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Coulee Cops

Grand Coulee Police

7/9 - A Roosevelt Drive resident showed police security camera footage that showed someone, possibly a neighbor, throwing rocks at her home, causing an estimated $1,900 worth of damage, including a broken window. Police were unable to speak to neighbors at the time. 

7/10 – A bucket of dirt was being carried by a homeless fellow. He told police, when contacted near the park on SR-174, that he was using the bucket of dirt for street art. Police told him not to wander into empty lots and people’s yards for such purposes without permission. He seemed to understand the order.

- A door was left open at the former middle school in Grand Coulee, where a sports camp had recently taken place. Police contacted a school official about the open door.

7/11 - Police noted a complaint of a noisy generator running on A Street. The generator was not running when police were there. A breach of peace citation could be appropriate if police observe the thing running and it disturbs at least three people.

7/12 - An officer took note of a vehicle parked at North Dam Park just after midnight where signage indicated that overnight parking was not allowed. The 2023 Chevrolet Bolt was plugged into an outlet at the park. Police removed the power cord for safe keeping, and were unable to contact the owner of the rented vehicle. A medical bracelet observed inside the vehicle belonged to someone with a suspended license.

- A man yelled at kids on Dill Street who had been riding around and revving engines on dirt bikes. Police told the mother of one of the kids they shouldn’t ride by that man’s place. 

7/13 - Police responded to Coulee Medical Center to aid Colville Tribal Police with a DUI suspect they’d taken there for treatment. Blood reportedly had sprayed on a nurse’s face when the patient/suspect removed an IV from her own arm. The nurse didn’t wish to press any charges. A Grand Coulee officer stood by after the incident.

7/14 - A woman took items to the checkout stand at the hardware store and then said she didn’t have money to pay for them. She told police that power tools in the backseat of her car belonged to her boyfriend, and that she was looking for her mother who might pay for the hardware items. Her car had two different license plates, which she said was because her vehicle was a combination of two different cars. Police warned her not to drive because she didn’t have a valid license.

- A man wanted on warrants was arrested at a Cardinal Road residence after being spotted by police before he went there. The man had three dollars in bills, two lighters, and three plums. The lighters and plums, which wouldn’t be acceptable items at the jail, were placed on a table near a swing set before the man was taken to Lincoln County Jail.

7/14 - Someone illegally dumped a trash can in an alley near Burdin Boulevard. Reported as foul smelling, police found the trash can to be just as foul smelling as most other garbage. 

Coulee Dam


7/9 - In a follow-up from last week:  a woman was cited for theft after being seen by a Harvest Foods employee allegedly taking numerous sweatshirts from the store and then leaving. The employee had been able to grab all but one of the sweatshirts as the woman left in a car. A witness had followed the car to a Conoco gas station in Grand Coulee where police confronted the woman. She claimed her sister had purchased the clothing six weeks earlier and she had paid her sister back for them.

7/10 - A case will be reviewed by a prosecutor for a possible assault charge after a dispute in which a woman allegedly scratched her sister’s face. Police took note of the details.

7/11 - Some kind of “physical altercation” took place at Banks Lake Golf Course. Police spoke to both men involved but neither of them “wanted to be a victim,” and no charges were filed.

7/15 - Police spoke to three people on Fir Street who were in an argument. A man bought alcohol for his son, who is of legal drinking age. This upset a woman who didn’t want the man living there anymore. But since the man had lived there for over a year, and had established residency there, police explained, he couldn’t simply be kicked out of the home; it would take an eviction.

- Intoxicated people were said to have been doing “brodies” in their boat in the no-wake zone near Coulee Playland. The people had already left prior to police arrival to the scene.

- A fight broke out at the bar in Electric City after a man shook hands with someone and was told his handshake was weak. At one point he knocked over a DJ’s table of equipment. The DJ felt that the equipment was not damaged. A woman who tried to stop the fight and escort the man out of the tavern said he punched her arm at one point. He was cited for assault for doing so.

7/16 - A resident thought it was odd that a man was sleeping in a car parked on Goodfellow Avenue. The man had gone into a residence shortly after police were contacted and before police arrived to check out the situation.

- Police responded to a situation in which a child had pushed a 1-year-old child to the ground on Stevens Avenue in Electric City. Police spoke to a mother who is dealing with the child who has a history of issues.

- Police arrived at a Goodfellow Avenue residence where a man had retrieved a welder that had been stolen from him. A man at the residence explained that a woman had dropped off the welder earlier in the day. 


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