from 2nd Street to Burdin Boulevard including, but not limited to, excavation, grading, subgrade preparation including pulverization and cement treatment of the existing base, hot mix asphalt, storm drainage improvements, cement concrete curb and gutter, sidewalk, guardrail, retaining wall, and pavement markings, miscellaneous surface restoration and utility adjustments, and other work all in accordance with the Contract Plans, Special Provisions, and the Standard Specifications.

The Work shall be physically complete within 65 working days after the commencement date stated in the Notice to Proceed. All bidding and construction is to be performed in compliance with the Contract Provisions and Contract Plans for this project and any addenda issued thereto that are on file at the office of the City Clerk, Washington.

The Proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud shortly after the time and date stated above. Proposals are to be submitted only on the form provided with the Bid Documents. All Proposals must be accompanied by a certified check, postal money order, cashiers check, or Proposal bond payable to the “City of Grand Coulee” and in an amount of not less than five percent (5%) of the total Proposal amount.

Bid Documents for this project are available free-of-charge at the following website: Bidders are encouraged to register in order to receive automatic email notification of future addenda and to be placed on the Bidders List. For assistance, please call (509) 453‑4833. Contract questions shall be directed only to the office of the Project Engineer.

(Publish February 28 and March 6, 2024)

Notice of Election

Okanogan County,

State of Washington

Tuesday, March 12th, 2024

A Presidential Primary election will be held in the below mentioned districts for the purpose of submitting to the voters for their approval or rejection the following.

Democratic Party

Republican Party

The registration deadline for online registrations, mail-in registrations and transfers is March 4th, 2024. Any qualified elector who is not registered to vote in the State of Washington may register to vote in person at the Auditor’s Office up to and including March 12th, 2024.

You can register or obtain registration forms at the Auditor’s Office, on line at, and Department of Licensing.

The Okanogan County Auditor’s Office, 149 3rd Ave N, Room 104, at the County Courthouse, will be open so voters may obtain replacement ballots, drop off voted ballots, obtain provisional ballots, and use the Accessible Voting Units, at the following times.

Monday – Friday 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM February 23rd- March 11th, 2024

On Election Day only, March 12th, 2024, 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM.

Drop box locations around the county for this election.

Okanogan County Auditor- 149 3rd Ave. N, Okanogan

Oroville - Police Station, 1105 Main St., Oroville

Tonasket - City Hall/Library Complex, 209 S Whitcomb Ave., Tonasket

Omak - Next to Police Station, 8 N Ash, Omak

Omak - 12 Tribes Casino, 28968 Hwy 97, Omak

Pateros - 180 Pateros Mall in parking lot, Pateros

Brewster- Library 108 S. 3rd St., Brewster

Twisp - City Hall, 110 E 2nd St, Twisp

Coulee Dam - City Hall, 300 Lincoln Ave, Coulee Dam

Nespelem - Outside Agency, 21 Colville St., Nespelem

Winthrop - Library, 112 Norfolk Rd, Winthrop

Riverside- 101 1st St, Riverside

Drop boxes will close at 8:00PM on Election Day

Voters needing additional information or assistance with voter registration forms or voting may call (509) 422-7240. Voters unable to use the mail-in ballot may use the Accessible Voting Unit available at the County Auditor’s Office.

Ballots require no postage and must be postmarked no later than the day of the election. Check with your local Post Office for deadlines to have your ballot postmarked properly.

For additional information on the election or regarding voter registration.

Local newspaper, radio, and TV

Meetings of the Okanogan County Canvassing Board are open, public meetings and shall be continued until the activities for which the following meetings are held have been completed. Canvass Board meetings are held in the Okanogan County Auditor’s Office, 149 3rd Ave N, Room 104, at the County Courthouse, in Okanogan.

Monday, March 18th, 2024 at 11:00 AM and Thursday, March 21st, 2024 to determine the status of any provisional or challenged ballots

Friday, March 22nd, 2024 at 2:00 PM to canvass the votes cast and certify the election

This notice is in accordance with RCW 29A.52.

Dated at Okanogan, Washington this 25th day of January, 2024.

Cari Hall, Okanogan County Auditor and Ex-Officio Supervisor of Elections

Jamie Groomes,

Chief Deputy/Elections Admin.

(Publish Feb. 28,2024)



In accordance with RCW 29A.12.130 and WAC 434-335, a Logic and Accuracy test will be conducted on the Okanogan County vote counting equipment. The test was held in the Okanogan County Auditor’s Office 2:30 PM, February 27th, 2024.

At that time a “test deck” of ballots was run through the vote tabulating equipment. The test is designed to check the ballot tabulating and precinct programming.

A test deck wasscanned and resolved at the time of the Logic and Accuracy Test.

The test is open to the public.

(Publish Feb. 28,2024)

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