A framework for a new school strategic plan was adopted by the Grand Coulee Dam School District Monday night.
The framework was decided by a group made up of school people and community members at a special meeting a couple of weeks ago.
Superintendent Paul Turner explained to the school Monday board that the plan was “just the framework” and that the board would be working to put “in specifics and a timetable” for completion.
The plan was approved midway through a lengthy meeting that included two executive sessions, one lasting for about an hour.
The strategic plan was outlined from four statements of district beliefs:
• Education is the equally shared obligation of our schools, students, families and our communities; education is a lifelong process.
• Education must take place in a safe and caring environment that values high expectations, honesty, good citizenship, trust, positive relationships and respect.
• Personal accountability, character development, and integrity are foundational to our educational system; schools and families work in partnership to hold students accountable.
• Extracurricular and enrichment opportunities enhance student learning and engagement.
The plan is broken down into three goals:
• Provide educational programs and enrichment supporting each student in reaching his or her potential. Three objectives in reaching that goal are providing diverse electives, building community partnerships with internships and apprenticeship/mentoring programs, and offering extended-day enrichments.
• Continuously improve the safety, security and learning environment for students and staff. This goal had four objectives: Continued emphasis on positive behavior interventions; continued emphasis on family engagement/partnerships; consistent accountability, K-12; pursuit of additional facility funding.
• Continuously promote students’ engagement in their own learning.
That goal had two objectives: Inspire and monitor student accountability in their own learning, and focus on customized/personalized instruction.
School board members approved the framework, but will still have a lot of work ahead to add the specifics and timetables to them, Turner stated.
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