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Forthright, dedicated mayor will be missed

Letter to the Editor

It is with mixed emotions I am writing this after reading the article regarding Jerry Sands resigning as mayor of Electric City.

I am a personal friend of Jerry and Connie, so I am aware of how they want to be able to travel, spend time with their beautiful family and grandchildren. It has cost them much valuable family time with his being active as the mayor. Unfortunately, when a person has a position as such they do not see the sacrifices. Jerry has been a forthright mayor and has always wanted the best for the city; he was never a one-man band blowing his own horn.

I so remember when the accessory buildings issue was started how Jerry had very mixed emotions over it. He wasn’t for or against it but wanted the resolution to be fair and beneficial for everyone. When he found out that he was not to be involved with the decision making process, he stepped away and allowed the planning commission to handle the process. As others in the community thought he was behind it, this is not correct. He purposely stayed out of the way.

At the last planning commission meeting I attended, I was amazed over the negativity of attendees regarding the mayor. Many comments were (that) we needed to get rid of him. I was saddened over this as Jerry ran unopposed in the last election. No one wanted the job or considered the job. From the meeting, it was apparent that any mayor, council or public servant that disagreed with the masses was a no good SOB.

Living in close proximity to city hall, I rarely see the parking lot full, mainly on city council nights or other meetings, but it is usually the same vehicles there. It is unfortunate we are losing a dedicated mayor, but I for one must say, Electric City, you did it to yourself. No one was trying to win a popularity contest; they just wanted the best for everyone. Nothing to gain at $300 a month except a headache, loss of family time, day-to-day involvement and enjoying life in general.

So, Jerry and Connie Sands, may your Captain Electric hat and your Ms. C Sunhat shine on Banks Lake this summer and your family become your number-one enjoyment. Margarita Daze is a coming. Thank you, Jerry, for all your dedication and hard work.

Steve and Gerry Salstrom, Luci Mae, too


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