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Council debating hiring for parks, police

The town of Coulee Dam is short one person on the city crew, and the city council is debating whether to keep it that way to shift money to maintenance projects.

Two council members, Keith St. Jeor and Dale Rey have argued in two meetings in the last month that the city should contract for some work done, including park maintenance, not re-hire for the position left open by the death of an employee.

St. Jeor and Rey argued heavily in favor of contracting out for the work last month but wanted to wait on further discussion until Mayor Bob Poch, who was absent, could be there to weigh in on the subject.

Poch said at the March 9 meeting he is definitely in favor of keeping the city crew at six, not five workers.

Rey said he was open to it but not convinced a full-time worker was needed year-round.

St. Jeor feels strongly that would miss an opportunity to save money for needed repairs, especially the roof of the community building that houses a restaurant whose owner pays rent to the city while his ceiling leaks. He said he was embarrassed to represent the town in that matter.

City Superintendent Mike Steffens said that would reduce flexibility with his union crew and “pretty much eliminate” their ability to perform non-regular two-person jobs such as much needed sidewalk repairs and tree trimming.

Poch said the city can afford the sixth crew member, but he would be open to looking into contracting out.

The council voted to “see if we can” contract out for less than a full-time employee would cost, but if not, revisit the issue.

In other business, the council approved pursuing an idea Rey had broached last month — to discuss with the Colville Tribes whether it might be possible to share the costs of an added policeman. Most of the town is on the reservation, and jurisdictional issues can hamper law enforcement efforts at times.

Poch, Rey, and Police Chief Paul Bowden were to meet with a Colville Business Council committee to discuss it.


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