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Coulee Cops

Grand Coulee


9/12 - A Cardinal Road man was punched after he told another man walking down the street not to kick a dog, which angered that man, leading to a fight that was about even, according to the first man.

9/15 - Police went to a Section Place residence where yelling was reported, possibly a woman asking someone to call the police, according to the party who did call. Police arrived to find two men playing video games. The men said the noise came from them “talking trash” while playing the games. Police were allowed to look around the residence and found no women. Everything appeared OK. 

9/17 - A man complained about a neighbor’s dog digging near his fence, exposing a fence post’s concrete base and undercutting a large concrete slab. The dog owner was unaware of the situation and said she would address it. 

- A wallet found at the library was returned to the Weil Place woman to whom it belonged. 

- A woman with no business at Jess Ford was asked to leave, which she did. 

- A suspicious sedan driving by the Hill Street apartments multiple times turned out to be a mother looking for her daughter.

9/19 - Police responded to Weil Place for an ongoing issue in which a woman reports her ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend are in her home, although there hasn’t been any evidence of such.

- A driver was arrested and taken to jail for driving under the influence of alcohol after being pulled over for speeding south of Electric City on SR-155. He took multiple breathalyzer tests, which showed around a 0.3 blood alcohol content, which would be 375% of the legal limit.

- Police were unable to locate a cow reported in the roadway on the “Grand Coulee Hill” heading toward Almira.

- Investigating a report of a fight at the Sky Deck Motel, an officer spoke to a man reported to be driving away drunk with children in the car. The officer found the man unimpaired, calm, and the children in good health. The man explained that his wife’s son was drunk and threw punches and pushes, but that he didn’t want to press charges, and was leaving to Coulee Playland where he was staying.

9/20 - An officer investigated a report of animal cruelty with a dog locked in a hot car at Jack’s Spring Canyon gas station. The officer noted the temperature was only 73 degrees, the van had its windows down, and the dog was lying comfortably on a cushion with food and water. The officer noted he was jealous of the dog’s level of comfort and found the report unfounded.

9/21 - An Electric Boulevard man showed police security footage of a man wearing a mask, activating a motion sensor light, then quickly leaving.

Coulee Dam


9/18 - Police were given a counterfeit $20 bill that the credit union found. The bill was not associated with any particular bank user. The bill will be given to the Secret Service in Spokane.


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