Notice of Election
Okanogan County, State of Washington
General Election
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
A General election will be held in the below mentioned districts for the purpose of submitting to the voters for their approval or rejection the following.
President/Vice President of the United States, U.S. Senate, Congressional District 4 U.S. Representative, Governor, Lt. Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, State Auditor, Attorney General, Commissioner of Public Lands, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Legislative District 7, State Representative Pos. 1, Legislative District 7, State Representative Pos. 2, Okanogan County Commissioner District 1, Okanogan County Commissioner District 2, Okanogan Public Utility District Commissioner 2, Douglas and Okanogan Hospital District 1 Proposition 1, and City of Tonasket Proposition 1.
The registration deadline for online registrations, mail-in registrations and transfers is October 28th, 2024. Any qualified elector who is not registered to vote in the State of Washington may register to vote in person at the Auditor’s Office up to and including November 5th, 2024.
You can register or obtain registration forms at the Auditor’s Office, on line at, and Department of Licensing.
The Okanogan County Auditor’s Office, 149 3rd Ave N, Room 104, at the County Courthouse, will be open so voters may obtain replacement ballots, drop off voted ballots, obtain provisional ballots, and use the Accessible Voting Units, at the following times.
Monday – Friday8:00 AM – 4:30 PM October 18th – November 4th, 2024
On Election Day only, November 5th, 2024, 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM.
Drop box locations around the county for this election.
Okanogan County Auditor- 149 3rd Ave. N, Okanogan
Oroville - Police Station, 1105 Main St., Oroville
Tonasket - City Hall/Library Complex, 209 S Whitcomb Ave., Tonasket
Omak - Next to Police Station, 8 N Ash, Omak
Omak - 12 Tribes Casino, 28968 Hwy 97, Omak
Pateros - 180 Pateros Mall in parking lot, Pateros
Brewster- Library 108 S. 3rd St., Brewster
Twisp - City Hall, 110 E 2nd St, Twisp
Coulee Dam - City Hall, 300 Lincoln Ave, Coulee Dam
Nespelem - Outside Agency, 21 Colville St., Nespelem
Winthrop - Library, 112 Norfolk Rd, Winthrop
Riverside- 101 1st St, Riverside
Drop boxes will close at 8:00PM on Election Day
Voters needing additional information or assistance with voter registration forms or voting may call (509) 422-7240. Voters unable to use the mail-in ballot may use the Accessible Voting Unit available at the County Auditor’s Office.
Ballots require no postage and must be postmarked no later than the day of the election. Check with your local Post Office for deadlines to have your ballot postmarked properly.
For additional information on the election or regarding voter registration.
Local newspaper, radio, and TV
Meetings of the Okanogan County Canvassing Board are open, public meetings and shall be continued until the activities for which the following meetings are held have been completed. Canvass Board meetings are held in the Okanogan County Auditor’s Office, 149 3rd Ave N, Room 104, at the County Courthouse, in Okanogan.
Tuesday, November 19th, 2024 and Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at 11:00 AM to determine the status of any provisional or challenged ballots
Tuesday, November 25th, 2024 at 2:00 PM to canvass the votes cast and certify the election
This notice is in accordance with RCW 29A.52.
Dated at Okanogan, Washington this 12th day of September, 2024.
Cari Hall, Okanogan County Auditor and Ex-Officio Supervisor of Elections
By Jamie Groomes, Chief Deputy/Elections Administrator
(Publish Oct. 23,2024)
Ballots for the November 5, 2024
General Election are in the mail
If you have not received your ballot by Friday, October 25, 2024, please contact the Auditors Office at (509) 422-7240.
Remember your ballots must be signed.
The Auditors Office, 149 3rd Ave N, Okanogan, is open Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM and on Election Day only from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM for the following services.
Voter Registration
Drop off voted ballots
Obtain replacement ballots
Disability Access Voting Units
Drop boxes will be open until 8:00 PM on election day November 5, 2024.
Drop box locations open for the Primary Election:
Okanogan County Auditor- 149 3rd Ave. N, Okanogan
Oroville - Police Station, 1105 Main St., Oroville
Tonasket - City Hall/Library Complex, 209 S Whitcomb Ave., Tonasket
Omak - Next to Police Station, 8 N Ash, Omak
Omak - 12 Tribes Casino, 28968 Hwy 97, Omak
Pateros - 180 Pateros Mall in parking lot, Pateros
Brewster- Library 108 S. 3rd St., Brewster
Twisp - City Hall, 110 E 2nd St, Twisp
Coulee Dam - City Hall, 300 Lincoln Ave, Coulee Dam
Nespelem - Outside Agency, 21 Colville St., Nespelem
Winthrop - Library, 112 Norfolk Rd, Winthrop
Riverside- 101 1st St, Riverside
The county is providing postage-paid ballot return envelopes this year. Voters are encouraged to mail in ballots prior to, to ensure the envelopes are postmarked by Election Day. Check with your local post office for cut off times.
If you need to find out information about the issues you can use the following sources.
On line voter’s guide –
Newspapers and radio
If you are not currently registered in the State of Washington, you can appear in person in the Auditors Office until and registered to vote and be able to vote in the Primary Election.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Auditors Office. (509) 422-7240
(Publish Oct. 23,2024)
for 2024 November General Election
The Canvassing Board of Okanogan County, pursuant to chapter 29A.60 RCW, will hold public meetings on Tuesday, November 19, 2024 at 11:00 AM and Thursday, November 21, 2024 to determine the status of any provisional or challenged ballots, and on Tuesday, November 26, 2024 at 2:00 PM, to canvass the votes cast and certify the election, at the Okanogan County Auditor’s Office. These meetings of the canvassing board are open, public meetings, and shall be continued until the activity for which the meetings are held has been completed.
Note: Checking of Signatures will begin on Wednesday, October 23, 2024, at 9:00AM
Initial Processing (opening and scanning) of ballots will begin on Friday, October 25, 2024, at 9:00AM. Please keep in mind that these dates and times are subject to change depending on the number of ballots received at the time.
Vote totals will be tallied the day of the election and at least once after the election.
The law allows ballots to be opened, checked, scanned, and resolved in the voting system from the date of receipt.
On Election Day, the processed totals will be entered into the Tabulation system (Final Processing). No totals will be released until after 8:00 PM on Election Day (Tabulation). Final Processing and Tabulation times will be provided to the Official Party Observers.
Observers should be present during these processes. However, if Observers are not present, the processing of ballots will continue.
We will have room for approximately 2 public observers, one for the processing room and one for the main office area. If you would like to be a public observer please contact the Auditor’s Office at (509) 422-7240 or to be added to the schedule.
(Publish Oct. 23,2024)
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