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Re: "Electric City Council: no restrictions on outbuilding size" Feb. 18

Letter to the Editor

Accessory building do have size limits in Electric City. The accessory survey that the planning commission had the city mail out last September did show that the community did want some size limits on out buildings, 34% to 64%.

That is why the commission put in the following restrictions: The building can only be 26 feet tall, they have 6 inches of set back for every foot over 18 feet. They also can’t be in front of the home, must be set back off of the house at least 5 feet and any street 20 feet.

Furthermore, depending on what zone you live in — R-1,R-2 or R-3 — you can only build on 35%, 50% or 60% of your lot. You must first have a house before you can build an accessory building, and the house, any paving of driveways and sidewalks needed to be deducted from your percent lot coverage.

As we can see, the planning commission did address the community’s concerns with unlimited building sizes. The Electric City council did not ignore the planning commission’s work, they kept all 32 pages of recommendations, only changing one number.

I would like to thank the planning commission and city council for the work they have put into this over the last two years.

Mark Payne

The article “No restrictions on out buildings size” in The Star Feb. 18, is inaccurate. Yes, the city council voted to remove the proposed 1,728 square feet building size limit, but left the following proposed limits in place. The restrictions are: maximum height 26 feet, for every foot over 18 feet you have to add an additional 6 inches to your side and rear lot line set backs. Maximum exterior wall shall not exceed 16 feet. The accessory structure shall not project beyond the front line of the main dwelling. Also depending on your zone, — R-1, R-2, R-3 — we still have 35%, 50%, 60% impervious lot coverage, respectively.

So there are still restrictions. The city council did not ignore the planning commission’s work, nor the community survey. The city council listened to the concerned citizens, read the proposed amendments to the ordinance, and voted (5-0) to make a change, as is their right to do. The planning commission and city council has worked long and hard on this issue, and I thank them for their time and efforts.

We all want Electric City to be a great place to live, and to some people this means being able to secure our belongings in an accessory building large enough for boats, 4-wheelers, and RV’s.

Mike Dennis


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