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Acts of kindness

The Reporter's Notebook

During our lives we experience a number of acts of kindness that help make life more pleasant or easier.

With the coronavirus here, we all have an opportunity to perform meaningful acts of kindness by observing a few procedures to both protect ourselves and others at the same time.

In an effort to stem the advance of the virus, we are asked to observe social distancing, wear face masks when around other people, and to practice cleanliness by washing our hands thoroughly.

Some people just don’t get it. Theirs is a rush to expose or be exposed.

When we act to protect ourselves, we also act to protect others.

Our lives are filled with acts of kindness.

When we lived in Bothell, we used to go to plays, musical events and opera with my doctor.  Over many years Dr. Jim Monahan and I became close friends, and Dorothy and I would go to events with him. He would get the tickets, and I would reimburse him the day of the event.

He got tickets for Pavoratti, two of them very close to the stage and another some distance away. He gave us the two tickets and took the third himself.

We were so close to the famous tenor that you could observe everything about him.

Certainly an act of kindness on Dr. Jim’s part.

It is said that when you do kindness to another, it comes back tenfold.

I have experienced it personally.

When my granddaughter was young, my wife and I stayed close and helped when we could.

Our granddaughter, Ashley Landeros, has and is repaying those kindnesses tenfold.

If we make it through this coronavirus time, it will be largely because of her, her family, and her brother, Travis Irwin.

Ashley gets our mail, does our grocery shopping and frequently delivers delicious meals to us on a regular basis. Travis checks in and does repair work around the house when needed.

We don’t need to, and don’t get around other people, therefore lessening any chance that we will be infected.

For one thing, it eliminates our being a problem to others and keeps us away from other people.

Ashley’s family is also helpful. Damon has taken over lawn duties, and on a number of occasions Kaylee has done touchups in the house like cleaning and vacuuming. Ashley’s husband, Victor, has come up and performed countless chores. We are protected, fully protected.

Acts of kindness that all but overwhelm us.

The rule works that when we help others, we are helped.

All four of our children, Kathleen, Paul, Nathan and Kim, while not living here, all have added to our comfort and welfare.

 Just a couple of local examples of acts of kindness.

Our neighbor, David Stiegelmeyer, has driven me to Spokane for the past six years to make my eye procedure appointments that occur every eight to nine weeks. We have had to leave as early as 6:30 in the morning, and David is always ready and willing to help.

Another neighbor, Denise Anderson, in the fall, frequently brings bouquets of dahlias over, knowing that dahlias are my favorite flower. I have tried raising dahlias, but not like Denise does. It always lifts the day when she comes knocking.

So we are asked to perform an important act of kindness by both protecting ourselves and at the same time others by wearing a facemask and observing social distancing during this pandemic crisis; not too difficult a request.

You have an opportunity to perform an act of kindness; do it.


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