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World champion bull rider Shane Proctor gives pointers during his Shane Proctor Bull Riding School at the Nespelem Junior Rodeo grounds March 30-31. Proctor, from Grand Coulee, has been putting on the school annually for six years, dedicated to the memory of local rider Stoney Covington. - PBR photo... Full story
Raider tennis girls’ singles stayed on a winning streak last week, defeating Liberty Bell at home March 31 and Oroville on April 2, also at home. “The girls continued to dominate at first, second and third singles,” Head Coach Steve Archer said. “I’m very pleased with their consistency.” The Raider boys continue to grow as the season progresses. Against Liberty Bell, freshman Malcom Carson recorded a victory over D. J. Haley in the number-three singles match, 6-1, 6-1. This was the only victory for the Raider boys against Liberty Bell. Again... Full story
Raider Track competed in its first two-meet week with a meet at Tonasket March 31, then in Deer Park April 3. “The Raider boys scored well in the sprints and throws,” Head Coach Lori Adkins said. “The team aspect of Track & Field was deep in those events.” At Tonasket, Nathaniel Hall took second in the 100-meter dash in 12.85 seconds. Then in the 200, Hall’s 25.27 time earned him the gold. Cameron Tillman placed fourth in the 100 at 13.33 seconds. Dominick Cotton placed third in the 200 in 26.55 seconds. The boys’ 4x100-meter relay team of Hal... Full story
Thurs., Apr. 9 10:30 a.m., HS Baseball versus Colton H.S. at BBV (DH) Tues. Apr. 14 2:30 p.m., HS Tennis at White Swan Wed., Apr. 15 2:30 p.m., HS Golf at Oroville Thurs., Apr. 16 3:30 p.m., JHS Track, All School League Jamboree at Bridgeport. 4 p.m., HS Baseball here with Manson 4 p.m., HS Softball here with Manson 4 p.m., HS Tennis here with Tonasket... Full story
DAM KEGLERS TEAM W L R&A 181 110 Brew Crew 166 134 Spring Canyon Alpacas 160 140 Moose Lodge 157.5 142.5 Native Spirit 148 152 KCCO 137.5 163.5 Flyin W 132 168 Vaagen Bros 119 182 High Game: Brew Crew 726; Gary Bjorson 220; Candy Weed-Butz 202 High Series: Brew Crew 2052; John Stensgar 615; Candy Weed-Butz 505 Previous - High Game: Brew Crew 730; Chance Epperson 255; Mae Stensgar 180 High Series: Brew Crew 2153; Chance Epperson 616; Mae Stensgar 511 THURSDAY MIXUPS TEAM W L Fry Bread Power 74.5 37.5 Fighting Chipmunks 70 42 Shut Up & Bowl 63... Full story
Melissa Boord, of Electric City, was named to Big Bend Community College’s President’s List for the winter quarter with a GPA of 3.75 or higher and 12 or more graded credits.... Full story
Grand Coulee Dam Airport Request For Qualifications For Airport Engineering and /or Environmental Services The Grant County Port District No. 7 is requesting interested firms to submit their qualifications for professional engineering, planning, environmental assessment for projects and construction consideration analysis. Qualifications should include identification of firm’s capabilities to manage projects including site investigation and collection, preliminary and final design, projects advertising and bidding, construction management, a... Full story
Grand Coulee Police 3/27 - School officials reported to police that there had been another entry into Center Elementary School. The school has been broken into on several occasions recently. This time, they got onto the roof of the extension building and broke a window. Nothing was missing. - A Banks Avenue house was broken into, and the owner, who lives in Renton, was notified. The front door of the house had been forced. - Police were called to a residence on Roosevelt Drive because of a suicidal man who had a gun. He was gone by the time... Full story