Grant County Mosquito
Dist. 2 Meeting via
Phone Conference
As the result of the COVID-19 and in accordance with the Governors social distancing, Grant County Mosquito District No. 2 will be holding the monthly meeting Thursday, October 8, 2020 via phone conference at 4:45 pm. To join the meeting, call 1-425-436-6260, then enter the access code 4096451, and then press the # sign.
Two Meetings Set for Electric City Via
Phone Conference
Two meetings are scheduled via zoom through the City of Electric City. The first meeting is the Regional Board of Mayors to meet at 4 p.m., Monday, October 12. To join Meeting ID: 815 6896 0589
Passcode: 434793. Dial in: (253) 215-8782,
The second meeting is the Electric City Council meeting at 6 p.m., Tuesday, October 13.
Meeting ID: 889 7207 9101. Password: 809835. Dial in: (253) 215-8782.
Any questions call the city hall at 633-1510
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