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Senior Profile: Terry "The King" Yazzie

Jess, shut up!

I recently sat down with Senior Terry Yazzie and we talked about a variety of topics. The outcome of our talk was this: This is a young man I wish I could have gotten to know better. He has a great sense of humor, but is so grounded and sees the value in what others around him are trying to do and say to him. So here is a small snapshot of our conversation.

“Hard, but fine.” That is how Terry described his senior year to this point. He added, “The work is hard; it’s not a lot of work, it’s just hard for me.” Terry went on to say he is really struggling with Senior English; he has always had issues with English, but this year it has been a bigger challenge. “It is a pain, but I’m gonna get it,” he added with a smile.

A lot of the seniors I chat with seem to have overcome something in their lives. It is no different with Terry. “We moved around a lot when I was younger, and it seemed just when I was getting to know someone, then we would move. It was hard making good friends.” It is hard to believe that Terry had a hard time with this; when you see him now, he is always surrounded by a group of smiling, laughing kids from all ages. Terry is one of those students who seems to be friendly with everyone.

Terry does not know for sure what lies ahead for him. When I asked him about his future, he said, “I’m not sure yet; I’m just rolling with the punches.” But Terry does have some plans. He is very interested in Computer Sciences and is leaning toward a community college to get started. He has been interested in this field for a long time and just wants to make sure wherever he goes is the right fit for him.

When I asked him who has influenced him the most, he thought long and hard and then came out with some coaches here at Lake Roosevelt. “I feel like Bubba Egbert has taught me a lot. He does not accept excuses. If you have an excuse, then that is the same as a lie in Coach Egbert’s book,” Terry said with a serious tone. “He makes me really look at what I’m doing.” Terry also listed Coach Steve Archer. “He has taught me respect. For a racket, for others and for myself.” He quickly added this: “He has helped me to not curse. I was really bad before tennis.” This is Terry’s third year with tennis, and he loves it. Terry also mentioned his Grandma Chuck as an influence. “She has taught me right from wrong and to do things the right way. She also always says to me, ‘There are consequences for every action you make.’” Those are lessons from three great people we could all learn from.

Mr. Yazzie also had great advice for future seniors. “Know what you want to do; that is huge and will help you make some serious decisions.” He thought a little longer. “Make the most out of school; don’t take it for granted.” Great words of advice coming from a young man who has had others pour great advice into him.

It is students like Terry Yazzie that make me proud to be working in the school system. He is a bright spot in a lot of people’s lives and it will great to see where he ends up and all the new friends he will make wherever he goes. Terry truly is royalty here at Lake Roosevelt and we will miss him.


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