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Coulee Cops

Grand Coulee


7/22 - A man on Federal Avenue requested police assistance debugging his truck, which he said his parents bugged. Police told the man they don’t do such tasks and suggested he find a private business to do so.

- Police were told a man was driving a power scooter drunk and throwing beers at people. Police were unable to locate him.

7/24 - A syringe was found near the pumps at a gas station on Grand Coulee Avenue. Police collected it to be destroyed.

7/25 - The panic alarm at the credit union’s ATM machine on Midway Avenue was set off by the company that restocks the machine.

7/26 - Police responded to a report of a vehicle in the ditch near Kent Street in Electric City. The driver said he went to turn around and missed the entrance to a storage business, ending up in the ditch. The driver was able to remove the car from the ditch.

7/27 - A man at the hospital said he was hit by a car but police didn’t do anything. The man insisted that an officer was there, despite the officer explaining that he’d been in Ephrata at the time of the incident described. The man later left the hospital with an IV in his arm. The hospital didn’t wish to press charges.

- A woman with purple hair was said to be panhandling and bugging the customers at Jack’s Spring Canyon gas station. When the officer went outside the gas station, he saw the woman holding a gas can and asking if the officer could give her a few dollars. The woman said she had a car but was vague on its whereabouts. The woman was banned from the gas station.

7/28 - A woman who had been seen and cleared by hospital staff refused to leave the hospital, saying she didn’t believe she had received the treatment and medications she needed. She was told she could file a complaint or go to another hospital if she liked. An officer gave her a ride home.

- A Coulee Gas clerk pointed out a man on Midway Avenue and Spokane Way whom he wanted banned from the store because the man was harassing customers. An officer spoke to the man who turned out to be wanted on a warrant. He was arrested and taken to Grant County Jail and also told he was banned from the gas station.

- A bartender at The Eagles said a man was sleeping in his vehicle in the parking lot without permission and she wanted him to leave. The officer spoke to the man and determined he was highly intoxicated, and also didn’t have a valid license. The officer didn’t ask the man to leave because of his state, and because there was no one else in the area to give him a ride.

7/29 - A man reported his truck was broken into in the Continental Heights area. The back window of the truck had been pried open, the ignition was damaged, and multiple items, including tools, a flashlight, change, and a camera were gone.

Coulee Dam


7/22- A woman asked police to check on her 93-year-old aunt, whom she hadn’t been able to reach for months. An officer looked at her house but didn’t see anyone. A neighbor said they thought the aunt was living at Vista Manor in Wilbur. An officer called and confirmed this, and spoke to the aunt, who said she forgot to tell her niece because they don’t talk that often, and that the officer could give the niece the number to Vista Manor to reach her.

7/27 - Workers on Birch Street reported being harassed and threatened while working on an electrical pole, stating that a woman and her husband drove by regularly, stopped, then drove off, and that also they were accused of stealing equipment. One incident reported was that the woman came by with three men who threatened to “get some street justice” while the woman shouted out the room numbers of the workers. An officer called tribal police for assistance in speaking with the woman, who said she was working on a house the next street over, heard the workers saying expletives about her, and that she had photos of them stealing equipment. The officer responded that there are conflicting accounts of what is going on, but that there is an issue, and it’s best if all parties avoid each other. The woman left the area, and the workers were said to be finishing up their work for the day and starting their weekend.


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