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Proud of community members

Our small community has many exceptional people. I want to take a moment to highlight just a few that have earned my admiration over decades, years or recently. Their messages during this extremely challenging, chaotic time are wonderful and heartwarming.

Roger Lucas – I’ve known Roger for decades. Like fine wine, he just gets better over time. I look forward to his articles because he knows that simple things in life are by far the most rewarding, and his sense of humor always makes me smile. Almost 70 years ago, sneaking away with his girl in the middle of the night, crossing the state line to get hitched and returning home with his new bride was an example and awesome. He was spot on about how expensive weddings are. True love with a lifetime commitment has nothing to do with the size and fanciness of the ceremony involved. Recently his story about his love for cows was very funny. The famous Betty White had her 99th birthday this month. To celebrate she had a hot dog. Hearing this made me think of Roger and myself, often times we over complicate stuff and miss out on the wonderful easier less stressful options. In modern times some may say Roger is lit, the dog or legit…I just know he is the man! His writings remind us to not take ourselves too seriously, focus on what is truly important, enjoy the simple pleasures in life and have fun.

Tim Rasmussen – Tim is the athletic director for our local school district. He actually wears multiple hats for the organization. I’ve known him for a few years and he and his wife have been an awesome addition to the GCDSD and community. With tremendous passion and unwavering persistence, he continues to try and create a safe path for our Raider Nation athletes to be able to once again participate in sports and the activities they love. Tim will take one step forward and then be knocked two steps back because the options available during the pandemic are constantly changing. I admire that he is all about providing avenues for kids to be productive and active. Eventually he’ll be able to make progress even though there may be many attempts before something gains traction and works. We should all be dealing and learning with our current evolving situation together. Keeping this in mind, the Wellpinit School District, where I am superintendent, has approved, for now, a February 1, 2021 start for Season 1, which is fall sports. We’ve installed our cameras for inside and outside events so people are able to stream if attendance is limited. Our coaches will receive their regular salaries (no daily rates or lesser percentages) even if the season is shortened or there ends up being no competitions with other schools. We want to promote health and allow our kids to be able to safely be active, work together and practice fundamentals so they can improve. We don’t want our coaches and kids to lose interest. However, I realize that each county and region (now) are dealing with being at different places with the reopening guidelines involved with the pandemic. I really feel for Tim in that he has four counties that he is dealing with as he tries to navigate a sustainable path forward. Even if nothing happens with athletics, I appreciate his hard work and ongoing efforts. I’ve been a coach, teacher, athletic director, principal and superintendent. At times a combination of these. Being an athletic director was by far the hardest job I’ve ever had. Hang in there!

Cathy La Place – Cathy had an article in The Star a short time ago. In her very genuine, timely, clear, well-written article she leveraged thoughts from some of the best minds our world has ever learned from into a very powerful message. She reminded all of us that we are extremely fortunate to live in America and that we should never take our rights and freedoms for granted. Her own personal experiences from living in another country made her thoughts valid, relevant and heartfelt. I reflected on Cathy’s message during the recent Presidential Inauguration during Amanda Gordon’s presentation. Amanda’s poise was amazing and her energy contagious. The wisdom she shared was so real yet very humbling. Amanda showed me that our nation’s future is in good hands with people like her. Both Cathy and Amanda make me proud to live in America. Their reminders and new learnings remind us of how great we can be when we all work together to make our country the best it can be.

Anyway, time to relax a little since I know we’re in a better place with just a few of our locals mentioned here and many others as well. So, I’m going to make a stiff double iced tea on the rocks and put on some vinyl. Let’s see…James Taylor, Marvin Gaye, Roy Orbison? No, I’m going to get lost in some very old school Nat King Cole! (My wife will probably tell me to play “Straighten Up and Fly Right” on repeat and take notes.) But I’m going to put on “Ramblin’ Rose” at full volume, sing it at the top of my lungs and invite her to join me on the chorus. Now, time for the really tough decision: Oscar Meyer or Ball Park hot dogs…so many wonderful choices! I’ll keep everything simple and enjoy because I want to be more like Roger!

Always be thankful,

John M. Adkins


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