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Coulee Cops

Grand Coulee Police

11/6 - An electrical hazard near SR-174 and Burdin Boulevard caused a power outage in town and was likely the cause of an alarm activation at North Cascades Bank. Police checked on the bank and found it to be secure before assisting the fire department with traffic control at the scene of the electrical hazard.

- Police went to the post office where there was a report of a man saying he wanted to murder people. While there, police spoke to a homeless man from Spokane who came to Grand Coulee on a bus and was heading back to Spokane on a bus. Eventually the man was able to catch the bus. He didn't say anything about wanting to murder people when police spoke to him and it was determined no crime had been committed.

- Police spoke to hospital staff regarding someone who stops at the hospital multiple times a week to request narcotics and has some kind of mental illness. No crime had been committed. 

11/8 - An officer assisted tribal police by standing by at the hospital where a tribal jail inmate had made comments about trying to escape custody.

11/9 - Police followed a car from the Bridgeport Highway area to Coulee Boulevard in Electric City where it was pulled over for having expired registration. The driver said he couldn't afford to update his registration. In the vehicle, police observed a "tooter" pipe, commonly used to smoke narcotics. Police requested that the tribal police drug sniffing dog, "Thor," help in the case. Thor arrived and signaled to police that there were more drugs in the vehicle. The passenger admitted to having more paraphernalia in her purse. The driver consented to let police search the vehicle where they found only paraphernalia. Because of his honesty, the driver wasn't charged with any crimes and was warned not to drive the vehicle anymore without updating the registration.

- Police went to Crown Point to check on a report of minors possibly drinking alcohol there. Police spoke to people there who said they were just hanging out. Police found no alcohol in or near the vehicle and left the area.

11/10 - Police collected details about a stolen 1975 Chevrolet pickup that was last seen parked on property on Alcan Road. The owner had been informed it wasn't there anymore. It was last seen by the owner about a week earlier when he had parked it there.

- A Weil Place woman requested that police help look for her daughter who had left home with her dog, but she called police back to say she had found her.

11/11 - Police responded to Young Street where a man and woman had been drinking wine and listening to music until they argued when the man began playing a certain song. A mirror broke at one point. The pair agreed to separate for the night.

Coulee Dam


11/8 - Police directed traffic around the scene of a car that was on fire on River Drive near Birch Street. Once firefighters extinguished the fire, the owner of the vehicle had it towed.

- A woman who suffers from dementia was using a piece of metal to hit the door of her daughter's Electric City home where she has been allowed to stay. Police did not believe she was acting maliciously and took her to the hospital to be seen by a mental health professional in the hope that she can get the help she needs.

- Police told a man he was no longer allowed to stay at a River Drive property following a dispute with the new owner. The man said he understood and left the area. 

11/10 - Police responded to a report of yelling on Electric Boulevard. They were allowed to search the property for a man who was said to have been on drugs and yelling earlier and to remove him if found. Police did not find him on the property.

11/11 - Police helped a woman with mental difficulties get into her home on Park Avenue. Police referred the case to Adult Protective Services as they determined the woman is not fit to take care of herself.

11/12 - Police responded to a report of theft on Kent Street in Electric City. No further details were included in the police report.


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