Jess Shut Up
Anyone who knows anything at all about our history in the Coulee area knows that volunteerism is what made the heart start beating and thriving in this area. Sure, the great Grand Coulee Dam brought thousands into the area but if not for the local volunteer the towns would never have grown. Business men and farmers and workers on their days off put in time building schools, moving businesses, graveling roads and helping others homestead. It was a time where if you saw someone or somebody that needed help, you jumped right in. That sense of ownership in a community still thrives in some of us today.
Although the times have changed and most big projects require code enforcement and large sums of money to complete, there are still opportunities to volunteer everywhere in our little area. The first thing that comes to mind for me is always the local volunteer fire departments. For years, these men and women have been the backbone for our towns. Not only do they come when we are in dire need of help, but they provide their buildings for our parties, they provide manpower for some projects, they are actively involved in our celebrations and promote safety to our kids. That is not all, either. They also provide an ambulance service manned with volunteer men and women to take the required training to maintain their certification. Heros every last one of them, especially on the day we need them the most. These people who volunteer in the FD are just like you. A person willing and wanting to help his neighbor. As a matter of fact, there is an EMT class coming up. So ask your local fire department member if you are interested.
There are other less heroic ways to volunteer that are no less critical to the area. Like the city councils, the chamber of commerce, the Rotary and Lions clubs. All made up of locals who would like to see a change for the better in our area. The city councils made up of people who wanted to make their town a better place. The chamber of commerce made up of local business leaders who want to see the area thrive in prosperity and growth. The Rotary and Lions clubs providing services daily to all those that need it. All providing a helping hand when needed and doing the best possible thing for their neighbor.
The ways to volunteer are really endless in our area. The food bank is always looking for more help in packing and delivering meals to those in need. The library is usually looking for book readers during the summer reading program. Since I mentioned reading, the elementary school teachers sometimes encourage volunteer readers to come in and work with those struggling.
Putting up the towns’ Christmas lights, the Isle of Flags, Colorama, Kids Fest, cleanup day around the lake, these are all projects that rely almost 100 percent on volunteers. There are many many more opportunities daily to give time. These are just the big ones, but there are the little ways, also. Spending time with an elderly patient at the nursing home, playing cards with someone at the senior center, helping someone move, mowing a yard, shoveling a walk, raking leaves, getting a box out of the basement. Big and small, being a volunteer is rewarding and your fellow man is rewarded too.
So thank you to all you volunteers no matter where you serve. I encourage you to get out there and find a place to give your time in Coulee Country. Not to just get your picture on the front page but to make this world a better place.
None of the winners of Volunteer of the Year have ever won this award by themselves. It takes a team of ever-changing pieces to succeed in being a volunteer. For every face that graces the front page there are thousands still at work helping someone from the mere kindness in their hearts. So keep on volunteering and if you’re not volunteering yet, well, get out there and make a difference.
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