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28 positions up for elections on various boards and councils

Are you interested in helping make a difference in the local cities, parks, schools, hospital, or elsewhere?

There are 28 local offices up for election this fall, including positions on city councils, school boards, and various districts in the area.

Those interested in running need to file their candidacy with their county elections office between May 13 and 17.


Electric City has four city council positions, as well as the mayor’s office, up for election this fall. Three of the four council positions are for four-year terms; the fourth council position and mayoral position are for two-year terms to correct a county clerical error from the last election and put the positions where they should be in the normally staggered rotation, according to City Clerk Russ Powers.

The Electric City Council meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m.

Coulee Dam has two council positions up for election for four-year terms. The council meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m.

Grand Coulee has two council positions and the mayoral position up for election to four-year terms. The council meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m.

Elmer City has two council positions up for four year terms, plus two more council positions and the mayoral position up for election to two-year terms. Their council meets on the second Thursday of each month at 7 p.m.

The Nespelem Town Council has three council positions up for election for four-year terms.

School boards

The Grand Coulee Dam School District board has two director seats, for its District 3 and District 4, up for election for four-year terms.

The GCDSD school board meets on the fourth Monday of each month at 6 p.m. and often on the second Monday of each month, as well.

The Nespelem School District has two positions up for election for four-year terms. They meet on the fourth Monday of each month.

Hospital District

Two hospital commissioner positions are up for election for six-year terms to the Douglas, Grant, Lincoln, Okanogan Hospital District 6, which operates Coulee Medical Center and its clinics. The commissioners meet on the last Monday of each month at 6 p.m. at CMC.

Port District

One position on the Grant County Port District 7 commission is up for election for a six-year term. The commissioners meet on the last Thursday of each month at 4 p.m.

Coulee Area Park

& Recreation District

The Coulee Area Park and Recreation District has three commissioner spots up for election in the fall for four-year terms. The group meets at the former middle school on the first Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m.

Fire Districts

Grant County Fire District 14 has three commissioner positions up for election, for a two-year term, a four-year term, and a six-year term.

Douglas County Fire District 3 has two commissioner positions up for election, for a four-year term and a six-year term.

Okanogan County Fire District 2 in Elmer City has a six-year-term commissioner position up for election.

Lincoln County Fire District 9 also has one six-year-term commissioner position up for election.


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