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Senior Profile: Megan Abel

(Covid-19 edition)

By now, everyone knows that going to school is over for Washington state and many other states around the nation, but what many do not is that school is still happening for many. It just looks different.

It is done from home and by contacting the teachers you need to via email, Zoom Meetings, Facebook and phones. Seniors still have some work to do, and that is not any different for Megan Abel, a senior at Lake Roosevelt. I interviewed her via Messenger and here is a little bit about the able-minded Abel.

We started out with my basic question about her senior year, and although in the past this was the generic first question, during this time it seems to be a little more impactful.

“My senior year was going great!” she stated with, I am sure, an emphasis on “was.” She was enjoying school and sports this year, excelling in volleyball and basketball. “My senior year had been by far the most memorable in my four years of high school.” Megan was referring to the school’s lockdown due to the outbreak making this memorable for a short year and her outstanding achievements.

After high school, Megan plans on attending Spokane Falls Community College to finish up her associate’s degree. She already has a year of Running Start under her belt, balancing both last year. When asked what direction she was leaning she put it this way: “Only God knows. I have a lot of ideas and aspirations, so next year I plan on really sorting those out and finding my true passion.”

Megan and I have had many chats over the year trying to find the right direction for her. The medical field, business, ministry and the military have all been in the mix at different times. But she would always throw in something else she would want to experience, as well. She wants to do it all, and, like she said, she wants to find her passion.

Asked her about the impact of Covid-19 on her class, she responded with a great statement. “Covid-19 really took a lot away from us Seniors,” she wrote. “We were finally moving forward towards graduation and things were becoming real and exciting. That feeling has since been replaced with a whole lot of uncertainty due to the outbreak. I was soaking up the last few moments with my classmates and I didn’t even know it.”

What a great insight from a young lady living the realities of what is happening around us.

Asked about her influences in her life, she mentioned many coaches at Lake Roosevelt. Lisa Carlson, Hope Hansen, Teri Sue Reed, Matt and Peewee Pleasants have all been strong influences in her life. “They taught me to always push hard and never give up,” she said.

But there are two others in her life who have impacted her the most. “I am beyond blessed to have two incredibly smart, supportive and uplifting individuals as my parents.” Chris and Makenzie Abel are her parents, and they could be seen at most of Megan’s activities. Megan added this, “They never let me forget how proud they are of me. I will be glad if I am even half the woman my mom is.” Wow, what wonderful words from an already impactful young woman.

Her advice for future seniors: “Take nothing for granted, enjoy each class period, each lunch break, each assembly and each day of high school as if it was your last, because you never know when a worldwide pandemic might sweep in and snatch it all away.” Great, great words from a young lady who knows exactly how that feels.

Megan has been a bright mark for me, personally. She always wants to talk about real things and a real future for herself. Even though she may not know exactly what she wants to do, she is always willing to dig a little deeper or explore something new that she might see a glimmer of a future in. One thing is for sure, the world is a wide-open space for Megan, and when she does find her passion, she will be the best at it and impact the world with it. That is the kind of human she is — a passionate and impactful young lady full of life and joy. She will be able to do what ever she wants to do. It has been an honor to walk this path with you, even for only a while. Good luck, Megan.


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