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Coulee Cops

Grand Coulee


6/3 - Police received a report of a man taking $400 and a debit card off a woman’s bed before leaving an apartment. However, police were unable to contact the woman or the man.

- A woman reported being harassed while at the ATM machine at The Star building on Midway Avenue. She reported a woman pulled up behind her vehicle, yelled at her, and she thought she was going to be hit. Police escorted her home as she feared for her safety and police told her how to get an anti-harassment order. Police then spoke to the woman driving the other vehicle who said the woman in front of her kept “brake checking” her while she was driving with her children. She said she’d had a confrontation with the woman a few days earlier when the woman yelled at her for parking in a disabled parking space even though she has a disability and the required permit. She said the other woman is harassing her. 

6/4 - Police saw a pickup truck with expired tabs driving on Alcan Road. Police began to pull over the vehicle which continued to drive and turned onto a gravel road before stopping. The driver asked police to give him a break, but they cited him for the expired tabs anyway, as well as for driving without insurance and without a license.

- Grand Coulee Police and Coulee Dam Police assisted deputies from the Grant County Sheriff’s Office investigating an incident on Nucoulee Boulevard. A man showed police injury on his leg and a swollen bump on his elbow that he explained resulted from a man hitting him with a baseball bat following an argument. The man with the bat had accused the injured man of having stolen his backpack, which he denied. The man with the bat left the area. A county deputy took over the investigation and police were unable to find the man with the bat. 

- At about 2:45 a.m., police were told by dam security that a car struck “Post 1” of the Grand Coulee Dam, and had struck the “pumping house.” Police saw a fallen street light across the roadway obstructing traffic in both directions, and a partially downed chain link fence. The driver and passenger were uninjured. Police determined the vehicle had been traveling south on SR-155 and seemingly lost control on a turn, hitting the streetlight, traveling through the fence, and eventually hitting a concrete sidewalk before coming to a stop. Police requested that the PUD, Washington State Department of Transportation, and Washington State Patrol assist with the light pole and accident. Bureau of Reclamation firefighters told police it was bureau property and a crew would be sent to remove the light from the road. The driver of the car agreed to a breathalyzer test after she and the passenger admitted to having some drinks at the casino earlier. She blew a test result of 0.211, above the 0.08 limit. She was cited for driving under the influence and released.

6/5 - A woman faces a vehicle theft charge after renting a U-Haul from Coulee Hardware and not returning it, with the rental fees now exceeding $3,000. The store was able to show police a copy of her driver’s license which was required to rent the U-Haul.

- A tan woman with leggings was banned from the Trail West Motel and Center Lodge Motel after lingering in the area after being asked to leave. The woman was thought to have entered one of the rooms at one point and was suspected by employees of being a prostitute. She appeared to police to be high on a stimulant such as meth. She gave police a false name, for which she was warned, and eventually taken to a house where she was staying in Electric City.

6/6 - Police told Les Schwab about a semi-truck with a flat front tire on SR-174 near milepost 24 that was partially in the roadway, creating a traffic hazard. Les Schwab employees went and repaired the vehicle.

- A man wanted to file a harassment claim after saying a Coulee Dam officer was harassing him by following him in his vehicle and had come “flying up” to him with his bright lights on multiple times in the area of the rodeo grounds. He said he confronted the officer at a gas station on Midway Avenue and the officer told him that if he didn’t like what he was doing, he should contact his police chief. Grand Coulee Police suggested the man call Coulee Dam’s chief to voice the complaint. The man still wanted to file a harassment complaint with Grand Coulee.

6/7 - A bay door on the alley side of Loepp’s Furniture had been left open. The owner said nothing had been taken.

6/8 - A city worker reported a battery stolen from a vehicle at the city shop on Dill Avenue, valued at approximately $250.

6/9 - Police spoke separately to a husband and wife who had been in an argument on Ronald Drive. The woman reported that the man had broken her cell phone during the argument and had shoved her, although there was no bruising. The man said the woman broke the cell phone herself. A prosecutor will review the details of the case and the man may face the charge of malicious mischief, interfering with reporting of a crime, and domestic violence.

- Police went to SR-174 milepost 17 where a Chevy Tahoe appeared to have been traveling east, hit a large rock, rolled over at least twice and ended up about 50-75 yards from where it left the road. Police were told that the driver and any passengers went to the hospital. Douglas County Fire was at the collision when police left. The State Patrol was told about the accident. 

Coulee Dam


6/4 - A boy in Electric City allegedly pushed his mother down and has a history of similar behavior. He argued with his mother when she told him he needed to schedule some kind of appointment. The boy suffers from some kind of mental issues and is no longer taking medication for them.

6/6 - Police responded to a report of someone heard screaming in the area of Grand Avenue. Police couldn’t hear any screaming and left the area for a higher priority call.

- A man was arguing with his brother over “drunk stuff” at a Jackson Avenue residence in Electric City. He said that they wrestled a bit but no punches were thrown. The men agreed to separate for the night, and one was given a ride to a residence in Grand Coulee.

6/7 - A wallet found near the Columbia River Inn was collected by police. The rightful owner called police and got his wallet back.

- Police spoke to a man on Goodfellow Avenue, whom police knew owned an orange muscle car, after receiving a report of one driving erratically around Electric City. The man was on his porch drinking a beer. He said he needed new tires. He also argued with a city employee who witnessed the erratic driving and came to the scene to speak with the officer. The man had been upset the worker hadn’t used a blinker earlier. Police told the man if he’s seen driving again that day he’ll be arrested for driving under the influence.

- A 5-year-old child was reportedly walking in the Coulee Playland area with a sippy cup. Police searched the area and spoke to several people who hadn’t seen anything of the sort. A woman who had been acting strange had told someone at the post office about it before leaving, and that person had reported it to police.

6/9 - Police spoke with a man and his ex-wife who had been in an argument on Cedar Street. Nothing physical occurred during the argument except for the woman throwing some food and a chair, which did not break. The woman is in the process of finding a new job before moving out of the residence.

6/10 - A Coulee Dam officer waited at a pulloff spot above the dam for a Grand Coulee Officer to arrive. A woman’s purse and wallet were on the ground at the location, which is in Grand Coulee’s jurisdiction.

- Two houses were reported throwing parties on Cedar Street. Police heard no music, only talking, but told the residents about the noise complaint and told them to keep the noise down. 


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