News, views and advertising of the Grand Coulee Dam Area

Articles from the February 13, 2019 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 27

  • Levy appears to be passing

    Scott Hunter|Feb 13, 2019

    A levy to support the Grand Coulee Dam School District appeared to be passing with vote counts listed for the four counties in favor by 58.14 percent. Passage of a school levy requires a simple majority of 50 percent plus one. The replacement levy, which asked voters to approve an approximate $1.50 rate per thousand dollars of assessed property value, was approved in each of the counties: by 61 percent in Douglas County, 61-39 votes; by 55.79 percent in Grant County, 260-206; 56.89 percent in Lincoln County, 49-37; and by 61.92 percent in...

  • NNDF to offer creative financing for local housing push

    Scott Hunter|Feb 13, 2019

    A Coulee Dam financial non-profit is proposing a way to increase available housing in the local area and will offer financing to make it possible. Northwest Native Development Fund Executive Director Ted Piccolo said last week that NNDF will dedicate up to $1 million to finance a two-pronged approach to addressing a local shortage of housing in the $150,000 to $180,000 price range. “The goal is that within two years there are 10-15 additional home owners in the region purchasing homes in the neighborhood of $180,000,” Piccolo said in a pre...

  • Council member forced out on leave

    Scott Hunter|Feb 13, 2019

    A tribal council member facing ethics charges amid controversy and backlash from tribal members was placed on administrative leave last week under an “Emergency Action Order.” Andrea George, elected to represent the Nespelem District of the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation last summer, was placed on paid leave by the Executive Committee of the Colville Business Council, of which she is one of 14 representatives voted in by members. The Executive Committee issued the Emergency Action Order “for a situation that poses an immed...

  • Tribes respond to horse controversy

    Feb 13, 2019

    The Colville Tribes responded with a press release last week regarding a controversial decision to approve a contract to round up approximately 1,250 horses from the reservation. The nearly $500,000 contract awarded to Sun J Livestock was approved on Jan. 24. "The Colville Business Council responsibly addressed the need to better protect our lands, water, wildlife and native plants on the reservation with these decisions," Colville Business Council Chairman Rodney Cawston said in the release,...

  • Great intentions

    Feb 13, 2019

    Steven Flowers poses with a pen Feb. 6 at Lake Roosevelt High School, where Flowers signed a letter of intent to play football for Eastern Washington University. From left, behind him are his mother, Jaleen Flowers; brother, Bobcat Flowers; and father, Josh Flowers. The story is on page six, near a two-page salute to LR athletes, who are doing very well in their post-seasons. - Jacob Wagner photo...

  • State attorney general spells out law to sheriffs

    Jacob Wagner|Feb 13, 2019

    Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson warned sheriffs and other law enforcement officers Tuesday that they are required to enforce a gun control law passed by voters last November. Sheriffs in four local counties cite Second Amendment concerns about enforcing Initiative 1639, as do law enforcement officials in more than half the state’s 39 counties. I-1639, which took effect on Jan. 1, raises the age limit for buying semi-automatic rifles from 18 to 21. Beginning July 1, it requires purchasers to pass an enhanced background check, show p...

  • Recycling on the table for 2020 garbage contract

    Jacob Wagner|Feb 13, 2019

    Look out your window for flying pigs, because the coulee area may get recycling in 2020. The towns of Electric City, Grand Coulee, Coulee Dam, and Elmer City will be deciding on a recycling option to choose in a new contract with Sunrise Disposal, which performs garbage service in the area. One option is to place a 25-yard container with separate sections for various materials at the Delano Transfer Station to be taken to the Okanogan County Recycling Center on an as-needed basis. This option is said to have no additional cost in the...

  • Unlawful tactics being used to oust my councilwoman

    Melissa Campobasso|Feb 13, 2019

    Those in power are trying to steal my vote by kicking Councilwoman Andrea George off the Colville Business Council. When oppressive schemes like this are not checked, the People’s rights are at risk. The CBC’s Executive Committee used new so-called “emergency” powers on Feb. 7 to place Ms. George on paid administrative leave. The basis? They declared that she “poses an immediate risk to the health, safety, welfare of Colville Tribal members, and/or threatens to disrupt operations of the Tribal government,” according to the CBC’s news release. R...

  • Outraged by roundup

    Craig Downer|Feb 13, 2019

    I am outraged by the announcement of the Colville reservation roundup of 1,000 wild horses! This is a nefarious decision and constitutes a depraved betrayal of these magnificent presences. The horses are natural healers and restorers of life, but it is people who thwart their role in this capacity. I consider this decision a real sin of the most serious order, and such a hypocritical and morally slovenly judgement. It neither coincides with conscience nor factual science. I pray this wrong decision will be canceled and provision made for these...

  • Council is breaking tribal law in George case

    Theresa Thin Elk|Feb 13, 2019

    The United States Constitution secures to the American people certain inalienable rights: · The Right to Bear Arms (2nd Amendment) · The Right to be Free from Unreasonable Searches and Seizures (4th Amendment) · The Right to not be Deprived of Life, Liberty and Property without Due Process of Law (5th Amendment) · The Right to a Speedy and Public Trial by an Impartial Jury, to be Informed of the Nature and Cause of the Accusation, to Confront Witnesses and to be Represented by Counsel (6th Amendment) to name but a few. These privileges con...

  • Senior profile: twin edition

    Feb 13, 2019

    I will always remember the day the Reyes twins were born. Karrie and Levi went to visit these two in the hospital at then-Coulee Community Hospital. I took Nickel to her softball game and was on the mound pitching when I saw Rick Paris walking across the field toward me. He waved me over and told me my house was on fire. But that is another story, this one is about Cassidy and Chazz Reyes. I recently sat down with the two of them and we spoke about their final year at Lake Roosevelt. Both of them, not quite at the same time, answered the first...

  • Raiders win first-week district playoff games

    Jacob Wagner|Feb 13, 2019

    The Raiders won both their games in the first week of the 2B District 5-6 tournament, and move onto the second week this Friday in Chelan. The Raiders defeated Liberty Christian 70-52 Friday at the Hanford Middle School gym in Richland. “It was a good game,” said Head Coach Jeremy Crollard. “We jumped out on them 22-13 at the end of the first quarter and maintained that 10- to 12-point lead throughout the game. The kids played really hard.” Crollard said the Raiders played great defense, holding Liberty Christian’s best player to only two point...

  • Lady Raiders win two in first week of playoffs

    Jacob Wagner|Feb 13, 2019

    The Lady Raiders won both games in the first week of the 2B District 5-6 tournament, and move on to the second week this Friday in Chelan. At Hanford Middle School in Richland Friday, the Lake Roosevelt defeated Liberty Christian 55-47. “This was a good team win,” Coach Matthew Pleasants said. “We had some girls step up in their limited playing time to provide a spark for the team and give us the edge we needed to win.” Hannah Wapato was the leading scorer for the Lady Raiders with eight points, followed by Kelsie Olbricht, Audrey Hansen,...

  • Steven Flowers to play football for EWU

    Jacob Wagner|Feb 13, 2019

    Lake Roosevelt Raider student-athlete Steven Flowers signed a letter of intent Feb. 6 to play football for Eastern Washington University. "I think it's awesome; he's worked hard," his father Josh Flowers said, adding that Flowers was in the first group of kids to play in the little-league football program started by the late Rob Williams. "It's kind of overwhelming," his mother Jaleen Flowers said. "I'm really happy and proud of him. He made some major goals, and it made a hard road. He's been...

  • 23 Raider wrestlers bound for state after regionals canceled

    Jacob Wagner|Feb 13, 2019

    The regional wrestling tournament for state districts five and six was canceled last Friday, so all 23 Raider wrestlers who had qualified for the regional meet at Oroville are now going to the state tournament this week. The Washington Interscholastic Activities Association announced Friday that all regional wrestling tournaments, including the the one the Raiders were to compete in the next day in Oroville, was canceled due to the snowy weather that caused highway closures over much of the state. Since the tournaments never happened, all...

  • This Week In Sports

    Feb 13, 2019

    This week Wed., Feb. 13 Early Out 6 p.m., JH Wrestling at Tonasket Thurs., Feb. 14 8:45 a.m., Raiders Wrestling State Send-Off and Senior Wrestlers Celebration, LR Gym Fri., Feb. 15 No School Wrestling at State Mat Classic, Tacoma Dome 5 p.m., Lady Raiders Basketball (against winner of Brewster and Mabton game), Districts at Chelan Community Gym 7 p.m., Raider Boys’ Basketball Districts against Oroville, Chelan High School Gym Sat., Feb. 16 Wrestling at State Mat Classic, Tacoma Dome Mon., Feb. 18 No School GO RAIDERS!...

  • Barbara "Bobbi" Jean Cole

    Feb 13, 2019

    With extreme sadness we said goodbye to Barbara Jean Cole, lovingly known as "Bobbi", who passed peacefully on Thursday, January 24, 2019, at 11:50 a.m. in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Barbara was born in Turlock, California, to James and Leta Cole on November 29, 1943. She was the youngest of three children. The family moved to North Hollywood, California where Bobbi attended the brand-new Polytechnic High School. As a member of the inaugural class, she maintained friendships with her high school... Full story

  • Proposed legislation would make tiny-home zoning easier

    Emma Epperly, WNPA Olympia News Bureau|Feb 13, 2019

    Tiny houses are a trendy new housing option that are often considered affordable; however zoning requirements and other laws make them difficult to legally place. A tiny house is usually between 100 and 400 square feet but can range up to 1,000 square feet. District 25 Senator Hans Zeiger, R-Puyallup, is the prime sponsor of three bills to overcome obstacles to tiny house developments. The Senate Housing Stability and Affordability Committee heard public testimony on two of Zeiger’s bills, Wednesday. SB 5382 deals with tiny houses as d...

  • It's a boy for James/Manuel

    Feb 13, 2019

    Sara James and Kevin Manuel of Nespelem, Washington are proud to announce the birth of their son, Edgar Arthur Dean Manuel, born Sunday, February 3, 2019, at Coulee Medical Center in Grand Coulee Washington. He weighed 7 lbs., 5 oz. Sibling includes Katelyn Manuel. Maternal grandparents are Patty Simpson and Daniel James. Paternal grandparents are Marietta Aripa and Johnny Manuel. Great-grandparents are Barbara Aripa and Kathleen Simpson.... Full story

  • GCHS Alumni association to meet Feb. 20

    Feb 13, 2019

    The winter meeting of the Grand Coulee High School Alumni Association will be held at 1 p.m., Wednesday, February 20, at the Grand Coulee Senior Center, 203 Main Street. Please note change of location. The meeting is open to anyone who has an interest in the former Grand Coulee School District 55 schools. Applications for the 2019 scholarships will be available at the meeting. Eligible applicants include any direct descendant of alumni who attended Grand Coulee Dam School District at any time, as well as graduating seniors from Lake Roosevelt...

  • Meetings & Notices

    Feb 13, 2019

    Chamber This Week Chamber will meet this Thursday, February 14, at La Presa Resaturant beginning at noon. Eric Braaten, a biologist for Washington Departent of Fish and Wildlife, will be the guest speaker. Lions Club Meets The GCD Lions Club will be meeting at 6 p.m., on Tuesday, February 19, at the Melody Restaurant in Coulee Dam. Grant County Mosquito District 2 to Meet The Grant County Mosquito District 2 will hold its regular monthly meeting Thursday, February 14, at 5 p.m., at 210 W. Coulee Blvd., Electric City. AA Meetings for GCD and...

  • Community blood drive planned

    Feb 13, 2019

    Vitalant, along with Grand Coulee community blood drive volunteers led by coordinator Leha Neilsen, is planning a blood drive for Monday, February 25. Donation hours will be from 12:30 to 4 p.m. at Coulee Medical Center, in the community room. Vitalant is the sole blood provider to more than 35 hospitals across the Inland Northwest and needs at least 200 donors each day to meet the needs of those patients. A single donation can transform the lives of up to three people. For more information, contact 425-314-3799....

  • Receive 10 free trees

    Feb 13, 2019

    Joining the Arbor Day Foundation is an ideal way to get in the mood for spring planting. Anyone who joins the Foundation in February 2019 will receive 10 free Colorado blue spruce trees or 10 free redbud trees to plant when the weather turns warm. The free trees are part of the Foundation’s Trees for America campaign. “These trees will help beautify your home for many years to come,” said Matt Harris, chief executive of the Arbor Day Foundation. “The trees will also add to the proud heritage of your state’s existing Tree City USA communiti...

  • Paper fishing and hunting licenses back at Coulee Playland … for now

    Jacob Wagner|Feb 13, 2019

    Tribal hunting and fishing licenses are being offered at Coulee Playland again after a brief hiatus. The Colville Tribes are transitioning to an online-only system, and were no longer offering paper licenses through third-party sellers, which complicated things for local business Coulee Playland. The Star reported on the change in the Jan. 30 issue. Colville Tribes Fish & Wildlife Director Cody Desautel said the return of the paper licenses could be because of a time lag on the transition to the digital system. “This is our first year, so t...

  • Companies file suit against PUD

    Jacob Wagner|Feb 13, 2019

    Companies in Grant County that “mine” cryptocurrency with high-powered computers have filed a lawsuit against Grant PUD, whose commissioners voted in 2018 to raise electric rates for the emerging industry. The companies say they chose to locate their businesses in Grant County because of the cheap power rates, and that increased rates will inevitably hurt their businesses. They are seeking money for financial losses they say they face, and they’re asking the court to order the electric utility not to implement its new “Schedule 17” rates for...

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