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Articles from the November 27, 2024 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 15 of 15

  • Two convicted in Keller double murder

    Scott Hunter|Nov 27, 2024

    Two men whose crime spree ended with murders on the Colville Reservation in 2022 were convicted Monday in federal court of those and other crimes, including shooting a Colville Tribal Police sergeant. Zachary L. Holt, 24, and Dezmonique D. Tenzsley (a/k/a “Privilege”), age 35, were found guilty on all 17 counts presented at trial, including Felony Murder in Indian Country, Attempted Murder of a Federal Officer, Assault of a Federal Officer, Attempted Robbery in Indian Country, Robbery Affecting Commerce, as well as several firearm off...

  • Health district gets support from one local city

    Renata Rollins|Nov 27, 2024

    Electric City and Grand Coulee took different approaches to the county health district's annual request for a public health contribution - demonstrating difficult decisions, and perhaps different priorities during a time of rising costs and increasing demands on local government budgets. The Grant County Health District relies in part on funds from the county budget set by county commissioners, as well as voluntary contributions from the 13 cities and towns within the county. Each council...

  • Agencies to tell what new treaty terms mean for dam, Lake Roosevelt

    Scott Hunter|Nov 27, 2024

    The treaty that has governed how the United States and Canada have managed the Columbia River for the last 60 years was set to expire in September, but the two countries announced in July they had reached a new agreement in principle “on the key elements for a modernized Treaty regime,” according to the U.S. State Department. Next week, you can attend an online meeting to find out what that means for how Grand Coulee Dam, and Lake Roosevelt behind it, will likely operate in the future. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and Bureau of Recl...

  • Bazaar season is here

    Nov 27, 2024

    Tamie Shaw of Odessa displays earrings and other handmade jewelry at the Eagles 2577 Ladies Auxiliary Annual Holiday Bazaar last Saturday. Shaw was one of 19 vendors at the event, which also featured photos with Santa Clause, breakfast and lunch food options and a raffle. Tina Taylor, junior past president of the Auxiliary, said they will use the money made for upcoming youth events and scholarships in June. Did you miss out? Many of these vendors will be selling at two seasonal craft and...

  • Making new friends

    Roger S. Lucas|Nov 27, 2024

    Nothing is more rewarding than making a new friend. Sometimes the circumstances are unusual, as I was in this case. I had gone to the restaurant here in Electric City for breakfast, and when I entered it was apparent that the tables were full and there was no place to sit. When I was about to stand and wait for a table, a little boy sitting at a small table for two caught my attention and offered the spot at his table. That was the beginning of a new friendship. The boy’s name is Daxton, and he is 6 years old. Dax, as he likes to be called, s...

  • Why kids can't walk alone

    Tom Purcell|Nov 27, 2024

    A story from my childhood came to mind as I read a recent ABC News report about a mother who was arrested after her son was seen walking alone to the Dollar Store a half mile away from his home. Brittany Patterson of Mineral Bluff, Ga., was at a doctor’s appointment with her other child when her nearly 11-year-old boy left his house and was spotted by himself. Somebody alerted the police who took the boy home. A few hours later, the cops went to Patterson’s address, cuffed her in front of her kids, dragged her off to the police station for a m...

  • Grateful for local health partners

    Nov 27, 2024

    The University of Washington School of Medicine-Gonzaga University Health Partnership unites providers in rural communities with students, faculty, and providers to improve health. This holiday season, we express deep gratitude for the time, expertise, collaboration and support from our Health Partners — the extensive network of physicians, nurses, physician assistants, medical assistants and allied healthcare professionals — who are educating and mentoring the next generation of healthcare providers to serve communities like Grand Coulee. Our...

  • Eighty-six years ago

    Nov 27, 2024

    The 1938 high water of the Columbia River tops the upstream spillway blocks and floods the blockouts left for the outlet works gate installations at EL. 934. The maximum flow for 1938 was 361,680 second feet....

  • This Week in History

    Nov 27, 2024

    Dec. 1, 1955, Rosa Parks was arrested for disobeying an Alabama law that required black passengers to give up seats to white passengers when a bus was full. It also required blacks to sit at the back of the bus. Rosa Parks said, “I did not get on the bus to get arrested; I got on the bus to go home.” A one-day bus boycott coinciding with Parkes’ December 5 court date resulted in an overwhelming African American boycott of the bus system that lasted 381 days. Since black people constituted 70% of the transit system’s riders, most buses carried...

  • Coulee Cops

    Nov 27, 2024

    Grand Coulee Police 10/30 - A man was reported to look suspicious, measuring things with tools and a ladder outside of a Grand Coulee business. He was simply a contractor doing his job. - A Grand Coulee man reported that two pumpkins were stolen from his porch. Security footage showed the pumpkins get taken and placed into a white car that was then parked not too far from his own residence. Police knocked on the door and the culprit answered, admitting to stealing the pumpkins, and was willing to return them. He went to the man’s house, r...

  • David Michael Bjorson

    Nov 27, 2024

    David Michael Bjorson, a man whose laughter and compassionate spirit touched everyone's heart, went home to the Lord on Sunday, November 3, 2024. A celebration of life will be held at the Wilbur High School Multipurpose room on Sunday, December 1, 2024 at 1pm.... Full story

  • Several Raiders named to fall all-league teams

    Nov 27, 2024

    Several Lake Roosevelt Raiders were honored last week when the Central Washington 2B League named them to its all-league teams. In cross country, Caden Portch, who finished 24th out of 155 at the state tournament, made the league’s First Team. Chantelle Pakootas and Vera Bigwolf each received an honorable mention. In Soccer, Nautika Brown made the league’s Second Team. From the football team, Ivan Alejandre, Terrell Bush, and Anthony Smith were each named to the Second Team offense and got an honorable mention for defense. Jeremiah Swogger mad...

  • Get your ornament with tag

    Nov 27, 2024

    Trees decorated with ornament tags with children’s wishes will be available from now – December 13: at Wheatland Bank use to be NCB, Safeway Pharmacy, STCU, and Harvest Foods. Please pick up a tag & fill the wish. Other important dates: •Mon. Dec. 16: (Very important date!) All gifts, wrapped and with tags attached to the outside of the package, need to be returned to a ‘Tree’ location so they can be organized for delivery. • Saturday, Dec.21, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.: Trees of Sharing delivery of gifts Please call to leave a message, including you...

  • Legals

    Nov 27, 2024

    Public Notice Town of Coulee Dam NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING CONTINUATION To the citizens of the Town of Coulee Dam, Washington, the Town Council of the Town of Coulee Dam, Washington has adjourned the November 27, 2024 Regular Council Meeting to Monday, December 2, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. Stefani Bowden, Clerk/Treasurer (Publish November 27 2024) Town of Coulee Dam Budget Workshop Special Council Meeting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a 2025 Budget Workshop will be held at the Coulee Dam Town Hall, 300 Lincoln Ave, Coulee Dam Washington, December 2,... Full story

  • Washington's Dan Newhouse looks ahead to a new Trump era

    Jerry Cornfield, Washington State Standard|Nov 27, 2024

    Republican Dan Newhouse is preparing for a sixth term in the U.S. House of Representatives, serving one of Washington state's most solidly Republican congressional districts. He's excited. He'll be a member of the House majority again. With Republicans in charge in the Senate and an incoming GOP president, he foresees his party "accomplishing good things for the country." Donald Trump, the former and future commander-in-chief might not be quite as happy. He didn't want Newhouse back this year.... Full story

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