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Coulee Medical Center's chief executive tendered his resignation with a required 90-day notice last Thursday, offering to stay on until the end of that time but stating his intention to seek "liability claims." J. Scott Graham's resignation letter was delivered by Chief Operating Officer Alan Wagner to the hospital commission during its meeting Monday night, but President Jerry Kennedy had received the letter in an email from Graham on Thursday. "The Board of Directors, in concert with the hospi...
Grand Coulee decided Tuesday night to move forward on zoning changes that will permit seniors to build a garage for their two buses, and allow the development of a daycare center, all in the central business district. The council held a public hearing on the zoning changes Tuesday night and two individuals spoke favorable on the changes. Charles Long, representing the Grand Coulee Dam Senior Center, told council members there was a real need of a garage that would hold two senior buses that were recently given to the center. The seniors have...
Two towns, Coulee Dam and Elmer City, linked together by wastewater treatment issues, plan to go it alone in seeking an alternative analysis to determine how to proceed with a treatment plant plan. Elmer City, moments before the town council met last Thursday, received word from Indian Health Services that the agency plans to fund $27,600 of a feasibility study in regard to wastewater treatment. The town will add $6,400 to the study for a total of $34,000. The town council acknowledged the announcement, but didn’t formally act on it at its m...
Drivers on Midway Ave., also called State Route 155, follow a pilot car Monday past workers on a $15.5 million project that is spread over 238 miles on 10 state highways in five counties. The project also includes addition of safety features, such as centerline rumble strips, and meeting Americans with Disability Act concerns in Grand Coulee, Coulee Dam and elsewhere. - Scott Hunter photo...
The out-with the old and in with the new pavement project in the Grand Coulee area ended up helping Electric City pave one of its newest streets. Electric City received over 50 truckloads of ground up pavement from the Department of Transportation's paving project in Grand Coulee and spread it over Snyder Road. Ken Dexter and Donna Deckman, from the city's public works department, said the ground up pavement provided a six-inch cover of what was one of the city's streets to improve in its...
Riverview Lanes is in the process of being sold. Pat and Sara Zlateff said this week that Sherry Moore, an Electric City resident, will become owner of the eight-lane alley on May 1. Moore still has to work her way through a lease arrangement with the town of Coulee Dam. She said Tuesday that she is working on “a lease similar to the one that Zlateff’s have.” The Zlateffs have owned the alley for the past seven years and essentially got into the business so that it wouldn’t close. “My parents had the bowling alley here years ago, and I didn’t...
Book fair in progress The PTA is sponsoring a book fair in progress at Grand Coulee Dam Middle School from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the library. They could use help with the event. If you’d like to help, call Kim at 633-3542 or Karen at 633-0520. The book fair runs through Thursday. Selecting council Coulee Dam plans to select a council member at its town council meeting April 23. One of three candidates, Carol Wetzel, Shawn Derrick or Tamra Sacchi will replace Bob Poch, who resigned recently. Mayor Greg Wilder circulated information about the t...
Coulee Dam's town council will hear about those who gave their lives during construction of Grand Coulee Dam next Wednesday night, and how there is a need for a suitable memorial to them. Susan Dechant, a researcher who lives near Colville, will bring the council up to date on the memorial that once stood near Delano and then was confiscated for non-payment and relocated on the Stevens County Courthouse grounds. The memorial featured the names of 44 who had died to date (1938) in construction...
I had some goals and expectations when I decided to run for hospital commissioner, primarily involving increasing utilization of CMC while maintaining the financial solvency of the facility. Since my election, however, I’ve been provided with a lot of material to read, and I have received many unsolicited comments from community members and hospital employees. As a result, those goals have rapidly changed. Many people in this community remember very clearly the padlocking of the hospital in the 1970s for lack of medical personnel. I DO NOT w...
Recently our entire community went through a major upheaval which in one way or another involved all of us. We saw that, when aroused, the people of this area can effect change. Our local hospital is such an important factor in our lives that we were ready to speak up, difficult as this can be for many of us. Our latest board meeting set us a fine example of a group listening to the community and acting together. Now, it seems to me, that we must speak up in an even more important way. It is the community, acting together, that can bring back a...
The planning meeting Tuesday the 29th of April at 7 p.m. at Electric City city hall is not just for steel buildings, it’s for any accessory building over 850 square feet built out of any materials. If you think you might ever want a garage, shop or other accessory building bigger than 850 square feet, I would suggest you come to the meeting and be heard. Mark Payne...
OK, sometimes when I look around the Coulee I see things or hear things, and I cannot help but dwell on these things for a while and just think. For example, “I won’t buy a house below the dam. What if the dam breaks?” I always laugh a little on the inside when I hear this. This dam is not going anywhere. I remember a teacher, years ago, doing research on how much firepower it would take to put a hole in the face of the dam. Even with a perfectly placed shot of the most powerful weapon known...
Ten Years Ago Selected as Miss Grand Coulee Dam 2004 was Tiffany Barry. Princesses Jennifer Sedillo and Canace Payne. The City of Grand Coulee will be received a new fire truck. Twenty Years Ago Stacey Tinnell-Benton was named Miss Grand Coulee Dam and 1994 Junior Miss. Kristen Sherman was first runner-up and Patsy Gould was second. Nearly 80 of the 153 registered voters in Elmer City signed a petition declaring their opposition to the consolidation of Electric City, Grand Coulee, Coulee Dam...
Zion Lutheran Zion Lutheran Church will be having Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services on April 17 and 18, both at 7 p.m. On Sunday, April 20, Easter Sonrise will be held outside at Zion at 7 a.m., with breakfast following and the regular Easter service at 11 a.m. Nazarene/ Presbyterian Church Grand Coulee Nazarene Church will be holding a Sunrise Service at Crown Point at 7 a.m. A free breakfast at the church will be held at 8 a.m. followed by the service at 9 a.m. The Coulee Dam Community Presbyterian Church will be worshipping with the...
Chamber to Meet The Grand Coulee Dam Area Chamber of Commerce will meet Thursday, April 17, at Pepper Jack’s Bar & Grille in Grand Coulee. Jared Berg of Costco will be talking on business services offered by Costco. Family History Center Available The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints invites all who desire to utilize the Family History Center in the Coulee Dam Chapel, located at 806 Spruce Street in Coulee Dam. The center is now open each Wednesday from 6 to 8 p.m. The family history centers are free anf open the public and s...
Teri and Terrence Lewandowski II of Grand Coulee, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter Sadie Rae Lewandowski born Tuesday, March 25, 2014, at Coulee Medical Center in Grand Coulee. She weighed 7 lbs., 1 oz., and was 19.5 inches in length at birth. Sibling includes 4-year-old Selma Lewandowski. Maternal grandparents are Michele and Larry Thomas of Grand Coulee and Raymond Peone Sr. of Keller. Paternal grandparents are Selma (deceased) and Terrence Lewandowski Sr., of Graham, Wash., and Brian and Julia Autry of Parkland,...
Angie S. Figueroa and Chris Peterson of Spokane, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter Chloe Ann Snow Bristow on Friday, March 28, 2014, at Coulee Medical Center in Grand Coulee. She weighed 6 lbs., 14 oz., and was 19 inches in length at birth. Sibling includes 3-year-old Paris Eden Honor Figueroa. Maternal grandmother is Alice Figueroa of Grand Coulee....
Tiffany Pickel and Robbie Seyler of Electric City, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter Kinsey Rae Seyler, born Saturday, March 29, 2014, at Coulee Medical Center in Grand Coulee. She weighed 8 lbs., 6 oz., and was 21 inches in length at birth. Sibling includes 8-year-old Alli. Maternal grandparents are Douglas and Shannon and Linda Pickel. Paternal grandparents are Wesley and Chris Seyler. Great-grandparent is Shirley Pickel....
Jessica Smith and Eric Moulton of Wilbur, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter Isla Charla Irving Moulton, born Friday, April 4, 2014, at Coulee Medical Center in Grand Coulee. She weighed 7 lbs., and was 20 inches in length at birth. Sibling includes one-year-old Audrey Marie Moulton. Maternal grandmother is Linda Smith of Salem, Ore. Paternal grandparents include Susan Smith of Ephrata and Robert Moulton of Lincoln....
Dave McClure holds up his second-place trophy after competing in the Columbia River Cowboy Gathering and Music Festival in Kennewick last weekend. McClure, a Nespelem rancher and pianist, took the runner-up spot in the music contest with a $200 prize. - submitted photo...
Melinda Lorraine Fields passed away peacefully at her home in Electric City, WA at the age of 55. She was born on July 21, 1958, to Merle and Lucille Diseth in Spokane, Wash. She worked a variety of jobs during her career, most currently as a teller at Coulee Dam Credit Union. Melinda enjoyed entertaining family and friends, reading and may be best known for her fabulous potato salad. She was loved by everyone who knew her, and will be missed. Melinda is survived by her husband, Gene Fields;...
Jeannie Redthunder Moon's headstone setting will be held this Saturday, April 19, at 10 a.m., at Chief Joseph Cemetery. A dinner and giveaway will follow at the Nespelem Longhouse. Jeannie passed away July 25, 2013....
Eric Clinton Clark was born December 5, 1969, and entered to rest on Wednesday, Apr. 9, 2014. He attended Omak School, K-12, graduating in 1988 from Omak High School. He was active in sports playing basketball, baseball and football. He enjoyed hunting, fishing, camping and family gatherings. He was a avid guitar player. He played in different bands in Coulee Dam and Spokane area. He enjoyed cooking shows and loved to cook, especially barbecuing. He attended Spokane Falls Community College,...
Wed., Apr. 16 - Easter Dinner Ham, Cheesy Potatoes, Seasoned Buttered Carrots, Fruit Salad, Rolls, Birthday Cake. Thurs., Apr. 17 - Dinner Fish and Chips, Baked Beans, Cole Slaw, Waldorf Salad, Cookies. Fri., Apr. 18 - Breakfast Sausage Links, Eggs, Hashbrowns, Muffins, Fruit Cocktail, Orange Juice. Mon., Apr. 21 - Breakfast Spanish Omelet, Pancakes, Fruit Bowl, Orange Juice. Tues., Apr. 22 - Dinner Pork and Rice Casserole, Mixed Veggie and Fruit Bar, Cheesy Biscuits, Cream Pie. Wed., Apr. 23 - Dinner Baked Chicken with Cranberry Sauce, Twice...
The following is the Lake Roosevelt High School honor roll for third quarter. HIGH HONORS 3.5 – 4.0 SENIORS Akaycia M. Foster, Brandin Smith, Brandon Desautel, Chyenne Kelly-Marconi, Clare Castrodale, Daniel Campobasso, Jennifer Reichlin, Madisyn Byam, Mikel Friedlander, Nicole Baker, Rachel Carter, Shaine Thomas JUNIORS Aaron Whitney, Alexander Garcia, Coltin Williams, Hannah Manon, Hayley Seylor, Jazmine Sumner, Kammi Rosenbaum, Katelynn Schilling, Marissa LaFountaine, Riley Stout, Terrin Hazard, Tyler Cross SOPHOMORES Alexis T...