Meetings Canceled
The Grant County Mosquito District 2 has canceled its April 9 meeting due to the Coronavirus outbreak.
City of Electric City Upcoming Meetings
The City of Electric City has two upcoming meetings with both conducted telephonically. The first one is the Regional Board of Mayors at 4 p.m., on Monday, April 13. The second meeting is the Electric City monthly council meeting to be held at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, April 14.
At this time, no public comments will be taken for either meeting, however, the public can listen in on either meeting at a special call-in telephone number that will be available on the City of Elecric City’s website at, or they can call city hall 633-1510, for instructions on how to call in (both of these can be done AFTER 3 P.M. on Friday, April 10).
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