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Get tough with idiots

The Reporter's Notebook

These airline incidents threaten the lives of everyone aboard.

The other day a plane two hours out from a flight from Honolulu to Seattle had to turn around and go back because a passenger acted up and interfered with a flight attendant.

They need to put a stop to this before there is a disaster.

These people need to be on a no-fly list for all airlines, suffer a stiff fine, and look at a mandatory jail sentence.

It has been a few years since I’ve been flying, but it would have been unheard of back then.

It isn’t just airline passengers who because of their selfishness endanger other people.

There’s the anti-vaccine crowd, about 25% of the population, who don’t care for themselves, or for others.

Most come from states governed by Republicans; in such states as Florida, Texas and Idaho.


The Gem state is topping all others for hospitalizations per capita, mostly from non-vaccinated people.

If you need convincing, just look at the math of the percentage of people taking up hospital space that are unvaccinated.

One person quipped that he no longer felt sorry for people who get the virus if they are unvaccinated. That goes way too far.

We are all in this together, even if some don’t do their bit.

Scott Hunter, through The Star newspaper, has pushed this truth for many months.

People who repeat and believe in conspiracies about being vaccinated need to stop listening to those who suggest otherwise.

It is shocking to learn that some teachers and staff members in our local schools have refused to get vaccinated.

Talk about being concerned for our children! I don’t get it.  

According to reports, some 70-80 students are staying home in quarantine because they have been infected or been in the presence of someone who has been.

This could get out of hand.

Our kids have to have vaccinations for several ailments to begin kindergarten. Why has it become such a problem?

I guess the selfish “me” generation has come into full bloom.

The mandates work when people obey them. Watching football both Saturday and Sunday shows a large number of fans without masks, or pulling them down so they are ineffective.

It’s good to hear of businesses requiring the wearing of masks.

Seems like a small thing to do if it protects both me and others.

The statistics on Idaho are troubling. I spent a number of years in Idaho, and still have a large number of friends there. Yes, they are the vaccinated and mask-wearing kind.


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