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Articles from the June 27, 2012 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 35

  • Discovering independence

    Roger Lucas|Jun 27, 2012

    Next week marks one of my favorite holidays of the calendar year -- Independence Day. I love this holiday because it is typically a day filled with simple good cheer. I find it an easy holiday to celebrate. The weather is usually warm and pleasant. Friends and family gather around barbecues, lakes, and pools to laugh and simply be together. It is an uncomplicated day filled with little family drama or outsized expectations, like many holidays can be. On the surface, the 4th of July is purely a day to have fun, watch some fireworks, eat, drink,... Full story

  • Holes and towers

    Jun 27, 2012

    USBR Project Manager Chris Vick, right, watches Monday as contractor crews use a giant drill bit to dig holes for footings that will hold up new powerline towers, like the partially finished one in the background. The holes are 8 feet wide and around 45 feet deep. The $10 million project to replace currently tunneled lines from Grand Coulee Dam’s Third Powerplant with an overhead span across the river is going well, Vick said. More photos of the project are online. — Scott Hunter pho... Full story

  • Woman arrested in stabbing

    Roger Lucas|Jun 27, 2012

    An Electric City woman was arrested and taken to Grant County Jail Thursday evening, after allegedly stabbing her live-in partner twice in the back with a 12-inch kitchen knife. Kimberly Kay Piapot, 45, and Martin Thomas Stanley, 43, had been arguing at 214.5 W. Grand Avenue in Electric City when Piapot stabbed Stanley, police reported. Police went to the residence after a call from a neighbor, but couldn’t find either party. Officers learned that Piapot had gone to a residence at 217 Kelso and went there to arrest her. Stanley couldn’t be fou... Full story

  • Rodeo adds bull riding

    Jun 27, 2012

    Bull riding has been added to Saturday’s Ranch Rodeo, Ridge Rider President George Kohout said Monday. Already, 10 bull riders had signed up for the added event, Kohout stated. The Ranch Rodeo, one of two scheduled this season by the Ridge Riders, begins Saturday at the rodeo grounds at 6 p.m. Events include ranch bronc riding, team branding, team mugging and trailer loading — and now bull riding. Events are tackled by teams of four which include one female participant. A beer garden is planned beginning at 4 p.m. Rodeo tickets are ava... Full story

  • Finley is lone incumbent to survive tribal election

    Scott Hunter|Jun 27, 2012

    Six new members will join the Colville Business Council in July, according to official poll and absentee ballot results released Thursday night. In Nespelem District 1, longtime Councilmember Harvey Moses Jr. lost to William “Billy” Nicholson II 463-252. District 2’s Ricky Gabriel lost to Nancy C. Johnson 447-260. Joseph L. Somday prevailed in his challenge to Jack W. Ferguson, winning the Keller seat 164-78. Current CBC Chairman Michael O. Finley was the lone incumbent to retain his seat, fending off Lou Stone for the Inchelium District 2 seat... Full story

  • Newsbriefs

    Jun 27, 2012

    Top of North Dam OK for fireworks Local residents can set their fireworks off July 4, at North Dam Park, a Bureau of Reclamation official said this week. Public Affairs Officer Lynne Brougher said that the BOR is encouraging those who set their fireworks off on North Dam Park to clean up their debris. In past years the Bureau has had to have its maintenance people go up and clean up the debris left behind. Brougher also stated that people should point their fireworks toward the lake to help eliminate grass fires near the dam. Help needed with... Full story

  • July 4 festival set for Grand Coulee Dam

    Roger Lucas|Jun 27, 2012

    The Festival of America, July 3 and 4, will celebrate our freedoms at the park below the Visitor Center in Coulee Dam. There will be craft booths, food, and music for hometown folks and visitors alike and it will all be capped off Wednesday night after the Laser Light Show with fireworks over Grand Coulee Dam. The event is sponsored by the Coulee Dam Casino, the Grand Coulee Dam Area Chamber of Commerce and the town of Coulee Dam. During the day, the craft and food booths will open at 11 a.m.... Full story

  • Electric City deals with biting dogs

    Roger Lucas|Jun 27, 2012

    It was three dog night in Electric City. The city council Tuesday night declared two dogs “dangerous” and a third was given a temporary reprieve. The council didn’t take long in declaring Duke, a dog owned by Joseph Balthazar “dangerous,” and Shadow, a dog owned by Jeanie Marie French, also “dangerous.” All three dogs were allegedly involved in biting incidents in Electric City recently. Balthazar’s dog, Duke, was involved in a biting incident May 13, when it bit Amanda Lyn Button, an Electric City resident out jogging, about both legs. Balt... Full story

  • Caution advised for shoreline campers visiting Lake Roosevelt

    Jun 27, 2012

    The Bureau of Reclamation is advising people camping along the Lake Roosevelt shoreline over the July 4 weekend to be aware of potential dangers that could exist due to rapidly rising lake levels. “When camping along the shoreline, it is recommended that tents and other belongings be kept well away from the water’s edge,” said Lynne Brougher, public affairs officer. “Although the lake is a popular vacation spot, it is also a working reservoir that supplies water for the hydroelectric facilit... Full story

  • Tank placement delayed for now

    Roger Lucas|Jun 27, 2012

    Workers were prepared to set 16 tanks for Electric City’s arsenic treatment plant in place Tuesday until word came that the crane enroute to do the job had slammed into an underpass someplace around Spokane. The crane delay was holding up two trucks loaded with the tanks. Clearwater Construction crews had to off-load the tanks in a temporary location so drivers could return to their routes. There was no word on how long the crane accident would hold up the project. The crane had been s... Full story

  • District gets ready to hire contractors

    r|Jun 27, 2012

    The Grand Coulee Dam School District board has set a special meeting for July 11, to select a construction management firm for the K-12 school project, and to award a contract for the demolition of the vacated A.E. Wright Elementary School building. The district is advertising for interested parties to bid on the demolition of the school, and Tuesday interested companies were here for a walk- through of the school as they scramble to prepare bids due no later than 3 p.m. July 11. The board will... Full story

  • Name chosen for new ferry

    Roger Lucas|Jun 27, 2012

    The next Keller Ferry has a name — “Sanpoil.” The state Department of Transportation said “Sanpoil” was selected from among 200 suggestions that met the parameters set by officials. Some 500 suggestions were received. The ferry crosses Lake Roosevelt near the spot where the Sanpoil River flows into the Columbia and near one of the old time favorite salmon fishing sites visited by native tribes. The new ferry, now under construction by Foss Maritime at Rainier, Ore., will be delivered for final assembly at the Crescent Bay boat launch site late... Full story

  • Apology issued for remarks at graduation

    Dennis Carlson|Jun 27, 2012

    I wish to apologize to everyone who attended the Lake Roosevelt High School graduation ceremony on June 9th. While every student speech is reviewed and approved by the high school principal, occasionally a student will deviate from the approved speech and add some personal comments that, while not intended to offend, come off in a manner that does not reflect the values of LRHS or the Grand Coulee Dam School District. One of our student speakers, during the delivery of his speech, went off script and made some comments that were offensive to... Full story

  • Re: “Jess, Shut Up - Wisdom in a grove”

    Mary Waller|Jun 27, 2012

    Thank you for this article. John is a Facebook friend that I've never met but enjoy his wonderful words daily. Hope I can pass through (the area) someday and meet him. Mary Waller... Full story

  • Region has mined its ground water for decades

    Dale Wentworth|Jun 27, 2012

    All of us who live in the four Columbia Basin counties (Adams, Franklin, Grant and Lincoln) primarily rely on ground water for our drinking and water supply. The problem is our deep ground water is mostly ancient water, and we’ve been mining it for decades. This is not sustainable, a point that will become more apparent when the municipalities in these four counties receive their “water supply and aquifer storage recharge assessment” reports at the end of this month. The Legislature asked the Columbia Basin Ground Water Management Area (GWMA... Full story

  • We need an aquifer protection area

    Jerry Williamson|Jun 27, 2012

    We have a serious challenge facing Grant County and our region – a declining aquifer system that threatens our future. Over the past 15 years, the Columbia Basin Ground Water Management Area, or ‘GWMA’, has secured state ($7.64 million) and federal ($5.7 million) funding to conduct ground water research and implement projects to assess and protect ground water quality, availability, and help identify future supply options. They’ve developed a comprehensive ground water and land use database, with a ‘hydrologic’ model that is being used to ass... Full story

  • Keeping the federal government out of our backyards

    Doc Hastings|Jun 27, 2012

    When the Clean Water Act was signed into law in 1972, the intent was clear - the federal government, working with the states, should ensure that our water quality is protected. Although this is a goal embraced by all Americans, the scope and implementation of federal regulations under this law has been the subject of controversy and litigation for decades. Like so many other federal environmental laws, the Clean Water Act is well intentioned, but radical environmentalists continue their attempts to expand it far beyond what Congress intended... Full story

  • Coulee Recollections

    Jun 27, 2012

    Ten Years Ago There may be no quick fix, but a group of people determined Monday night that they would explore all possibilities for getting the community what it has lacked for several summers - a swimming pool. Cartoon of the week: Dad is reading the newspaper and says “Thirty-seven cents just to mail a letter? Son is sitting at his computer and asks “What’s a LETTER?” Ryan Tracy of Coulee Dam, accepted membership in The National Society of Collegiate Scholars and will be honored during a campus ceremony this fall at Washington State Univers... Full story

  • James “Jim” George Birdwell

    Jun 27, 2012

    James “Jim” George Birdwell passed away and went to his eternal home on Friday, June 22, 2012. He was born July 18, 1946, in Harlem, Mont. He grew up in Coulee Dam and graduated in 1964 from Coulee Dam High School. Jim retired from the United States Army as a Sergeant First Class where he served with distinction over 20 years, also serving two tours of duty in Vietnam. After his military duty, Jim continued his service to our country as a Department of the Army civilian, instructing soldiers for over 20 years on their military occupational spe... Full story

  • Clara Margaret Sears

    Jun 27, 2012

    What’s the secret to living long enough to be able to celebrate your 105th birthday? “Everything in moderation” she had said. Her father’s advice to his children. On June 16, 2012, after four strong startling, and surprising sneezes and a calming sigh, Clara Margaret Sears, 108, laid her head back on her own pillow, in her own room of five years at Serene Meadows Adult Family Home and passed away in Davenport, Wash. She was surrounded by family, including her first great-grandson, Michael... Full story

  • Local weight loss queen to get international honor

    Jun 27, 2012

    Gayle Rayoum, of Coulee Dam, was crowned Washington State Queen at the TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) State Convention in Ocean Shores in May. Rayoum lost a total of 118 pounds to reach her goal and graduated as a KOPS (Keep Pounds Off Sensibly). She will represent the state of Washington at TOPS International Recognition Days in San Diego, July 5-7. Gale was also a Division winner with a 112.5-pound loss for 2011. TOPS is a non-profit support group. In 2011, TOPS members internationally lost... Full story

  • Class of 2002 reunionJune 30

    Jun 27, 2012

    The Lake Roosevelt High School class of 2002 will hold its 10th year reunion on Saturday, June 30. Please bring you own everything to Spring Canyon anytime from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Look for the red and gold balloons! All family, friends and teachers are warmly welcome. For more information and a list of classmates we are still searching for, please visit Facebook and search events for “LRHS Class of 2002 – Ten Year Reunion.... Full story

  • Meetings and Notices

    Jun 27, 2012

    GCD Chamber to Meet at Hometown Pizza Grant Chamber will meet at Hometown Pizza in Grand Coulee this Thursday at noon. The Festival of America will be held July 3 and 4 in the park below the Visitor Center at Grand Coulee Dam. The next meeting, July 12 will be held at Sunbank’s Resort on the patio. Grant County Port District 7 to Meet Grant County Port District 7 will hold its regular monthly meeting Thursday, June 28 at 5 p.m. at the Grand Coulee Dam Airport office. CMC Guild to Meet CMC Guild will hold its regular meeting on Thursday, July 1... Full story

  • Hoop Fiend Alert

    Jun 27, 2012

    The Ephrata Rotary Club will offer a 3-on-3 tournament July 20 and 21, with games starting that Friday at 6:30 p.m. The club took over the event formerly associated with the Basin Summer Sounds concert and renamed the tournament “Rim 2 Rim”. Team categories start at third grade and run through adult. Register a team before July 8 for $100. After that it goes up to $125. Register with a form downloaded from Check the download column on the right.... Full story

  • It's a boy for Desautel

    Jun 27, 2012

    Racheal Marie Desautel of Nespelem is pleased to announce the birth of her son Mackiah Lee Tom on Saturday, May 26, 2012, at Coulee Medical Center in Grand Coulee. He weighed 7 lbs., 7 oz., and was 21-1/2 inches in length at birth. Siblings include brother Zayden Desautel, age 4, brother Damian Tom, age 1 and sisters Mackenzie and Simarah.... Full story

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