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Summit will explore possible facility uses

A summit on what to do with the old middle school buidling in Grand Coulee will be held at the site on March 12, from 11- 2 pm.

The event is organized by a committee of the Grand Coulee Dam Area Chamber of Commerce, which is inviting various agencies to attend and share their ideas of how the 90,000-square-foot school might be used to better the local area.

The “Community Revitalization Summit” will seek to address all of the issues concerning the facility.

Those attending will get a tour of the building, and a working lunch is planned while those attending have an opportunity to network with others in regard to uses of the building.

The building was vacated last September when students throughout the district moved into the district’s new school complex in Coulee Dam.

Part of the building is currently being used for a Knowledge Center in cooperation with Big Bend Community College.

The plan is for programs to be developed so students and local residents can take advantage of a variety of subjects. Barbara Collins, who heads the program for BBCC said the initial activity would be a beginners’ computer class. When computers are installed, Ed Lyles, an AmeriCorp representative, will work with the class. He works in several other Knowledge Centers set up by BBCC in communities such as Wilson Creek, Warden, Royal, Mattawa, Odessa and Quincy.

The district will eventually provide a volunteer coordinator who will work with BBCC in developing programs.

The Knowledge Center will be staffed with volunteers.

The school district continues to provide janitorial services for the building.


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