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Articles from the July 26, 2023 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 19 of 19

  • Need for ambulance, fire services mulled at Grand Coulee council

    Scott Hunter|Jul 26, 2023

    People on the Grand Coulee City Council think the city may have to find a way to keep services going that some citizens may well take for granted: fire and ambulance. A discussion last week centered around whether to hold public meetings first, or decide on a possible solution before presenting it to the public at large, even beyond Grand Coulee. The city’s ambulance service is already serving a larger area. Coulee Dam no longer has a functioning service, and those in Grand Coulee’s regularly cover calls to the other three local cities. Get...

  • Not steering at all

    Jul 26, 2023

    Braydn Beck hangs on for a score of 62 and second place for his junior boys' steer ride in the Ridge Riders Junior Rodeo Sunday afternoon. More photos of the kids in the rodeo are on page 8. - Scott Hunter photo...

  • Wanted: people who care about local parks and recreation

    Scott Hunter|Jul 26, 2023

    The only reason North Dam Park is still green and lovely is spelled: The Coulee Area Park and Recreation District, an entity run by volunteers, at least some approaching burnout. CAPRD is an actual government organization, created in 2003 by a vote of the people within its boundaries, which stretch from Disautel Pass to Steamboat Rock, a design intended to give it enough reach to empower everyone to contribute minimal amounts to a collective benefit and initial target: siting and building a new...

  • US 2 closed

    Jul 26, 2023

    If you’re headed very far west in the next month, check before taking U.S. 2. It’s closed just west of Coulee City due to a washout. The state Department of Transportation says emergency repairs began on July 20 and are expected to wrap up about Aug. 23. The highway is closed from its junction with SR-17 just west of Coulee City to Farmers, where SR-172 meets it west of Moses Coulee and east of Douglas, in Douglas County. The fastest route from Grand Coulee to Waterville currently is over SR-174 to SR-17 and Sr-172 through Man... Full story

  • Students to research with health district

    Jul 26, 2023

    The Grant County Health District will partner with two University of Washington students on public health research. The students, both studying for their master’s in public health epidemiology, are members of the Student Epidemic Action Leaders (SEAL) Team at UW. The SEAL Team provides students with experience in applied epidemiology training and field assignments at state and local health departments. “This is our first SEAL Team to come to Grant County and it is a wonderful opportunity for GCHD to gain deeper insights into areas of pub... Full story

  • Cool cops

    Jul 26, 2023

    At Electric City's community barbecue last Friday, all three police officers in Coulee Dam's department, which also serves Electric City, attended the event that featured mister sprinklers in the heat. In their full gear, which is made for rain, they agreed to get cooled off for a photo. From left, Chief Paul Bowden, Officer C. Hopper, and Officer Josh Watkins. Ashley Landeros, deputy clerk, said the ice cream for root beer floats was donated by Ken Hoke. And Coulee Dam's city clerk, Stefanie...

  • Meetings and Notices

    Jul 26, 2023

    Area AA Meetings AA meetings are held Monday through Saturday at the Vets Center in Electric City. A noon meeting is held on Wednesdays. Call Paul at 631-4551. New Hope Group meetings are held Wednesdays at 6 p.m. at the Vets Center. These are open and non-smoking. In Nespelem, the group Bound and Determined holds its meetings Monday evening at 7 p.m. at the Catholic Church. Contact Myrna at 634-4921 for more information. Food Bank Open Care & Share Food Bank regular hours are Fridays 1-3 p.m. Questions call Pastor Shawn at 633-2566. Attention...

  • Rural-urban divide is oversimplified

    Brian Depew, executive dir. Center for Rural Affairs|Jul 26, 2023

    For the past decade, the media has been obsessed with the idea of a growing divide between rural and urban areas, often portraying it as a deep chaasm separating the nation’s citizens. A recent example of this coverage took it a step further. Not only are we portrayed as divided, but there are now suggestions that we should make it official through a divorce. Case in point: the Greater Idaho Movement, an effort by its supporters in eastern (rural) Oregon to secede from Oregon and join Idaho. The grounds for the divorce? The rural-urban politica...

  • Embrace of alternative facts scary

    Norm Luther|Jul 26, 2023

    No better example exists of congressional Republican degeneration than comparison of Liz Cheney with Harriet Hageman, who trounced Cheney in the 2022 Wyoming Republican Primary by more than 30 points. Cheney occupied the third-highest position in House Republican leadership before being ostracized by Republicans for becoming the rare congressional Republican to stand up to former President Donald Trump. Cheney should be the No. 1 Hero of anyone who wants to save our badly threatened democracy, whatever one’s political stripes. In contrast, H...

  • Looking back in the coulee

    Jul 26, 2023

    Ten years ago The Grand Coulee Dam School District Board passed it’s budget Monday night after a public hearing on the matter. No one showed up to question the $9.5 million budget. The Colville tribes has announced plans to construct a casino on property purchased four years ago along SR97 South of the Rodeo Trail Road near Omak. Tribal officials had announced that the cost will be a $24 million project for the 58 square foot facility. The building that had housed the headquarters of the Colville tribes for decades burned down early Monday n...

  • Where is Scott Hunter?

    Jul 26, 2023

    Everyone knows Scott. In fact, he might be the best known man in our coulee towns. He owns The Star newspaper, and you might say he is The Star newspaper. You would have to have Gwen Hilson to take a bow. She has worked there for over 35 years and knows as much about individuals in town as anyone. Most people know Scott from covering serious and joyous events over a lot of years. He gets called out from sleep when anything serious happens, camera in hand. You want to know about things, just wait until Wednesday and you can read about it in The...

  • Why wedge politicians deserve to fail

    Jack Stevenson|Jul 26, 2023

    We are all different. If we were not, it would be impossible to recognize people we know, including our close friends and relatives. Sometimes we don’t like people who are different, whose beliefs differ from ours, or whose behavior we find objectionable. But we can tolerate people we don’t especially like, and we need to encourage tolerance. Nine countries have nuclear weapons, and additional countries are striving to acquire nuclear arsenals. We humans have the technical skills to destroy ourselves. Whether we have the political skills to...

  • Harry Francis Hardy

    Jul 26, 2023

    Harry Francis Hardy, 73, of Grand Coulee, Washington passed away with his family by his side the afternoon of Thursday July 13, 2023, in Spokane, Washington. Harry was born Sunday October 23, 1949, in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania to the home of Harry L. & Mary Jane Fox-Hardy. From 1969 to 1989, Harry served his country in the US Navy as an Aircraft Maintenance Technician. Retiring as an E-6; Petty Officer Harry F. Hardy's service record includes - Four "Good Conduct Awards"; the "US Navy "E" Ribbon"... Full story

  • Jack Herbert Zielsdorf

    Jul 26, 2023

    Jack Herbert Zielsdorf passed on to be with the Lord on July 9, 2023 at about 9:00 PM at his home in Grand Coulee. Jack was born on March 24, 1942 in Eau Claire, Wisconsin to his parents Hebert and Mary Zaielsdorf. He had 4 bothers, Bruce, Randy, Mark, and Tom. He graduated from High line High School in Burien, Washington where he met his future wife, Sharon Lee Janet. They were married in 1962. Both working and in 1967 God blessed them with a son, John Cody Zielsdorf. In 1969 they were blessed... Full story

  • Alice Mae Whitman

    Jul 26, 2023

    7/16/1953 – 7/16/2023 Alice Mae Whitman, aged 70, passed away at her home in Peru, Indiana, surrounded by loved ones on Sunday, July 16, 2023. Alice was born in Larned, Kansas to Oliver and Anna Foss and started and raised her family in Oklahoma and, eventually, Washington. For nearly 20 years, Alice owned and operated A&K Upholstery out of her home in Electric City, Washington. Recognized by her community, Alice selflessly donated her time each year to mend US Flags for the Spring Canyon C... Full story

  • CouleeCops

    Jul 26, 2023

    Grand Coulee Police 7/15 - Police were told that a variety store had footage of a woman police had spoken to earlier outside the neighboring hardware store. The footage showed the woman leaving a package of ice cream outside in the parking lot. - Police were in possession of a lost cell phone when the owner called with a friend’s phone. The woman confirmed the phone was hers by knowing the PIN and she got her phone back. - Police spoke to a homeowner on Dill Avenue who explained she was having a branch cut down that hung over her roof, and not...

  • Making the grade

    Jul 26, 2023

    Several local students have been noted for good grades at colleges and universities. At the University of Washington, senior Shannon O’Brien Landheer, of Electric City, made the Dean’s List for winter quarter, the school said. At Spokane Falls Community College, Taylor Bartholomew, of Grand Coulee; Logan McElyea, of Wilbur; and Emily Nichols, of Keller each made spring honor roll. Spokane Community College, Robert Morin, of Elmer City, and Kaimyn Scheib, of Electric City, made that school’s spring honor roll, as did Mason Andersen, Piper Geib,...

  • Legal Notice

    Jul 26, 2023

    Town of Coulee Dam PUBLIC NOTICE STREET CLOSURE COULEE DAM MEAD WAY, FIR STREET TO 6TH STREET – will be closed on Tuesay, August 1, 2023 from 2:00p.m. to 9:00p.m for the Coulee Dam Police Department’s National Night Out Event. (Publish July 26, 2023)... Full story

  • Ridge Riders Junior Rodeo brings kids to town

    Jul 26, 2023

    The Ridge Riders Junior Rodeo brought cowboys and girls to town Saturday and Sunday. The event had 91 young athletes entered on Saturday and 102 on Sunday for a total of 193 kids. Events ranged from little kids "dummy roping" to senior bull riding, with the most important performance aspect being simply participating. Parents often help the little ones make it through their events....