Town seeking
EMT trainees
The town of Coulee Dam is redeveloping and growing its ambulance and emergency medical technician program and looking for professional and responsible volunteer staff.
“We need about three to five (or more) EMTs ready for training certification,” Mayor Greg Wilder said. “If you are interested, send us a request.”
He said the EMT and First Responders examination “may just be your ticket to a Washington (national) certification. We will provide the training, wages/benefits,” with conditions, he said. “With your service, we will all be the better.”
Those interested can call Town Clerk Stefani Bowden at 633-0320 or email
Scammers calling PUD customers
Con artists are posing as Grant PUD employees who are threatening to shut off their power for unpaid bills unless an immediate payment is made, the PUD said Tuesday.
These scams are a nationwide problem. There are things you can do to protect yourself against these types of scams. The best way to verify the legitimacy of the call is to hang up and call the Grant PUD customer service number at (509) 766-2505 or (800) 422-3199. It’s important to note that some sophisticated scammers can set up their caller ID to make it look like the call is coming from Grant PUD.
Auditions coming
for theater
The Masquers Theatre in Soap Lake announced it will hold auditions for the spring comedy “Play On!” on Saturday, Jan. 31, from 2 to 4 p.m. Director Carol Boyce is looking for both male and female actors high-school aged and older, as well as backstage and technical help. For more information, call Boyce at 509-631-0776.
Art exhibit slated
The Okanogan County Historical Society will hold an Art Exhibit and Sale of the Northwest collection of former county resident Sally Ward.
The art will be exhibited at RockWall Cellars, 110 Nichols Road, Omak during the months of February and March. All of the pieces are for sale to benefit the Historical Society. Winter hours at the winery are Thursdays through Saturdays from noon to 5 p.m. An exhibit and sale catalog will be available in late January at the Winery and at the Wilson Research Library at the Okanogan Museum. For more information contact the Society at 509-422-4272 or the winery at 509-826-0201.
Police chief
Grand Coulee’s Civil Service Commission has forwarded its top three candidates for police chief on to Mayor Chris Christopherson for his selection. The CSC conducted oral interviews of the six candidates last Saturday.
Ballots are out
Ballots for the Feb. 10 special election are out, including the replacement operations and maintenance levy for the Grand Coulee Dam School District.
Ballots were mailed last Thursday. If you haven’t received a ballot in the mail by Friday, Jan. 30, you should contact your county auditor’s office.
In Okanogan County, six school districts have issues on the ballot, including Curlew, Bridgeport, Okanogan, Republic and Tonasket.
Publicinvited to
meet with
congressman’s staff members
Rep. Dan Newhouse’s staff members will be available to meet with the anyone who needs help with a federal agency or has questions or comments on federal issues during monthly mobile office hours in Central Washington.
Members of the public are invited to meet with staffers for the new member of the U.S. House of Representatives from the state’s Fourth District, with no appointment necessary, at Omak City Hall: 2 North Ash Street, Tuesday, Feb. 3 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
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