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A government we can trust

Letter to the Editor

Can we Americans trust the government? According to a recent Pew Research Center poll, 81 percent say sometimes or never. Yet we American citizens state we want the government to act in their behalf and provide services we want and need. In the same poll, 55 percent of us stated “ordinary Americans” would do a better job of solving problems.

Who and what is the government? The preamble to the Constitution of the United States of America reads that the government is “We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union….” In his Gettysburg address, President Abraham Lincoln spoke of a “government of the people, by the people,for the people.” You and I are the government, even as we are “ordinary Americans.”

Perhaps then, if this high number of American citizens do not trust the government, either these same citizens do not trust themselves or are unable or unwilling to take their place at the table of their own government.

On your own streets, in your own towns, in your own counties, there are boards, commissions, and other positions needing to be filled by any citizen called to work to “insure domestic tranquility” in the places where we live and work. Volunteer to serve in one of these positions to work to “promote the general welfare.” Step forward to serve your town on any area of your interest or concern in order to secure the “blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.” Tell your public servants and other community decision makers of your concerns in a thoughtful and respectful manner, and remember to thank them.

Gayle Swagerty

Town Councilperson

Coulee Dam


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