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Articles from the November 12, 2014 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 27

  • Grand Coulee forbids civil service separate lawyer

    Roger S Lucas|Nov 12, 2014

    The independence of Grand Coulee’s Civil Service Commission is being challenged, chair Alan Cain said this week. “Our attorney, Scott W. Detro, of Omak, has informed me that City Attorney Julie Norton has advised him not to do work for the Civil Service Commission because the city won’t pay him for it,” Cain said. He was advised that the CSC would have to use the city’s attorney for legal advice. “Where’s the independence?” Cain asked. The independence is being challenged by other means. City Councilmember David Tylor said this week that Norto... Full story

  • Tonight's Grand Coulee City Council agenda posted

    Nov 12, 2014

    City of Grand Coulee City Council Regular Meeting November 18, 2014 AGENDA CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 p.m. Roll Call Pledge of Allegiance PUBLIC HEARING -- 2015 Budget 3. VISITOR INPUT Fifteen minutes are allotted for all visitors introducing issues not on the agenda. Prior to the meeting, each visitor should list his/her name, street address, and issue addressed on the sign up form. The Mayor will call names in the order listed and each speaker should stand up and address the Council. Comments should be limited to no more than three minutes to allow... Full story

  • Construction boom on reservation offers jobs

    Scott Hunter|Nov 12, 2014

    [This story has been updated with more accurate numbers of workers that were made available.] With a massive new headquarters under construction near Nespelem for the 12 Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, plus their big new casino going up in Omak, contractors are in need of some good help locally. A job fair at the Nespelem Community Center Nov. 6 was designed to help fill that need. "It's going to get exciting and our need is going to go up quite a bit in the next three months,"... Full story

  • Star accepting nominations for volunteer honor

    Nov 12, 2014

    The Star is accepting nominations for the annual Volunteer of the Year award. Each year, the community picks from several worthy people nominated for the honor. One person is honored. Groups are not eligible. Nominations can be made until Nov. 24. Letters of nomination should be as specific as possible about why the candidate should be honored, including contact information for the nominator and for anyone who could speak about the nomination. Send nominations either through the US Post Office or by email: by email to or... Full story

  • Hospital passes $22 million budget

    Scott Hunter|Nov 12, 2014

    Hospital District 6 commissioners passed a budget Monday night that anticipates changes in fee structures, increased employment, new doctors and a razor thin 0.1-percent net margin, basically break even. “We’re going to start conservative and expect to get better, not worse,” said Chief Executive Officer Debbie Bigelow. She presented the budget that she said was conservative in expecting $22.3 million in net patient revenues for Coulee Medical Center. The budget news was mixed with announcements of new doctors coming on board, possibly inclu... Full story

  • Pretty birds are a lot of company

    Roger S Lucas|Nov 12, 2014

    When a cockatiel says "pretty bird" it isn't because it has a super large ego, it's just a fact. Cockatiels, while a bit messy, are beautiful and a lot smarter than you would think. Peggy Sandgren, of Delano, got a pair just over a year ago, and now has five. She is trying to sell two. While cockatiels don't have a large vocabulary, they can be taught a few words; not enough to carry on a conversation. Males speak more than females, and even can learn to whistle. But if you work with them, they... Full story

  • Newsbriefs

    Nov 12, 2014

    Free dumping for fall cleanup Fall cleanup time has arrived in the coulee. Residents can dump yard waste free at the Delano Transfer Station Nov. 15-22. Dump hours are Tuesday and Thursday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. People are asked to bag leaves and cut limbs to lengths under six feet long. Loads must be secured with tarps and or straps or ropes. Seniors to offer turkey dinner The Senior Center will offer a Thanksgiving turkey dinner and dessert potluck Wednesday, Nov. 19, at 5 p.m. Those attending are asked... Full story

  • Recycling to be researched

    Roger S Lucas|Nov 12, 2014

    Recycling in the Coulee got a breath of fresh air Monday at the Regional Board of Mayors meeting. Every time the recycling idea seems dead, someone brings it back to life. Dick Howe, of Sunrise Disposal, responded to criticism that his firm hadn’t done enough to bring recycling to the Coulee area. He agreed to look into the placement of recycling bins in the area, and what the cost might be. However, in essence, the problem is how to make a cash cow out of a sow’s ear. There’s no money in it, and as it has been explained to the mayors on sever... Full story

  • Students return after unscheduled two-day break

    Roger S Lucas|Nov 12, 2014

    Students were back in school Thursday after a smoking electrical panel gave them a near two-day break last week. It all happened on Tuesday at about 9:20 a.m. when a malfunction of the main circuit electrical panel in the school kitchen prompted officials to evacuate the building. The school district had the opportunity to practice its evacuation plan, which Superintendent Dennis Carlson said worked quite well. Students were led to a predetermined place outside the building and then, because it was cold outside, taken to the high school gym.... Full story

  • Woman wrecks on highway

    Nov 12, 2014

    An Almira woman will be charged with drunken driving after she drove into a field off SR 174 Monday about 7 p.m. The Washington State Patrol reported that Alison M. Viebrocksteveson, 40, was injured when her 2003 GMC Denali left the highway as she was eastbound about a mile north of Wilbur, traveled through a field and struck a ditch at Alderson Road. She was taken to Coulee Medical Center.... Full story

  • If not the whole bagel, half would still be good

    Scott Hunter|Nov 12, 2014

    As a matter of fact, we view the four towns as one in many ways, but in purely practical terms joining just two would be very good start. In any large city, the populations of Electric City, Grand Coulee, Coulee Dam and Elmer City would barely qualify as a neighborhood, let alone four municipalities each with separate mayors and councils, budgets to work out and utility bills to track. Combining the towns seems so obviously a good idea. But smaller steps often make the start of a long and worthy journey. Two of the cities already share so much... Full story

  • Apparently, veterans are low priority

    John Bury|Nov 12, 2014

    The elections are over, back to business with Congress as they have many unsettled issues in need of attention. The VA scandal is still a priority for Congress to settle. Although the VA has made some progress toward veterans care and benefits improvements, it is not yet 100 percent thought out. Our Congress needs transparency in bipartisanship and to be held accountable. A quote by Theodore Roosevelt: “A man who is good enough to shed his blood for the Country is good enough to be given a square deal afterwards.” We veterans need a square deal... Full story

  • Torn flags look bad

    Phil Berry|Nov 12, 2014

    The flags along the 155 corridor are all ripped and unsightly. Should be replaced or removed immediately. Disgraceful for viewing on Veteran’s Day. Phil Berry... Full story

  • National Anthem thoughts

    Jesse Utz|Nov 12, 2014

    I was standing at the Veterans Assembly last week at the high school during the National Anthem and found myself thinking of not only the 30-plus veterans on hand for the event that we were honoring but of other vets that lost their lives giving the ultimate sacrifice. I then thought of my grandfathers who served and how proud they both were to be Americans. I then thought of my uncles and some of the horrible things they had to go through in Vietnam and their return. I had to fight back the tears as I looked up at old glory and studied the red... Full story

  • Moses Lake helps put BMW World center stage in MunichMoses Lake helps put BMW World center stage in Munich

    Don Brunell|Nov 12, 2014

    There is a new look to Bavarian tourism these days. In the past, tourists flocked to Munich’s city square like Seattle’s New Year’s revelers at the Space Needle. They came to see the ancient Glockenspiel, a giant cuckoo clock on the city hall tower, and then dash to the nearby famed Hofbrauhaus for beer, brats and Bavarian music. Now the Glockenspiel has some real competition. It is BMW World, a mammoth, ultramodern, high tech new car showroom adjacent to the 1972 Olympic Stadium. It is so large prospective buyers can take a “Beamer” for a test... Full story

  • Coulee Recollections

    Nov 12, 2014

    1 years ago Grady “Skip” Lael joined the Marine Corps exactly 61 years ago, in 1943 on Veterans Day, serving 29 and a half months with the Amphibian Tractor Battalion in one lone, famous campaign in the Pacific, the taking of Iwo Jima. He landed at Iwo on Feb. 19, 1945 and left on March 26. He said that his Battalion’s job was to get men and materials on shore under fire fights everywhere. Lael looked through binoculars to see the Marines raise the first flag on Mt. Suribachi and that flag was a small one that a Marine had on his back. “It w... Full story

  • Trees of Sharing still taking names

    Nov 12, 2014

    You still have until this Thursday to submit names for the Trees of Sharing program, which distributes Christmas gifts to children in need. Names will be accepted at Safeway, Harvest Foods and Coulee Medical Center, and are for preschool kids from the area or school children attending Grand Coulee Dam School District schools. The trees will be up soon with the tags showing the age and gender of children who are earmarked for gifts. Just take a tag, prepare a gift and get it back at one of the... Full story

  • Winifred M. Adams

    Nov 12, 2014

    Memorial Service for Winifred M. Adams (DOB 10-8-1925), mother of Christine A. Giuliani and mother-in-law of Dr. Giannantonio Giuliani, will be held at St. Henry's Catholic Church in Grand Coulee, at 11 a.m., on Saturday, Nov. 15. There will be a potluck following the service. Bring your voice and any musical instruments along with your favorite old time religious songs.... Full story

  • Annual Thanksgiving Dinner at the senior center

    Nov 12, 2014

    The Grand Coulee Nazarene Church and Coulee Dam Community Church invited the community to the annual Thanksgiving Dinner at the Senior Center on Sunday, Nov. 23, from 2-4 p.m.... Full story

  • Meetings and Notices

    Nov 12, 2014

    Chamber Meeting The Grand Coulee Dam Area Chamber of Commerce will meet this Thursday, Nov. 13, at noon at La Presa in Grand Coulee. John Moody from the Ice Age Flood Institute will be giving the program. Blood Drive Coming Inland Northwest Blood Center along with the Grand Coulee Community Blood Drive volunteers led by Rebecca Derrick will be coordinating a blood drive at the CMC Professional Building B on Monday, Nov. 17, from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. INBC needs an average of 200 blood donors every day to meet the needs of more than 35... Full story

  • Legals for November 12, 2014

    Nov 12, 2014

    Okanogan County Fire Dist. 2 NOTICE OF BUDGET MEETING The Okanogan County Fire Dist. 2 will be holding its budget meeting on Thursday, Nov. 20, 2014, at 7 p.m. at the Elmer City fire barn. (Publish Nov. 12 and 19, 2014) TOWN OF ELMER CITY PUBLIC NOTICE The scheduled Revenue Source/Ad Valorum meeting for the 2015 Budget year on November 13, 2014 has been rescheduled to Wednesday, November 19, 2014 at 5:50 p.m. at Elmer City Town Hall. The scheduled Proposed 2015 Budget Hearing/Availability of 2015 Preliminary Budget on November 13, 2014 has... Full story

  • Raiders finish 14th at state tournament

    John McNeil II|Nov 12, 2014

    LR Cross Country finished the State B race in 14th place in the team standings out of 16 full teams running at Pasco Nov. 8. With much of the team being new to state, Head Coach Gary Darnold depended on his leaders to calm the jitters. "We had three of the 11 returning from the state meet last year," Darnold said, "and I depended heavily on them to give their advice from their state experience, and they really came through." Darnold enjoyed seeing the team perform to the best of their... Full story

  • Three Lady Raiders named to all-league teams

    John McNeil II|Nov 12, 2014

    Sean Garvin, Areielle White, and Kammi Rosenbaum were all named to the Central Washington 2B North All League Volleyball squads. Sean Garvin is the only freshman on the First Team. Areielle White is the Second Team Libero. Kammi Rosenbaum was given an honorable mention. For a Freshman to make first team is a feat. Head Coach Nate Piturachsatit had much praise for Garvin. “She has put so much time into the game of volleyball, that even though young, she is as experienced as most seniors,” her... Full story

  • Alumni game set

    Nov 12, 2014

    The Lake Roosevelt Girls’ basketball team is hosting a Lake Roosevelt High School alumni game on Saturday, Dec. 20, 2014. All graduates of Lake Roosevelt High School who are interested should contact Matthew Pleasants at 633-0543 or to sign up. Deadline is Dec. 19. The women’s game will begin at 6 p.m. with the men’s to follow. All participants will receive a t-shirt. Call now and sign up.... Full story

  • Students of the Month

    Nov 12, 2014

    Students selected for the month of October.... Full story

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