Girls and boys who will be in 3rd-8th grade in the 2022-2023 school year can sign up tomorrow, for a basketball camp that takes place in July.
Signups will take place June 9 at the Lake Roosevelt gym from 6-7 p.m. for a $75 signup fee.
All proceeds will benefit local basketball teams, according to organizers.
The camp itself will take place July 11-13, with 3rd-5th grade participating from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., and 6th-8th grade from 3-6 p.m.
Local coaches will be joined by Jeff Niemi of Grays Harbor College.
The fundamental games and skills included in the camp are: Pac-Man tag, shooting games, ball handling and footwork, one on one, two on two, three on three, passing and decision making, and defensive footwork and positioning.
T-shirts and other prizes will be awarded during the camp.
Those with more questions can contact: Kelly Steffens, 509-859-2781; Tera Whitelaw, 509-631-4652; Tauni Marchand, 509-631-2338; or Camille Pleasants, 509-429-9040.
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