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Board member's comments usurp council authority

Letters to the Editor

This in direct reference to the Butch Stanger letter of 2-12-2014.

I was surprised that he found it necessary to answer my initial letter to the editor. Not only was my letter to Colville Tribal Council, but also, he usurps council authority through his bullying tactics AND circumvents council in projecting and over-stepping his own limited Board of Directors/CTFC authority.

Further, Mr. Stanger accused me/my info as false. Sorry sir, my info and input came directly from then-in-office council, Tribal Tribune council resolution reports and then 'just out' Annual Report of CTFC authored by Joe Pakootas. Additionally, as I just said, Mr. Stanger infact over-stepped his authority as he usurped that of Colville Tribal Council by circumventing council parameters responsibility and council duty wise.

Further, I adamantly (state) his tactics here are the rule rather than the exception as he regularly oversteps his “advisory” capacity as a member of Board of Directors/CTFC.

It is my inalienable right as a Colville Tribal member to not only question Council action but also complain against their direction and day-to-day actions. Along this line of thinking, how does he get off telling, instructing me where to go, what to do and/or apply for position as CTFC/Board of Directors? To me, all of this is none of his business.

In closing, it was not about his selection as Board of Directors/CTFC, but all the crap going down.

Truman Covington


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