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The new year will kick off with the first major Electric City trail project meeting. Councilmember Brad Parrish, who is heading up the effort, said last week that he plans a stakeholder meeting Wednesday, Jan. 20, somewhere in the area. That’s about a week after the city council will consider a proposal to commit 150 percent of next year’s projected tourism-tax-fund balance on the pathway along Banks Lake. The meeting will include stakeholders like Coulee Medical Center; Gray & Osborne; the National Park Service; The NPS Rivers, Trails and Cons... Full story
To prepare for the Christmas holiday, The Star will come out two days early next week, on Monday, in order for it to reach readers before post offices close. That moves the paper’s usual Monday deadline for news to 6 a.m. Friday this week. The paper will feature Christmas cards drawn by third graders at Lake Roosevelt Elementary.... Full story
After making sure he's on the been-good list, Santa hands a boy book Thursday night during the annual lighting of the library in Grand Coulee. The facility was packed with kids and parents, who came to take part in the spirit of the event, which also featured door prizes and cookies. The boy opened the book immediately, before getting off Santa's lap. - Scott Hunter photo... Full story
A proposal to study whether consolidating two local cities makes sense now depends on the leadership of the mayors of Electric City and Grand Coulee. The Electric City Council last week ducked the issue again and is leaving it up to the two mayors to come up with a joint resolution. Consolidation, and the funding of any study, has been bounced around at several council meetings in both cities, with no resolution. The chamber of commerce has offered to be the glue that holds the consolidation effort together, using a Wenatchee consulting firm, S... Full story
Elmer City’s town council reaffirmed its plan to move on with developing its own wastewater treatment plant last Thursday night. The council set its project schedule to have its engineering report completed by October of 2016. Elmer City is in its 41st year of a 50-year agreement with Coulee Dam, which treats its wastewater, so the council has plenty of time to complete its own plant. Elmer City’s sewage constitutes about 23 percent of Coulee Dam’s plant flow. Meanwhile, Coulee Dam’s town council members gave Mayor Greg Wilder verbal support... Full story
A Coulee Dam resident admonished locals for feeding deer and squirrels and proclaimed that it was unlawful to do so. The subject then turned to trees, and that's when the Coulee Dam town council meeting last Wednesday turned ugly. Bruce Bartoo, who lives on Stevens Street, started the public discussion off with his comments about deer and squirrels, then quickly brought up the fact that he wanted to cut down two town-owned trees. He said the roots were destroying the town's sidewalk and his... Full story
Coulee City man arrested after shot fired A 29-year-old Coulee City man was in the Grant County Jail after allegedly firing a rifle, causing Coulee City schools to lock down temporarily Friday morning, the county sheriff’s office reported. David E. Chapman was arrested without incident Friday morning at his home in a trailer park in the 36800 block of Road I.8 Northeast in Coulee City. Chapman is alleged to have pointed a rifle at his brother during an argument at the home Thursday night. That incident was not reported until Friday morning, w... Full story
Grand Coulee's newest postmaster has worked at the national level for the U.S. Post Office, but wanted to get back to small- town life. Amy Glover took charge of the Grand Coulee office Dec. 8. That night, the distribution facility in Spokane that sorts most of the mail in eastern Washington flooded, stopping the flow of mail. Glover, whose assignment includes oversight of Coulee Dam and Elmer City post offices, said that they temporarily stopped sending local mail to Spokane for sorting.... Full story
The Star is accepting nominations for the annual Volunteer of the Year award. Each year, the community picks from several worthy people nominated for the honor. One person is honored. Groups are not eligible. Nominations can be made until Jan. 4, 2016. Letters of nomination should be as specific as possible about why the candidate should be honored, including contact information for the nominator and for anyone who could speak about the nomination. Send nominations either: by email to or by mail to Volunteer, PO Box 150,... Full story
A state preservation official Thursday dispelled myths and disclosed some little-known facts about what happens when property is declared "historic" and entered on a registry. The Grand Coulee Dam Area Chamber of Commerce and the Town of Coulee Dam had invited Michael Houser, of the Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation, to speak about the registry issue at a joint noon meeting last Thursday held in the community room at town hall. There was interest in the town to see if some of... Full story
While searching for cattle in the North Star burn, a lot of wildlife were found dead or dying, including bear, moose, elk and deer. Because of a very limited food supply, a large herd of deer and some elk migrated to our green hay meadows. Even though our cattle range was limited (because of the fire), we did everything we could to provide food for the wildlife. We were very protective of the wildlife on private property so they would survive and not be molested by hunting. At home, the deer ate all the apples and some pears. In our big... Full story
I read with some sadness about the closing of the Coulee Dam Community Church. During the 1950s I attended the church, sang in the choir and have wonderful memories of the candlelight Christmas Eve services. Back in those days, the Community Church was about the only church that held services every Sunday. It accommodated all the protestant faiths. The Catholic church had a traveling priest who held mass regularly, but did not live in Coulee Dam. Our minister, Rev. Petersen, was very active in the community and even played tennis regularly with... Full story
Truly a building built stone by stone with much love. Gosh, didn’t know it was built the year I was born! Have enjoyed so many events there over the years. Whether attending one of my girls’ piano recitals, a wedding, a community event, or one of my children’s baccalaureates, the chapel was so lovely to look at. The exterior stone work is amazing and carefully constructed, always catching my eye as I drive by. I really hope that it is declared a historical building. Jacquelyn Reese (from Facebook/ GrandCouleeStar)... Full story
Good comments, Scott. The greater coulee community has much to cherish, save and share. Gaylen and I moved “home” to Grandview to be closer to family; however, our 15 years in the coulee gave us “extended” family to care for as well. And we do care. We are watching closely and cheering for everything that builds you up and secures your future. The hospital and the new school are great, and there’s just so much more within your grasp. Good luck & God Bless, Lois & Gaylen Chilton... Full story
I think it would be a great idea for a wall honoring our active local service personal. In Ephrata, at the Walmart store, they have such a wall honoring their local men and women in the military. Perhaps local businesses could donate the materials needed. Maybe the wall could go up outside the local Safeway store, where locals and tourists could enjoy it. This wall could be dedicated to the memory of Mr. Rodney Bise, with perhaps a memorial plaque. The coulee community should get behind this effort to help Jess Utz and make it happen. Wendi... Full story
This year the Grand Coulee Dam PTA was able to put on a Halloween Festival that brought families together for a fun night of games, cake walk and costume parade. We put on a Christmas Bazaar for the first time, with over 35 vendors to present their wares and share in the good cheer for the Christmas season. The bazaar wouldn’t have been such a success without the vendors, customers like you and help from the staff – Steve Knighten, Craig Purdy, Lisa Lakin, Susan Duclos and Tammy Norris. We also engaged the help of Lake Roosevelt High Sch... Full story
If you asked a child what the “best present” they could receive this year would be, you would get answers that vary. One might say a pony, another might say a Playstation III with some kind of Star Trek-sounding adapter. All would say a new phone, even if they did not even know how to count to 10. Older kids might be more specific with their desires, but few would stray further than the newest electronic zombie maker of their choice. But is that really the best present? If we went a little older with the question, we might get more realistic an... Full story
Rodney Gene Bise, with a twinkle in his eye and a joke on his lips, cashed out to be with his Lord and Savior on Saturday, December 5, 2015, surrounded by his family. Rodney was born on June 13, 1947, in Coulee Dam, Washington, and passed away in Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center in Spokane after a short illness. Rodney married Joy Blackledge, March 11, 1967, in Coeur d' Alene, Idaho. They were both so young that their mothers went with them. Rodney was still saying, at the end of his 68... Full story
Kelly Rae Walker was born Feb. 19, 1957, to Lela and Jack Smith in Omak, Washington. Kelly, as a young girl was very athletic and could master any sport that she put her mind to. At a very young age, she had a very special way with little kids, teaching her nephew, Jamie Rowe, how to fish and ride horses. In the early years, Kelly flew up to Alaska to visit her mom in Fairbanks. It was there that she met and married Darrell Walker. That union produced her only child, Twyla Jean, born August 8,... Full story
Gina J. Vordahl, 68, passed away at her Grand Coulee, Washington, home Monday morning, December 14, 2015. A full notice will be in next week’s edition of The Star. Please sign her on-line register book at . S... Full story
Wed., Dec. 16 7 p.m., Zion Lutheran Church Advent Worship Thurs., Dec. 17 1:30 p.m. LR Elementary K-6 Concert, LR Gym 6:30 p.m., LR Jr./Sr. High Concert, St. Henry’s Catholic Church Fri., Dec. 18 5-7 p.m., A Very Merry Christmas Concert, Grand Theatre, Main St., Grand Coulee Sat., Dec. 19 Trees of Sharing making deliveries, (633-3611 or 633-0305). 5-7 p.m., A Very Merry Christmas Concert, Grand Theatre, Main St., Grand Coulee Sun., Dec 20 3 p.m., Community Choir Concert, St. Henry’s Catholic Church Zion Lutheran Children’s program and potlu...
The Coulee Dam Community Church will be having their final worship service on Sunday, December 27 at 3:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome to join in this special event. There will be a reception immediately following the service. Please bring your memories and pictures to share.... Full story
Nieka Marie Somday, of Coulee Dam, is proud to announce the birth of her daughter, Ashby Francis Somday, born Thursday, December 3, 2015, at Coulee Medical Center in Grand Coulee. She weighed 7 lbs., 10 oz. Siblings are Anoki Louis Somday, age 10, and Anela Marie Somday, age 5. Maternal grandparemts are Roberta Lynn Somday and Francis Willis Somday II. Great-grandmother is Donna Nanamkin.... Full story
Ellis and Tiffany Baker are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Lillian Sarah Baker on Thursday, November 19, 2015. She weighed 7 lbs., 8 oz., and was 20 inches in length at birth. She is welcomed by her siblings: Sierra,16, Nicholas, 14, Ashley, 12, Kaitlyn, 8. Maternal grandparents are Robert Hamlin of Coulee Dam and the late Sarah “Sally” Hamlin. Paternal grandparents are Ellis and Susan Baker of Grand Coulee.... Full story
No Chamber Until 2016 There will be no chamber lunch this week. The next meeting will be held Thursday, Jan. 7, 2016. Corridor to Meet The Coulee Corridor Consortium monthly meeting is scheduled for noon, Friday, Dec. 18 at Don’s Restaurant in Soap Lake. The Election of Officers for chairman, second vice chairman and treasurer will be held that day. You must be a paid member to vote. The 2005 NSB Grant Committee will meet at 11 a.m., that day also at Don’s Restaurant. Local AA Meetings Confused in the Coulee AA meetings are held on Mondays and... Full story