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Ways to cut your electric bill during the summer

Beating the summer heat can add costs to your electric bill, but Grant PUD has some tips to save energy in the summer.

On their website at, the local utility district offers some tips to save energy and keep your electric bill low.

“Today, the most affordable form of new energy is conservation — using what we already generate as efficiently as possible,” their website reads. 

Summer saving tips include:

If you have air conditioning, set your thermostat as high as comfortably possible. A recommended 78 degrees if you are home and warmer if you are away.

Reduce your electric water heater to 120 degrees.

Use ceiling and other portable room fans to increase your cooling efficiency without having to lower your thermostat. Be sure to turn any fans off when you leave the area as they are made to cool people and not rooms.

Have your A/C or heat pump serviced regularly to maintain its best efficiency and capacity.

Clear weeds or other items around outdoor units.

Clean or replace your cooling unit filters regularly to maximize their efficiency.

Block sunlight entering your home using curtains or window shades.

Open your windows at night to let in cooler air. Be sure to close any open windows by mid-morning to hold the cool air in. 

Plan meals that can be made on a grill, in the microwave or prepared in advance to avoid using the oven or stove during the hottest part of the day.

Wash laundry and dishes with full loads. Wash laundry loads on cold cycle.

When possible, air dry clothes outdoors and cancel the drying cycle on your dishwasher to let items air dry.

Sealing air leaks around windows and doors can save energy and money. Check for drafts around windows, doors and seals. Replace worn weather seals and/or caulk gaps where you feel drafts.

If you suspect air ducts are leaking, contact an HVAC contractor for duct-sealing options. 


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